That Franklin quote is the most over and misused by liberals trying to make conservatives out to be hypocrites. It is most aptly used when attacking most liberal agendas.
The only people being harmed by the Patriot Act are criminals. You liberals (if the shoe fits...) have no grounds to talk about unconstitutionality unless you are going to admit that gun control is unconstitutional, campaign finance reform is unconstitutional, and separation of church and state, freedom of choice, and freedom of privacy are all not in the constitution.
The other thing that is so hillarious is all this Bush criticism. Often we hear N. Korea has WMDs, why didn't we go there? You mean you would support going to war with N. Korea? Doubtful. You complain that Bush didn't do enough to stop 9/11 yet would you have condoned pre-emptive strikes in Afghanistan? Racially profiling arabs in flight school or airport security? You people don't even support these things in the post-9/11 world.
So why don't some of you for once answer this question: Besides pander to the UN, which idly stands by ethnic genocide in Africa, what would you do to make our country and the world more secure?
Have you forgotten ...
The only people being harmed by the Patriot Act are criminals. You liberals (if the shoe fits...) have no grounds to talk about unconstitutionality unless you are going to admit that gun control is unconstitutional, campaign finance reform is unconstitutional, and separation of church and state, freedom of choice, and freedom of privacy are all not in the constitution.
The other thing that is so hillarious is all this Bush criticism. Often we hear N. Korea has WMDs, why didn't we go there? You mean you would support going to war with N. Korea? Doubtful. You complain that Bush didn't do enough to stop 9/11 yet would you have condoned pre-emptive strikes in Afghanistan? Racially profiling arabs in flight school or airport security? You people don't even support these things in the post-9/11 world.
So why don't some of you for once answer this question: Besides pander to the UN, which idly stands by ethnic genocide in Africa, what would you do to make our country and the world more secure?
Have you forgotten ...
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16