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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The meat industry
The meat industry
2007-04-12, 8:54 PM #41
Originally posted by kyle90:
Fish is great, plus you get 500% of your recommended daily intake of mercury and cadmium!
Why would fish accumulate so much mercury? I mean, I've heard of fish/mercury scares, but they've always been isolated to certain lakes and streams.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-04-12, 10:15 PM #42
BTW- first person who mentions the myth of combining/partial proteins gets shanked.

[edit- And on second thought, so do all supplemental people.]
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2007-04-12, 10:26 PM #43
Originally posted by Rob:
Thats called BIAS..

rofl! man as much as i dont get along with you sometimes, that was perfectly placed! kudos.

anyhow... like ive always said if someone wants to start a business where cows and whatnot are treated reasonably and the meat is still affordable, i will stop buying meat from other places. till then... well quite frankly i just dont give a damn.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-04-12, 10:35 PM #44
They're cows. Cows have been bred to be big dumb animals for us to eat.
Pissed Off?
2007-04-12, 11:38 PM #45
I'm a lot less worried about animal cruelty than I am about the human health risk.

Factory farmers are easily the most greedy people on the planet and they have the FDA in their pocket. They pump animals full of hormones to get them to grow faster and they administrate wide batteries of antibiotic treatments to their animals in order to keep them from dying in these conditions.

Recently the FDA approved a powerful antibiotic for use by dairy farmers. This is a drug that was being intentionally withheld - even from doctors - in the event that it was needed to stamp out a virulent antibiotic-resistant disease from spreading. Now it's useless, just like so many other potential treatments.

Honestly I don't care about animals that are raised for the slaughter, but these farmers are putting their own greed ahead of the interests of the entire human race. They should have their throats cut too, IMO.

It's going to be a very long time before we see the full consequences of what these farmers are doing. I haven't (and never will) cut meat out of my diet, but I sure as hell eat a lot less of it than I did before I knew how these retards are murdering us all.
2007-04-13, 12:01 AM #46
PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals... Right?

PETA launches some of the most retarded protests.
For example, I remember one protest where they stood outside KFC with buckets of chicken blood saying that KFC was torturing chickens..
And I'm sitting there wondering.. Where did this chicken blood come from?

Seriously, I'm not going to stop eating meat just because PETA is crying that Animals are being treated unfairly. They're animals. Not only that, Farm animals! Meant for consumption!

Maybe I think this way because I grew up on a farm in the South where we had animals slaughtered regularly. Or maybe it's because the first time I killed a deer my dad made me clean it... :rolleyes:
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-04-13, 12:01 AM #47
Meat tastes good... and lung cancer will get me before anything related to meat.... so I don't give a damn.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-13, 12:47 AM #48
Originally posted by Avenger:
They're cows. Cows have been bred to be big dumb animals for us to eat.

Agreed. Vegetables with legs, as far as I'm concerned.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-04-13, 10:27 AM #49
This thread really makes me sad.

PS: That link doesn't work.
2007-04-13, 10:59 AM #50
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
i've even been known to hunt

No offense, but you own a collection of guns. That's expected. :P
2007-04-13, 11:24 AM #51
I can't imagine that meat raised in the very worst of conditions is very good or good for you.

Oh, and MCDonalds is just nasty.
2007-04-13, 1:42 PM #52
Originally posted by Baconfish:
No offense, but you own a collection of guns. That's expected. :P

the majority of my collection is illegal to hunt with in the state of indiana
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-04-13, 5:14 PM #53
In the state of Louisiana it is technically legal to hunt with almost anything but an automatic weapon.

I can't imagine that meat raised in the very worst of conditions is very good or good for you.

Unless the animal has contracted a plaguelike disease or is crawling with parasites, I think the worst you'd have to worry about is too much fat...

Originally posted by Avenger:
They're cows. Cows have been bred to be big dumb animals for anythink to eat.

Fixed. Cows are much like wildebeast, who can barely manage to get across a river without becoming something's meal. In fact, the only difference that I can tell is that wildebeast travel thousands of miles a year while cows might travel a mile in a day, depending on pasteur size. Thus explaining why two creatures who appear to serve the same purpose are so different.

Evolution is tasty...
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-04-13, 5:20 PM #54
Cows actually aren't too easy to kill.

Humans are a ridiculously extraordinary animal. We have been surviving on megafauna for hundreds of thousands of years. We were, after all, the only natural predator of the wooly mammoth. Cows, buffalo, wildebeests and other similar animals are a piece of cake for us but they're quite a challenge for most other predators.

The main difference is that modern cattle have been selectively bred for docility, but humans can still farm wild animals with roughly the same level of success. We're :cool: that way.
2007-04-13, 5:38 PM #55
Originally posted by Commander 598:
In the state of Louisiana it is technically legal to hunt with almost anything but an automatic weapon.

