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ForumsDiscussion Forum → 4/20?
2007-04-21, 11:20 AM #81
Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
That said, you get some pretty awful weed in places.

This is an interesting article about a lot of **** going around recently. I smoked it and it made my chest feel like sandpaper. It was all you could really get ahold of anywhere in the country for about two months, lush stuff, really made you wanna smoke more.

Alas some of my friends smoked it by the bucketload even though it was dink because they're friggin dedicated.
2007-04-21, 11:44 AM #82
At the end of the day, weed still doesn't hurt anyone if you act responsibly when you're smoking it.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-21, 12:25 PM #83
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Not 1 on 1, if you wanted to do that. I only AWP when it's 3 on 3 or better. Otherwise it is just cheap. I could DEAGLE and still beat you.

You say that like it's hard to beat someone with a deagle.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-04-21, 12:27 PM #84
If he beats you he beats you. It still makes him better at the game no matter how he beats you.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-21, 12:34 PM #85
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
You say that like it's hard to beat someone with a deagle.

It's not hard all the time, but when it's long range vs an AK, m4, SG, or Aug yeah, it ain't gonna be easy. Hell you can even AWP if you want to, I'll still kick your ***.

Stop acting superior just cause you don't do drugs man--one of the best CS:S players I know is a tweaker (although I figure I could see that one comin), and a lot of the gamers I know smoke. It definitely doesn't help your playing (I can't play DotA worth ****, but if I'm high you definitely don't want me on your team), but it doesn't absolutely destroy it either.

Also: there are other things to do than play games when you're high.
2007-04-21, 12:51 PM #86
Never, ever, said I was superior. Don't put words in my mouth, please, it's not very nice.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-04-21, 1:01 PM #87
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
You can keep smoking your crap, go ahead. I love it how people like you think it's 'safer' than smoking cigs. As if breathing in a different poison is any better. Hurrrz < _ >

That sounds pretty haughty to me (ps, if you vape it you get no poisons, and honestly smoking weed is a LOT healthier than smoking cigs. Cigs have over 2700 chemicals in each one, with over a hunred poisons. Weed doesn't.), going "you people", calling weed "crap" (which, if that's your opinion, that's fine, just don't go on a thread MADE for people who enjoy it and bash it without expecting someone to get offended.) and spreading misinformation.

Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
Sorry, but the effects on my brain is more than enough for me to warrant that it's stupid to smoke it. As a gamer, I like to be able to actually play games well, and as a human being, I enjoy being able to think properly.

But of course, the chance of every single health lesson I've taken, every website I've been to, and the fact sheets that places like the Red Cross all being false is a lot better than I think. I should probably trust someone on massassi more than professionals who research the stuff.

Red Cross doesn't have an agenda, neither do government sponsored health classes and the sites you've seen. You want knowledge?

There you go. There's no "effects" on the mind (unless you smoke a RIDICULOUS amount. And ridiculous is not relative, I'm talking quarter+ a day, more in the neighborhood of a half just to yourself.)

PS--Weed doesn't destroy your thought processes (once again unless you smoke a ridiculous amount), nor does it kill your reflexes. There are also no long term effects after you smoke even heavily for a day or two--after a few hours you're still fine.
2007-04-21, 1:05 PM #88
Smoking a quarter-ounce per day is not really feasable. You would be really toked out if you did smoke that much, though.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-21, 2:26 PM #89
Originally posted by Mr. Stafford:
This is an interesting article about a lot of **** going around recently. I smoked it and it made my chest feel like sandpaper. It was all you could really get ahold of anywhere in the country for about two months, lush stuff, really made you wanna smoke more.

Alas some of my friends smoked it by the bucketload even though it was dink because they're friggin dedicated.

That's interesting, I think that's exactly what we had for a while. It was after a fairly bad drought. All okay now, though, there's some beautiful green going about.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2007-04-21, 2:53 PM #90
Ahhhh, now that was a hell of a Friday. Thank god for well-connected friends.

As for this debate that has engulfed this thread, well what's there to say? The public of America is incredibly uninformed with regards to the subject of marijuana. The mindset which describes it as "bad" for a person has been around for decades, which makes it very difficult for people to look at the issue with a different mindset.

Personally, I once felt that weed was pointless, why would anyone indulge in it? I had friends who smoked, it seemed like it wasn't worth the time. I also had this stigma from childhood that kept saying "Weed is bad, drugs etc etc." But, I decided that I could not judge my friends without trying to see where they were coming from. Thus, I tried pot for the first time, and since then have gone on to smoke it on occasion with friends.

