- I would consider my largest flaw to be how I subconciously attack problems, things that need to get done, things I want to do, etc. I think and think and think about it, waste time, and take side-jaunts. It takes me *forever* to get motivated to do something, and by the time I feel like doing it, I have to go to bed, work, or other crap, after which I have totally lost my will to tackle it. So, very seldom, like once every two months, I'll go into a frenzy for a couple hours and accomplish a whole bunch of crap.. easily tons more in two hours than I had accomplished for the past two months. This cycle goes on and on and on and I'm sick of it.
That's my biggest problem. My other main problem, which I wouldn't really consider a problem myself, is how detached I become socially, at events.. basically when it's anything other than a one-on-one with somebody, I detach, observe, sulk, and don't contribute. I say I don't really consider this a problem because I think there's certain benefits to this, plus I don't really mind this at this time in my life. It's mostly other people that remark at it and think it's arrogant or whatever... pfffft.
For example, we got these two new girls at work, (they're like 15, I'm 20). I generally just.. don't talk. I don't see why people have such a huge problem with this. A long time after they quit, I was told by my boss that the girls thought I hated them.. It was a little surprising. I mean, sure I'm always quiet at work but they took it to mean that I disliked them.. whatever. It's not like they made an attempt to talk to me. Being as supposedly outgoing as they claimed it shouldn't have been such a big problem.
Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009