2007-04-13, 7:44 PM #56
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Ate 5 bratwurst today, my first day of having meat, and oh my christ did that feel awesome.

Atta boy - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2007-04-13, 8:10 PM #57
i have a friend at uni who managed to eat 14 different types of meat in one single day.

Ranging from normal stuff like chicken, through to stuff like crocodile, squid and a few other random things that I can't remember.

As for the video, totally biased account of the meat industry in a bad light, still if I had a choice I would prefer that all my meat came from "free range" animals but in reality, thats just not possible.

People just have to accept that we don't have room on our own planet at the moment to allow animals to freely roam around, nor do we have the room to plant enough crops if everyone became a vegi.

Someday in the future its very likely that "meat" will be grown in factories, they can already do it in labs and it isn't all that far off being put into mass production.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2007-04-13, 8:16 PM #58
i have a friend at uni who managed to eat 14 different types of meat in one single day.

Ranging from normal stuff like chicken, through to stuff like crocodile, squid and a few other random things that I can't remember.

I could manage that. As "weird" as i've gotten so far is alligator and rattlesnake, also depends on how you rate bullfrogs...
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-04-13, 8:25 PM #59
Originally posted by James Bond:
i have a friend at uni who managed to eat 14 different types of meat in one single day.

Ranging from normal stuff like chicken, through to stuff like crocodile, squid and a few other random things that I can't remember.

As for the video, totally biased account of the meat industry in a bad light, still if I had a choice I would prefer that all my meat came from "free range" animals but in reality, thats just not possible.

People just have to accept that we don't have room on our own planet at the moment to allow animals to freely roam around, nor do we have the room to plant enough crops if everyone became a vegi.

Someday in the future its very likely that "meat" will be grown in factories, they can already do it in labs and it isn't all that far off being put into mass production.

Large amounts of land are used to provide the food for the cattle. Eating lower on the food chain makes more sense, because you don't need to waste time and energy raising the animal that only provides a few meals.

2007-04-13, 8:27 PM #60
Originally posted by James Bond:
People just have to accept that we don't have room on our own planet at the moment to allow animals to freely roam around, nor do we have the room to plant enough crops if everyone became a vegi.

animals have to eat too.

in terms of biomass it'd be way more efficient if we ate less meat than we do.
2007-04-13, 8:35 PM #61
Was it not obvious to anyone else that they were filming all of the ******* farmers?

Anyway, this video is propaganda, and it's sad that their message is for me to immediatly stop eating meat.

How about eating meat that is given free range?
How about getting the government to raise government regulations?
How about offering an unbiased middle of the road video that lets me decide?

No. Instead I'm shown all of the poor defensless animals that have 2 brain cells. You have to keep turkeys locked up because they'll drown themselves looking up at rain.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-04-13, 8:38 PM #62
If we weren't meant to eat them, they wouldn't taste that good. The video made my mouth water. The whole time, I was thinking 'I would like to devour that!'

The main difference is that modern cattle have been selectively bred for docility
The aurochs (Which has been extinct since the 16th century or so. I'm not going to look it up) was quite capable of mauling humans and other predators to death. The bulls would protect the cows and calfs the same way wildebeest do, by standing in a circle around them with their horns down. This is, of course, why bulls charge.
In case you're really dense, the auroch is the beast we domesticated to produce cattle. Similiar to the way dogs were domesticated out of wolves, and how the common house cat has replaced the species of small cat it was bred from in most parts of the world.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-04-13, 9:42 PM #63
Originally posted by Isuwen:
In case you're really dense, the auroch is the beast we domesticated to produce cattle.

The only person here who is dense is the retard who reposted what I wrote in an even more rambling and circuitous manner.
2007-04-13, 9:43 PM #64
I like tofu.
2007-04-13, 9:55 PM #65
Originally posted by Big T:
I like tofu.

tofu sucks :mad:
2007-04-13, 11:19 PM #66
Originally posted by Bobbert:
Is that Alec Baldwin?

Thats what I was thinking.

It sucks to be a chicken, cow, or pig. Glad I'm a human.
2007-04-14, 1:53 AM #67
You know, actually, if anyone wants a steak pm me your address and I'll send it.

**** this ****, I'm gettin ribeyes. :awesome:
2007-04-14, 2:30 PM #68
Meat is murder!

Tasty, tasty murder.
2007-04-14, 2:52 PM #69 (Language)

2007-04-14, 3:08 PM #70
Meat that's raised properly, and allowed to graze tastes a hell of a lot better. Most commercial meat is extremely bland because the animals get no exercise, are fed only commercial animal feed, and are pumped full of hormones/antibiotics/misc. chemicals.