Am I dropping out of school? No. Have my grades dipped? No. Am I a "stoner," prone to sit around and have no motivation to try anything in life? No. Have I moved on to harder drugs? No. All of these characteristic charged to the smoking of marijuana were, in my case, proven completely wrong. At this point in time, pot is no different to me than drinking or smoking, the latter of which I still refuse to engage in.

From a medicinal standpoint, there is almost no question smoking weed is "healthier" for one than smoking a cigarette of some kind. Am I saying there are going to no negative consequences? Of course not, but the onus for that is on the individual for making a poor choice. I've seen many a high person now in these past few years, none of them have done anything nearly as stupid as I've seen horrendously drunk people have done. Do I have statistics to prove this is always the case? Of course not, I guess my overall point is that this is a subject that the public should be more informed on, and that there are plenty of examples of stoners that quite honestly are fine doing what they are doing. For my part, that's absolutely fine. - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2007-04-21, 3:51 PM #91
I look at marijuana as just like candy. It's essentially the same thing, in regards to the reason people do it. It's enjoyable.

I don't smoke marijuana because I work for the government and get drug tested all the time. Also, OMG I DUNT WANNA SUPART TERRURISTS
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-04-21, 4:04 PM #92
People do crack and heroin becuase they enjoy it too.

I fail to see the point of your post.
2007-04-21, 4:10 PM #93
I lanned with some friends, and then another friend came over from a few doors down. She was crying because she had dropped a wine bottle or something on another friend's bong and got bong water all over her pants. Man it was smelly.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-04-21, 4:18 PM #94
Originally posted by Rob:
People do crack and heroin becuase they enjoy it too.

I fail to see the point of your post.

I fail to see the point of your post as well. So I guess we're even.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-04-21, 4:22 PM #95
I spent 4/20 filming people getting their heads shaved. Good times I guess.
My blawgh.
2007-04-21, 4:32 PM #96
Originally posted by Spook:
I fail to see the point of your post as well. So I guess we're even.

Pot isn't the same thing as candy. :downs:
2007-04-21, 4:41 PM #97
Originally posted by Rob:
Pot isn't the same thing as candy. :downs:

I had lemon heads today because they make me feel good.

People smoke pot because it makes me feel good.

If you smoke a little pot it's not bad for you.
If you smoke a lot of pot it is bad for you.

If you eat some lemonheads they are not bad for you.
If you eat a lot of lemonheads they are bad for you.

Heroin and coke are bad for you when you do them period. Hence, not part of my anology.

Do you know what an analogy is, little boy?

But I guess you're just not smart enough to understand stuff that isn't "100% OMG THAT IS SO PERFECT CORRELATION CONSERVATION OBSERVATION SAME THING ADULATION NATION MAN".
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-04-21, 6:20 PM #98
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
That sounds pretty haughty to me (ps, if you vape it you get no poisons, and honestly smoking weed is a LOT healthier than smoking cigs. Cigs have over 2700 chemicals in each one, with over a hunred poisons. Weed doesn't.), going "you people", calling weed "crap" (which, if that's your opinion, that's fine, just don't go on a thread MADE for people who enjoy it and bash it without expecting someone to get offended.) and spreading misinformation.

Red Cross doesn't have an agenda, neither do government sponsored health classes and the sites you've seen. You want knowledge?

There you go. There's no "effects" on the mind (unless you smoke a RIDICULOUS amount. And ridiculous is not relative, I'm talking quarter+ a day, more in the neighborhood of a half just to yourself.)

PS--Weed doesn't destroy your thought processes (once again unless you smoke a ridiculous amount), nor does it kill your reflexes. There are also no long term effects after you smoke even heavily for a day or two--after a few hours you're still fine.

You're such a stoner.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-04-21, 7:50 PM #99
Originally posted by Spook:
I had lemon heads today because they make me feel good.

People smoke pot because it makes me feel good.

If you smoke a little pot it's not bad for you.
If you smoke a lot of pot it is bad for you.

If you eat some lemonheads they are not bad for you.
If you eat a lot of lemonheads they are bad for you.

Heroin and coke are bad for you when you do them period. Hence, not part of my anology.

Do you know what an analogy is, little boy?

But I guess you're just not smart enough to understand stuff that isn't "100% OMG THAT IS SO PERFECT CORRELATION CONSERVATION OBSERVATION SAME THING ADULATION NATION MAN".

