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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Evil Vegans
Evil Vegans
2007-05-12, 10:46 PM #121
Originally posted by Rob:
Evil Vagina sounds kinda hot.

It sounds kind of butch.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-05-12, 11:24 PM #122
Originally posted by Rob:
Evil Vagina sounds kinda hot.

2007-05-13, 12:20 AM #123
Originally posted by Jedi Legend:
[Moral justification for eating plants]

Essentially the crux of this argument is something MentatMM mentioned earlier ('Eating plants is a necessary evil') which is a compromise I'm willing to accept.
2007-05-13, 7:01 AM #124
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It might shock you to learn this, but what I am saying is not anti-freedom just because it isn't what you want to hear.

People like you scare me.

It's not about what I want to hear.

A lot of you people just don't seem to be able to understand the simple fact that there are those of us who prefer to feed themselves without having to (indirectly) harm other sentient beings or financially support the practise of that. They can, and so they do. Is that really so hard to grasp?

You know what's scary? All this hate and intolerance, all this prejudice about vegans being all 'self righteous' and 'attention whores'. Your inability to empathize and see things from another's perspective. Now that's scary.

Because, you know, this is more than just having a different opinion.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-05-13, 7:31 AM #125
Fine, but that doesn't support your statement of "yall hate freedom."
2007-05-13, 7:39 AM #126
I've been reading this thread, with all this crap about sentient rocks, and I still don't see what's wrong with eating my steak. Am I a bad person for thinking 'yum' instead of 'that poor cow?'
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-05-13, 9:29 AM #127
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
You know what's scary? All this hate and intolerance, all this prejudice about vegans being all 'self righteous' and 'attention whores'. Your inability to empathize and see things from another's perspective. Now that's scary.

Here's a bit of reality for you:

I vocally disapprove of the Vegan lifestyle and Vegan philosophies. I am, indeed, prejudiced against Vegans in the sense that I believe they are all only interested in attention.
But you know what? That's my right. If I want to be racist I can. If I want to say that the Loid will smiteth mine enemies, I can. I have freedom of thought and freedom of expression and I can use it however I want.
I can't force you to stop eating meat. I can't force you to debate with me and I can't force you to listen, but I sure as **** don't hate freedom and I'm pretty god damn sure you don't even understand what freedom means.
If you aren't willing to accept that I have a right to disagree with your beliefs then it is YOUR right to not listen. It is NOT your right to try to make me silent. The only one of us who hates freedom is you, buddy.

Beyond that, I am not an uncaring, unempathic, unemotional and cruel person because I disagree with what you believe. The reality of the matter is that I have considered the Vegan philosophy and I have rejected it. As for the people? You and Mentat don't exactly sell yourselves very well, considering the fact that -- once again -- the only actual arguments in favor of vegetarianism have been put forth by someone who eats as much meat as I do. And your arguments have been "You hate freedom because I am right and I don't want to hear you talk anymore LALALALALA" and "You are ignorant because I am not ignorant and we disagree," respectively, which is frankly retarded.

Furthermore, the fact that you have stated that I 'hate freedom' because I dare to participate in a public discussion on a public forum is every bit as inflammatory, offensive and judgmental as my statement that Vegans are attention whores. In conclusion, I will ask that you kindly refrain from ****ting where you eat.

Originally posted by Isuwen:
I've been reading this thread, with all this crap about sentient rocks, and I still don't see what's wrong with eating my steak. Am I a bad person for thinking 'yum' instead of 'that poor cow?'

are you sure you're taoist?
2007-05-13, 10:28 AM #128
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
A lot of you people just don't seem to be able to understand the simple fact that there are those of us who prefer to feed themselves without having to (indirectly) harm other sentient beings or financially support the practise of that. They can, and so they do. Is that really so hard to grasp?

And what you don't seem to grasp is that you are indirectly harming more animals. Less meat sold = less profit = more cost cutting = more jamming 30 cows in a box and beating them to death with a hammer.

Not only that, but I can tell you as someone who has been on a farm before, a ****load of animals get mangled in combine harvesters.

How do vegans feel about insect matter? Along with all the animal matter on the veggies you buy at the store there is usually alot of insect matter too. :P
2007-05-13, 5:13 PM #129
Originally posted by Jon`C:
lots of stuff

1. I'm not a vegan. I could see why someone would be though.

2. My initial statement about you people hating freedom was a fairly lighthearted comment that simply lacked a :P

3. I'm the last to silence anyone's opinion. The fact that I'm pointing out the prejudice is just because you called me scary for basically nothing. That's all there is to it really.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-05-13, 5:24 PM #130
are you sure you're taoist?
I'm not seeing the connection.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-05-13, 5:31 PM #131
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
2. My initial statement about you people hating freedom was a fairly lighthearted comment that simply lacked a :P

I'm sure.

3. I'm the last to silence anyone's opinion. The fact that I'm pointing out the prejudice is just because you called me scary for basically nothing. That's all there is to it really.

I call BS on that.
2007-05-13, 7:09 PM #132
Originally posted by Isuwen:
I've been reading this thread, with all this crap about sentient rocks, and I still don't see what's wrong with eating my steak. Am I a bad person for thinking 'yum' instead of 'that poor cow?'

No animal gives it a second thought. People shouldn't whine so much. We're omnivorous organisms. It's natural, they should stop feeling high and mighty because they subscribe to an unnatural diet.
2007-05-13, 7:27 PM #133
Ah, the moral and intellectual indignation, how it crushes my spirit.

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