Yeah, I saw this. I don't really care that you don't care. I'm doing this to prove a point that Veganism has its arguments. Oh, and I'm also just having fun. This is more of a game for me than anything, considering that my actual beliefs (which I have yet to disclose) are that animals lack interests and meat eating is morally justified.
I choose to not understand your argument on the need for agriculture and meat-eating to sustain cattle populations because I don't know anything about evolutionary biology and I won't win that debate.
I was just trying to genuinely answer the question: how do vegans respond to this? with as much as I know from taking a class on this very subject. It's true that the Kantian argument against animal cruelty doesn't really apply to meat eating in the same way that it applies to beating your dog with a stick.
Yes, it's hard to improve on your arguments, but I did the best I could.
Actually you hit the nail on the head when you said that we recognize the pain of animals because that's how they react. I didn't want to use that argument "against" you, I wanted to explain why your criticism of it wasn't valid.
Yes, because I'm the only mind that exists. Every other person on this thread is a figment of my imagination and serves to provide me with some entertainment as I wait to go back to school where I have access to alcohol and other fun.
It's not about semantics. It's about the difference between something being in the interest of a being and a being having an interest in something. Duh!
Do you actually believe this or are you trying to make a reductio ad absurdum argument?
Indeed, it is in their interest. It's also in my interest to not get drunk (probably bad for the liver), but I have an interest in getting drunk. Smoking is bad for people, it's in their interest to not smoke. Many people have an interest in smoking. See the difference yet? I suppose that's JUST like plant interests.
I actually think it's kind of really important! The consequence of your argument is that you justify farming human meat as much as animal meat! If level of consciousness isn't an important mechanism for weighing interests, ,then I don't really know why we shouldn't do medical experiments on prisoners and orphaned children. I'm not making up words when I say we can injure a dog in a different sense than we can injure a plant. I mean, I don't think I'm being unreasonable when I say you are making an equivocation fallacy here. Some animals emotionally respond to pain. Plants biologically respond to pain. We're talking about two different kinds of responses here. And that's NOT semantic.
Actually, I don't really care to read your posts. But I had trouble ignoring this one because it's in all caps. So, are you saying that plants can experience their biochemical signal psychologically? Honestly, if I had the consciousness of a plant, I wouldn't care if I was tortured and eaten. However, I have the consciousness of a human being and I actually
care about my experential well-being. Dude, plants don't "feel." Even if they have "pain," they don't feel pain. Exploit my lack of biological knowledge all you want. You have a massive burden of proof if you want to actually prove that plants feel pain.
Same reason silly pro-life people complain about abortion clinics. They think it's wrong. That doesn't mean that they don't have lives that limit the effectiveness of their activism.