Which is why the new popular thing at fancy steakhouses is grass-fed beef. You can tell the difference.
2007-04-14, 8:52 PM #71
Originally posted by Jon`C:
tofu sucks :mad:

Depends how it's prepared. I make an awesome General Tao tofu. Fried up with some oyster sauce, squid rings, shrimp, scallops and veggies is pretty tasty too.

I also usually use ground tofu instead of hamburger in my spaghetti sauce.

The thing with tofu is that it is pretty flavourless by itself. It has to be properly prepared for it to be any good.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not vegan at all. I love meat. However, since cutting red meat out of my diet for the most part, I've lost a lot of weight (30 lbs over the last year). I still eat plenty of chicken, and pork on rare occasions.
2007-04-15, 4:31 PM #72
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
PETA launches some of the most retarded protests.
For example, I remember one protest where they stood outside KFC with buckets of chicken blood saying that KFC was torturing chickens..
And I'm sitting there wondering.. Where did this chicken blood come from?

It's obviously fake blood that represented chicken blood. Blood in movies isn't real either. They didn't actually kill anyone, it just makes it look like they did. Hope that helps! :P
2007-04-15, 5:25 PM #73
I can't describe how sickened I am by so many of you. Fine, I accept that eating meat that is harvested in such a manner is unavoidable in today's society, but I can't accept you just saying "lol too bad for them meat = tasty". Don't you feel anything for these poor ****ing animals being strung upside down with their throats slit? Can you not even imagine how that feels?

And yes, I'm well aware that, hey! Things die and get eaten in the wild too!

You cannot say that this is no worse than how it goes down in the wild. That's just plain ****ing stupid.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2007-04-15, 5:35 PM #74
Can't you imagine what it's like to not care?
2007-04-15, 5:39 PM #75
Originally posted by Acharjay:
I can't describe how sickened I am by so many of you. Fine, I accept that eating meat that is harvested in such a manner is unavoidable in today's society, but I can't accept you just saying "lol too bad for them meat = tasty". Don't you feel anything for these poor ****ing animals being strung upside down with their throats slit? Can you not even imagine how that feels?

And yes, I'm well aware that, hey! Things die and get eaten in the wild too!

You cannot say that this is no worse than how it goes down in the wild. That's just plain ****ing stupid.

It is too bad for the animals, but I can't honestly say it disturbs me or bothers me. I like meat. I don't run a farm. These people get me the meat that I want.

And yeah, meat is tasty. I can honestly say I don't really give a hoot in hell how animals are treated in the meat industry. Unless you want the price of chicken to go up exponentially, deal with the animals being raised and slaughtered in an efficient manner.

I mean hell, lobsters are boiled alive in front of the patrons at many restaurants, and nobody cares about that. That's probably because they look like giant sea-scorpions and not fuzzy creatures. It honestly couldn't bother me less.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-15, 5:45 PM #76
The last thing I care about is people who eat fleshy carcasses. Actually, the last thing I care about is the zealous people on the "VEGETARIANS ARE A BAD HEALTH HABIT CUZ I AINT ONE AND ITS UNHEALTHY AND STUFF" debate. If you want to eat the meat of a slain cow that has been injected with tons of preservatives/hormones, grinded through metal machines that make it look like spaghetti and then wrapped in plastic, go ahead. Just not my idea of a meal.

Tofu's good.

Apples are good.

Clint Eastwood is good. And he's a vegetarian badass.

tofu's evil.

(EDIT: I also find it amusing that the meat industry is one of those industries where the workers don't buy their products. Many people in the industry "don't recommend eating meat" and are vegetarians their selves. Just a thought)
2007-04-15, 6:59 PM #77
Rob, do you even know how sadly predictable you are?

Don't answer that. It's rhetorical. And you're on ignore.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2007-04-15, 7:20 PM #78
Don't you feel anything for these poor ****ing animals being strung upside down with their throats slit? Can you not even imagine how that feels?
I'm trying to understand why you emphasize with animals more than you do with hungry people. Are you, perhaps, some sort of furry?
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-04-15, 7:31 PM #79
Originally posted by Isuwen:
I'm trying to understand why you emphasize with animals more than you do with hungry people. Are you, perhaps, some sort of furry?

I for one prefer the taste of furries to the taste of either animals or people.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-04-15, 8:35 PM #80
Originally posted by Acharjay:
I can't describe how sickened I am by so many of you. Fine, I accept that eating meat that is harvested in such a manner is unavoidable in today's society, but I can't accept you just saying "lol too bad for them meat = tasty".

We do that because we know it drives people like you nuts.

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