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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Whats a good gun?
Whats a good gun?
2007-06-24, 6:33 PM #81
Use a crossbow it'll scare them more when they see a bolt sticking out of their face.

2007-06-24, 6:36 PM #82
Originally posted by Rob:



No, I think your wrong.

This thread is about poorly adjusted individuals channeling their anger and trying to make themselves feel better by hurting others.

And I’m not just talking about your posts Rob.
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2007-06-24, 6:39 PM #83
Originally posted by JLee:
A muzzle-up carry is a hell of a lot different than firing in the air in a residential area.

Maybe it's just my interpretation, but I read that you were somewhat endorsing the idea of a warning shot in the air. Nowhere is Rob asking how to properly carry a firearm.

Perhaps better articulation may be helpful next time. ;)

K. I only fire into the air when celebrating the end of the Gulf War like in Jarhead. [/angry at that movie sarcasm]
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-24, 6:42 PM #84
Originally posted by West Wind:
No, I think your wrong.



2007-06-24, 6:48 PM #85
Originally posted by Rob:



Ok, so I missed the ' and the E, at least I remembered to edit my post and at least put an R before your (right usage here, right?) needle sharp grammatical mind honed in on my transgression. Boy do I feel a fool now, using improper grammar on the internet, you sure showed me :P

I’ll defiantly never do that again. ;)
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2007-06-24, 6:55 PM #86
You should feel ashamed.
2007-06-24, 6:58 PM #87
hey why not get one of those blowgun things that the tribesmen use.

they walk around with their balls flowing in the wind, just getyourself some poison needles, get your balls out and then shoot em in the neck with a doomdart.
2007-06-24, 7:12 PM #88
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
i wasn't talking about that nimrod... i was talking about using rock salt instead of buckshot

If you shoot them in your house with buck shot, you can do it with something less lethal too. :rolleyes:
2007-06-24, 7:13 PM #89
A blowgun would be an excellent idea, itd hurt like hell, and be silent too. Shoot them in the crotch too, just to be an evil *******.

2007-06-24, 7:17 PM #90
yeah but you gotta have your balls hanging out.
2007-06-24, 7:40 PM #91
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
If you shoot them in your house with buck shot, you can do it with something less lethal too. :rolleyes:

and if you had the ability to READ you'd notice i said about 3985778923458743658943698342976823478963427067098425693428690849067 times THEY CAN SUE YOU AND WIN EVEN IF THEIR LAWYER IS A TOTAL RETARD if you shoot them and they live
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-06-24, 7:49 PM #92
By the way, don't actually use a paintball gun, you'll make the sport look bad.
2007-06-24, 8:03 PM #93
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
and if you had the ability to READ you'd notice i said about 3985778923458743658943698342976823478963427067098425693428690849067 times THEY CAN SUE YOU AND WIN EVEN IF THEIR LAWYER IS A TOTAL RETARD if you shoot them and they live

I doubt that. There might have been a few cases where a corrupt/idiotic jury tries to award this, and or the race card is successfully pulled, but legal is legal.

And you never said if they survived. It could have been a relative suing.
2007-06-24, 8:19 PM #94
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
EVEN IF THEIR LAWYER IS A TOTAL RETARD if you shoot them and they live

Except in 99 out of 100 cases the judge will throw the case out (assuming it goes before a judge) since these people are trespassing onto Rob's property and he has the right to defend his property from vandals and thieves.

For a less violent solution (I know it's in vain, but meh) set up some cameras and record them trespassing. Be sure to get the footage of the dogs attacking them too :D.
2007-06-24, 8:23 PM #95
Originally posted by Stormtrooper:
Except in 99 out of 100 cases the judge will throw the case out (assuming it goes before a judge) since these people are trespassing onto Rob's property and he has the right to defend his property from vandals and thieves.

For a less violent solution (I know it's in vain, but meh) set up some cameras and record them trespassing. Be sure to get the footage of the dogs attacking them too :D.

Depending on state law, you may have a very difficult time proving to a court how the use of deadly force was permissible in the described situation...
2007-06-24, 8:30 PM #96
Yeah, shooting people who aren't in your house can get you into trouble. But in that case I'd be more worried about criminal court than civil.
2007-06-24, 8:31 PM #97
One night me and some of my buddies were hanging out at one of my friend's house. Some punk kids decided to TP his next door neighbor who happened to be a nice old lady. All I had to do was load some CO2 into a paintball gun, go out there and just fire a few blanks and they took off screaming. It doesn't take a lot to scare someone away. Hurting someone will most likely get you in trouble, not them.
2007-06-24, 9:12 PM #98
Originally posted by JLee:
Depending on state law, you may have a very difficult time proving to a court how the use of deadly force was permissible in the described situation...

In most states he would have a near impossible time defending it since most states will not allow you to shoot a person until they've actually entered your house, not just your property.
Life is beautiful.
2007-06-24, 9:43 PM #99
Originally posted by Rob:



You're talking about shooting people and you're calling us wannabes? LOL.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-24, 9:49 PM #100
i hate you all :hist101:
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-06-25, 12:03 AM #101
awww but mbs we wuvs yooooooou :):downs::tinfoil::neckbeard::tinfoil::downs::)
2007-06-25, 5:23 AM #102
This thread represents what the internet would look like if it were available in the Wild West.

