<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by finity5:
[Edit]Wait, now that I think about it that is exact same reason many other (uninformed) liberals are voting for Kerry.
[Edit]Wait, now that I think about it that is exact same reason many other (uninformed) liberals are voting for Kerry.
Is disagreeing with a candidate strongly not a reason to vote for someone else? I'm not against gay people, and I do not appreciate the Republican party creating a union that is only for straight couples without having an alternative for homosexuals where they can at least be recognized by the state and receive the same benefits.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cogman:
I love it when libs post about voting for Kerry, "Well, I dont really like Kerry, but I want bush out of office." Anyways, Hey libs out there, Guess whats being found in Iraq, WMD! Isnt that amazing? after mounths and mounths of "Theres no WMD, this war is pointless" We are finding Dirty Uranium bomb and such, and shipping them to the US. Meaning all those mounths of complaining where about something that we did find .
I love it when libs post about voting for Kerry, "Well, I dont really like Kerry, but I want bush out of office." Anyways, Hey libs out there, Guess whats being found in Iraq, WMD! Isnt that amazing? after mounths and mounths of "Theres no WMD, this war is pointless" We are finding Dirty Uranium bomb and such, and shipping them to the US. Meaning all those mounths of complaining where about something that we did find .
If the WMDs that were the basis for the Iraq are being found, then why did Tony Blair, the strongest of our allies, say 5 days ago that "Iraq's weapons of mass destruction may never be found"? The Bush administration has been focusing on Saddam and his crimes lately, something they did not focus on in their speeches to the United Nations. Creating the WMD myth on what we now know has been largely faulty intelligence (Iraq did not purchase Uranium from Niger, among other things) is the biggest reason that there is so much resentment againt the United States nowadays.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by finity5:
No, people that vote blindly are fools.
No, people that vote blindly are fools.
No comment.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cogman:
Has France or Germany ever been Pro-USA? I mean, before the War in Iraq happened there was 9/11, And a class-mate of mine that was over at france said they where making Fun of that tragity, Yah, a good strong ally there.
Has France or Germany ever been Pro-USA? I mean, before the War in Iraq happened there was 9/11, And a class-mate of mine that was over at france said they where making Fun of that tragity, Yah, a good strong ally there.
This is ridiculous. All Europeans I know (especially Germans) were saddened deeply by the events on September 11th. Not every anti-Bush individual is automatically anti-American.
[This message has been edited by KnobZ (edited July 11, 2004).]