The thread seems to have changed directions, so I will respond to a few of the posts that have popped up, disregarding everything that was said before my previous post...
I disagree. I believe that people's minds do indeed change. I have changed my mind on a multitude of subjects during the course of my belonging to this forum (e.g. my religious point of view). That fact doesn't make me less intelligent than people whose minds haven't changed, it just means that I've focused my life on various other subjects and most likely wasn't exposed to many of the facts.
I'm assuming that you're referring to vegetarians in general, because you have no idea what my point of view is. However,
many vegetarians become so for dietary or taste reasons, not for a "bleeding heart point of view". I myself began eating less meat because it's healthier. Once I began to eat less and less meat and focus more on exercising and eating properly (this is different from person to person), I began to read about alternative diets, such as vegetarianism, and soon found that I agreed with many of the vegetarian philosophies. I realize that you're generalizing, but that's a mistake, because you seem to be basing your opinions on an extremely narrow spectrum (I'm basing this upon how misinformed you are regarding the subject).
You also get
fat, and
protein daily without having to go out of your way to obtain it on a vegetarian diet. I realize that the general public is misinformed about this subject, and that you're simply regurgitating things that you've heard, but vegetarianism is now healthier and easier than ever. All of the major grocery chains carry vegetarian alternatives for a wide variety of popular foods, and they're exploding with nutrition. A simple Google search will provide you with more vegetarian health information than you could ever read. Researching the subject will change your mind within minutes. Hell, just take a look at the new food pyramid.
Have you asked a nutritionist?
Here's what the American Dietetic Association has to say about the subject.
Vegetarians don't sit around eating salads all day long. As a matter of fact, there's very little nutritional value in a salad, compared to most vegetarian meals. I've been a vegetarian for 3 years or so and eat salad maybe once a month or so. I know many vegetarians that don't even like lettuce or many other green vegetables, yet they're easily able to eat healthy. Unfortunately, the general public seems to think that salad is the staple food of a vegetarian diet. I guess that's why it's the only ****ing thing that we can get at most restaurants.
Math is your friend.
Take a look at the threads with the word "vegetarians" within and be shocked at how almost all of them are slanted
against vegetarians. Read through each one and see how many posts were intended to be offensive towards vegetarians.
Maybe they're listening but disagreeing? Sometimes we think that we see the world more clearly than others and if they don't agree with us, we think they're unenlightened. I know how you feel because that's how I feel as I'm typing this to you. As with many subjects, there may be no right and wrong. Vegetarianism is a philosophy or a way of life for many.
Getting too much of something can be just as bad as getting too little of something. There's a balance there and you seem to be overlooking this fact.
That's not entirely true. If you take out the word "survive" and change it to the phrase "be healthy", I'll agree with you. However, the same can be said for people that eat meat and don't eat their vegetables (which is very common). Your point of view seems to be illogical to me. You keep stating things about one group while pretending that it isn't true of the exact opposite group.
Why are they necessary? Do you really believe that social and economic change impossible? Look at how drastically the agricultural industry has changed in the last hundred years. If it can change for the worst, why should we assume that it can't change for the better? Maybe I'm just an optimist. What is worse than torture and murder? Are we going to rape them as well? Send their souls to hell afterwards?
I'm personally not the type of vegetarian that goes around shoving my point of view in people's faces. However, when I see thread upon thread of vegetarian bashing for no reason whatsoever, I do get a bit irritated. I get harassed by meat eaters on a daily basis, without ever bringing up the subject of vegetarianism because they see vegetarianism as an evil liberal movement that threatens their way of life. They seem to think that by my not eating meat, I'm somehow making a statement (regardless of whether or not my lips move) about their morality. It's pure ignorance and while many vegetarians before us have given us a bad name, judging all vegetarians by their actions is shallow and illogical.