Ahhhh, now that was a hell of a Friday. Thank god for well-connected friends.
As for this debate that has engulfed this thread, well what's there to say? The public of America is incredibly uninformed with regards to the subject of marijuana. The mindset which describes it as "bad" for a person has been around for decades, which makes it very difficult for people to look at the issue with a different mindset.
Personally, I once felt that weed was pointless, why would anyone indulge in it? I had friends who smoked, it seemed like it wasn't worth the time. I also had this stigma from childhood that kept saying "Weed is bad, drugs etc etc." But, I decided that I could not judge my friends without trying to see where they were coming from. Thus, I tried pot for the first time, and since then have gone on to smoke it on occasion with friends.
Am I dropping out of school? No. Have my grades dipped? No. Am I a "stoner," prone to sit around and have no motivation to try anything in life? No. Have I moved on to harder drugs? No. All of these characteristic charged to the smoking of marijuana were, in my case, proven completely wrong. At this point in time, pot is no different to me than drinking or smoking, the latter of which I still refuse to engage in.
From a medicinal standpoint, there is almost no question smoking weed is "healthier" for one than smoking a cigarette of some kind. Am I saying there are going to no negative consequences? Of course not, but the onus for that is on the individual for making a poor choice. I've seen many a high person now in these past few years, none of them have done anything nearly as stupid as I've seen horrendously drunk people have done. Do I have statistics to prove this is always the case? Of course not, I guess my overall point is that this is a subject that the public should be more informed on, and that there are plenty of examples of stoners that quite honestly are fine doing what they are doing. For my part, that's absolutely fine.
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