I don't feel like properly quoting. So I'll do this instead. "If you're a depressed goth or something, get rid of that stuff" -Stop wearing black! NOOO!!! ehem...
"This allows you to network with a bigger and more diverse group of people." -But not the depressed goth people, I might add.
"Or you could just say [censored just a wee bit more] all that and be who you want to be. If other people can't appreciate you for who you are then they're not worth your time."- So I should have no friends and live in a hut in the woods? Or maybe a cave? Cause nobody except Jesus cares about me. Not even my parents.
"Don't buy into pagewizard's bull****."-
Whoah! I'm not buying, I'm just window shopping. Like you go into radio shack and ask about everything and then tell the salesperson thanks and walk out. I just want to know what he's talking about.
"More questions, less assumptions!"- He doesn't need to ask anything. I just wanted a general how, not a how to. like I ask someone what to do about my crap tv. they say "call the cable company". That's what I'm looking for. not "ok. walk over and pick up your phone. hit the numbers 5 5 5 6 6 5 7. wait for someone to pick up their phone..." or whatever.
"Father to your hands I commend my spirirt. Father to your hands-Why have you forsaken me?"
I don't feel like properly quoting. So I'll do this instead. "If you're a depressed goth or something, get rid of that stuff" -Stop wearing black! NOOO!!! ehem...
"This allows you to network with a bigger and more diverse group of people." -But not the depressed goth people, I might add.
"Or you could just say [censored just a wee bit more] all that and be who you want to be. If other people can't appreciate you for who you are then they're not worth your time."- So I should have no friends and live in a hut in the woods? Or maybe a cave? Cause nobody except Jesus cares about me. Not even my parents.
"Don't buy into pagewizard's bull****."-
Whoah! I'm not buying, I'm just window shopping. Like you go into radio shack and ask about everything and then tell the salesperson thanks and walk out. I just want to know what he's talking about.
"More questions, less assumptions!"- He doesn't need to ask anything. I just wanted a general how, not a how to. like I ask someone what to do about my crap tv. they say "call the cable company". That's what I'm looking for. not "ok. walk over and pick up your phone. hit the numbers 5 5 5 6 6 5 7. wait for someone to pick up their phone..." or whatever.
"Father to your hands I commend my spirirt. Father to your hands-Why have you forsaken me?"
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.