You can use heroin and coke casually. :downs:

I KNOW WHAT AN ANALOGY IS. I made one just earlier doofis. I'm telling you your analogy IS A BAD ANALOGY.
2007-04-21, 9:05 PM #100
I enjoyed 4/20. I smoked some pot. I smoke very infrequently. It shouldn't be legal.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-04-21, 9:32 PM #101
2007-04-21, 9:34 PM #102
This is probably a good time to mention that the modern version of Reefer Madness is one of the best movies I have ever seen.
2007-04-21, 9:35 PM #103
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:

There you go. There's no "effects" on the mind (unless you smoke a RIDICULOUS amount. And ridiculous is not relative, I'm talking quarter+ a day, more in the neighborhood of a half just to yourself.)

PS--Weed doesn't destroy your thought processes (once again unless you smoke a ridiculous amount), nor does it kill your reflexes. There are also no long term effects after you smoke even heavily for a day or two--after a few hours you're still fine.

I'm sorry you actually think that breathing a different kind of smoke is that much 'better' for you.

By the way, the stuff you keep talking about no long term effects can't be backed up since the research hasn't been going on long enough for any long term effects to be seen.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-04-21, 10:07 PM #104
Er, the argument isn't that weed smoke is somehow magically healthy but that it's much less harmful than cigarette smoke.
2007-04-21, 10:09 PM #105
Something can't be 'healthier' than something else if it's not healthy to begin with.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-04-21, 10:11 PM #106
You have descended into a true den of retarded.
2007-04-21, 10:12 PM #107
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
I'm sorry you actually think that breathing a different kind of smoke is that much 'better' for you.

By the way, the stuff you keep talking about no long term effects can't be backed up since the research hasn't been going on long enough for any long term effects to be seen.

You can still study people who have been using for 40+ years...
2007-04-22, 12:46 AM #108
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
Something can't be 'healthier' than something else if it's not healthy to begin with.

Isopropyl alcohol is poisonous to humans. It can make you go blind, among other things. Vx nerve gas can kill you in a matter of seconds. By your logic, they are equally as bad for you.

Here. I'll make it easy for you. Read this. That's a persistent link to the health issues section of the cannabis article on Wikipedia. Blabber all you want about how potentially unreliable Wikipedia is, but that article cites all of its sources, and it sums it up better than I can.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-04-22, 1:02 AM #109
A lot of it talks about conflicting studies and unconfirmed tests. And?
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-04-22, 1:23 AM #110
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
I'm sorry you actually think that breathing a different kind of smoke is that much 'better' for you.

By the way, the stuff you keep talking about no long term effects can't be backed up since the research hasn't been going on long enough for any long term effects to be seen.

It's not the smoke that's bad, but what it contains that is bad. Vaporized THC comes out as a puff of mist, really. So by your logic (in your later posts), vaporized THC is just as bad for you as a cloud/mist/fog?

What is your problem man, what's your agenda against WEED of all things. The only drug that just doesn't have any real bad side effects.
2007-04-22, 2:21 AM #111
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
Something can't be 'healthier' than something else if it's not healthy to begin with.

Argument from :downswords:.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-04-22, 10:43 AM #112
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
A lot of it talks about conflicting studies and unconfirmed tests. And? didn't even read it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-04-22, 10:45 AM #113
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
A lot of it talks about conflicting studies and unconfirmed tests. And?

After all this talking, you're still an idiot. Wow.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-22, 11:41 AM #114
Originally posted by Rob:
You can use heroin and coke casually. :downs:

I KNOW WHAT AN ANALOGY IS. I made one just earlier doofis. I'm telling you your analogy IS A BAD ANALOGY.

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-04-22, 4:24 PM #115
Something can't be 'healthier' than something else if it's not healthy to begin with.

Quoted for truth.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-04-22, 4:30 PM #116
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Quoted for truth.

Do you realize that things aren't healthy for you? Things are just less bad, everything is bad for you...
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-04-22, 5:00 PM #117
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Quoted for truth.

Water isn't healthy for you in large amounts. So water in small amounts is unhealthy?

Radioactive materials are unhealthy. Cigarettes are unhealthy. Therefore cigarettes are as dangerous as radiation poisoning.

Just seriously, wtf, that's quoted for FALSENESS. That line of thinking is retarded any way you look at it.
2007-04-22, 5:02 PM #118
I guess he never ate candy. Because it's just as bad as cutting your wrists?
2007-04-22, 5:32 PM #119
Yeah there are definitely things that are more unhealthy than others. Saying otherwise is just plain stupid.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-23, 5:01 AM #120
nothing better than a pipe and the detour (adult swim for my american friends). and i'm 38. d'oh!

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