Seriously, what the hell. A person wants to shoot and wound other people and everyone here is encouraging him and suggesting methods for achieving this goal. The ones arguing against it are discussing the legal issues, not the fact that it is f***in' IMMORAL to shoot people who are not trying to hurt you themselves.

What about fixing your fence? Getting better locks? those are not as fun as seeing blood, are they?
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2007-06-25, 5:57 AM #103
Huh, this thread reminded me of my neighbor who has one of these rubber band gatling guns that he would shoot at little kids who came to his yard.

Well would blanks work?
Back again
2007-06-25, 6:39 AM #104
Originally posted by Aglar:
By the way, don't actually use a paintball gun, you'll make the sport look bad.

Too late.
2007-06-25, 6:41 AM #105
Originally posted by Fardreamer:
This thread represents what the internet would look like if it were available in the Wild West.

Seriously, what the hell. A person wants to shoot and wound other people and everyone here is encouraging him and suggesting methods for achieving this goal. The ones arguing against it are discussing the legal issues, not the fact that it is f***in' IMMORAL to shoot people who are not trying to hurt you themselves.

What about fixing your fence? Getting better locks? those are not as fun as seeing blood, are they?

Fun != what this group of *******s going around my neighborhood doing this **** deserves
2007-06-25, 8:04 AM #106
Originally posted by Fardreamer:
This thread represents what the internet would look like if it were available in the Wild West.

Seriously, what the hell. A person wants to shoot and wound other people and everyone here is encouraging him and suggesting methods for achieving this goal. The ones arguing against it are discussing the legal issues, not the fact that it is f***in' IMMORAL to shoot people who are not trying to hurt you themselves.

What about fixing your fence? Getting better locks? those are not as fun as seeing blood, are they?

If you confront a group of thieves with out a gun, they will probably hurt you very badly. They steal other peoples things, and they need to be brought to justice. If it take threatening with a gun to keep them there until the police get there so be it.

Keep in mind though that actually shooting them while they aren't in your house and not trying to attack you will almost certainly send you to jail.
2007-06-25, 8:24 AM #107
I'm not talking about self defense. Rob's intention is clearly to punish them for whatever they did last time, and that is not his responsibility, regardless of whether it is 'just'. He'll end up killing someone by accident.

If he pokes a gun around the thugs will show up with guns the next time.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2007-06-25, 8:34 AM #108
Originally posted by Fardreamer:
I'm not talking about self defense. Rob's intention is clearly to punish them for whatever they did last time, and that is not his responsibility, regardless of whether it is 'just'. He'll end up killing someone by accident.

If he pokes a gun around the thugs will show up with guns the next time.

If they had guns, they'd show up with them anyway. As long as they know the resident has a gun, they'll probably go somewhere else. Ideally he could hold them at gun point until the police arrive, but they'd probably just run.

Also, better padlocks or a higher fence wouldn't stop even the dumbest thief.
2007-06-25, 8:39 AM #109
And it hasn't.

I've got a hardened steel chain around my gate now, with a ginormous padlock holding it together. They'll probably just find a way to cut that too.
2007-06-25, 9:09 AM #110
What you need is landlines and a series of automated turrets. I think a few 20mm vulcans and some quad 40mm boffors guns firing he rounds should take care of pretty much anything. You might also get some stingers incase they come from the air. That should take care of pretty much anyone or anything. You can never under prepare when it come to house hold defenses.
2007-06-25, 9:50 AM #111
rob: take a photo of them, get it blown up to massive sizes, then print on the photo I AM A HUGE ****** AND I GET KICKS FROM STEALING FROM CRIPPLES, PLEASE FIST ME IF YOU SEE ME.

buy a gun after that.
2007-06-25, 12:47 PM #112
Okay if I had a big mansion, I'd have one of those WW2 German 88cm AT Guns in the front garden (hmm.. big bad artillery) :P.

But seriously, I'd use one of those old Lee Enfield Rifles (they are damn accurate). But I would have no goot reason to use it on intruders as I would have a big bad doggy to chase them away.

I'd fire a bullet to celebrate when the've run off :).
2007-06-25, 3:11 PM #113
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

2007-06-25, 3:26 PM #114
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

:gonk: :neckbeard: :psyduck: :gonk: :neckbeard: :psyduck: :gonk:

2007-06-25, 5:16 PM #115
2007-06-25, 5:20 PM #116
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

Attempt at cool through the derision of others = FAIL!
2007-06-25, 6:00 PM #117
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

WTF? He's one of few voices of reason in this thread... even if you don't think so, his comments DO NOT warrant this response.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-25, 6:31 PM #118
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.

Please, leave my country.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-25, 7:22 PM #119
HK USP :neckbeard:
2007-06-25, 7:27 PM #120
Is it too late to endorse the paintball gun idea? All the fun, none of the getting charged for assault with a deadly weapon.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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