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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Whats a good gun?
Whats a good gun?
2007-06-25, 7:35 PM #121
If that's not a ban-worthy post, I don't know what is.
2007-06-25, 7:45 PM #122
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Is it too late to endorse the paintball gun idea? All the fun, none of the getting charged for assault with a deadly weapon.

Technically, it could happen - a paintball gun has the ability to cause serious bodily injury.
2007-06-25, 7:53 PM #123
Originally posted by JLee:
Technically, it could happen - a paintball gun has the ability to cause serious bodily injury.

Yeah, it does, and it could happen. At least it's not automatic like with a real firearm. I think last time I read about something like that, the charge was misdemeanor assault.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-06-25, 8:27 PM #124
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
At least it's not automatic like with a real firearm.

says who? There's many, many paintball guns that are full auto.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-06-25, 8:34 PM #125
Originally posted by West Wind:
This thread is about poorly adjusted individuals channeling their anger and trying to make themselves feel better by hurting others.

SRSLY though.

I don't think I'm poorly adjusted if I'm upset someone stole my father's only mode of transportation.

He hasn't been able to work in over two months because he's recovering from a very badly broken leg. Do you have any idea how rough it can be when the source of primary household income can't work? It sucks.

He was supposed to go back to work today. OOPS, but he can't. Some ******** stole his motor scooter.

What a bunch of sick jackoffs they must be, to steal an old man's scooter. It's not even like the thing looked nice.

I have EVERY RIGHT to want to inflict harm on these kind of people.

And it isn't just happening here. The lady next door was widowed about a year ago, after being married 30 years ago. After her husband died they relentless ****ed with her stuff.

They've broken into the sheds of the homes down the street and taken little kid's bikes. That must be ****ing fun to wake up to for a little kid, RIGHT?

We are all pretty ****ing tired of this. I think I'm the only person on the block who doesn't now own a big dog and a shotgun. It's ****ing really sick.

This never was a bad neighborhood up until about three years ago. We need to send a message to all these pricks that this **** will no longer fly.
2007-06-25, 8:50 PM #126
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
shooting to wound they can and will press charges... check local laws before doing anything

Not if they're in TEXAS!!
2007-06-25, 8:51 PM #127
Or Florida, if I remember correctly.
2007-06-25, 8:52 PM #128
Too much sun in either for my pale ***.

2007-06-25, 9:16 PM #129
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
says who? There's many, many paintball guns that are full auto.

What I meant was that you're not automatically charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-06-25, 9:45 PM #130

I’m not saying you don’t have the right to be angry. Given your story, you have every right to be pissed as all hell. But no matter how angry you get, you never have the right take that anger out by hurting other people, EVEN if you think they deserve it.

I’m not saying I can give you a better answer, some sure fire way to stop these sons of *****es, to make your life better, or even calm the anger. That’s your job. What I can say is this, and it’s something I’m pretty sure you already know: This won’t work.

BEST chance is that you hurt a stranger, and possibly ruin their life.
WORST chance is that you hurt someone you know and/or care about, and ruin their life.

That’s the long and short of it, think about it.

What do I recommend? Talk to the cops. Try to start up a neighborhood watch. Buy a couple of motion sensor lights (you would be surprised how well those work). Invest in a home security system. Build a better fence. Move all your stuff out of the shed and into the house. Guaranteed work? Of course not, some of these might not even be an option for you. But if you’re even vaguely serious about reclaiming your neighborhood you will realize that buying a shotgun and shooting at shadows in the night simply will not end well, I don’t care how non-lethal you try to be.

Grow up, be a man, and learn to deal with life instead of just feeling sorry for yourself and resorting to anger.
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2007-06-25, 10:16 PM #131
Back again
2007-06-25, 10:31 PM #132
Originally posted by Warlockmish:

If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-06-25, 10:33 PM #133
A Desert Eagle is a light enough model for what you need.
2007-06-25, 10:34 PM #134
Originally posted by Reid:
A Desert Eagle is a light enough model for what you need.


Rob's pasty twig of a frame would crumple under even the weight of the gun, let alone it's recoil. His silly arm-socks will get tangled up in the slide or something
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-06-25, 10:34 PM #135
Originally posted by West Wind:

BEST chance is that you hurt a stranger, and possibly ruin their life.

Nothing says "I learned my lesson" better than permenant disability.

WORST chance is that you hurt someone you know and/or care about, and ruin their life.


Yeah seriously. No one I care about would do this kind of thing. And they did, oops well I don't care about them anymore. Sucks to be them.

Talk to the cops.

Doesn't work

Try to start up a neighborhood watch.

That worked for about a month. This one guy was out for a walk around the neighborhood, saw something was up, being a good guy and went to check it out. Some kid was slashing tires. He responded to being caught by slashing the poor guy's face. Now no one is interested in it.

Buy a couple of motion sensor lights (you would be surprised how well those work).

You'd be surprised how well they don't work, because I have them all over and this still happened. I can't decide if it's a detterent or if I'm helping them see better.

Invest in a home security system.

No money for that.

Build a better fence.

I did, they still got through it. Multiple times. The only logical next step is a giant 12 foot tall mason wall.

Move all your stuff out of the shed and into the house.

Motorcycles don't go in the house.

shooting at shadows in the night simply will not end well,

Who said anything about shooting at shadows? Most people identify their targets before they open fire.

Grow up, be a man, and learn to deal with life

Exsqueeze me?

Don't patronize me. I'm not some brain dead retard. I quit fully understand all of the consequences of any actions I have discussed taking.

Quite simply, I don't care if I hurt someone. What the **** were they doing on my fenced in private property? Oh hey thats right. They were tresspassing and ****ing poking around with **** that isn't theirs. I'm tired of these little ****s. They're going to keep coming back until someone shows them there are ACTUAL consequences to being a complete ****wad.
2007-06-25, 10:45 PM #136
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Fardreamer get the hell out of this thread you flamebaiting retard.
Attachment: 16588/asterix-paff.jpg (14,666 bytes)
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2007-06-25, 11:10 PM #137
Originally posted by Rob:
until someone shows them there are ACTUAL consequences to being a complete ****wad.

then you should probably just go ahead and shoot yourself while you are at it, hopefully you'll learn the lesson just as well as they will.

Yeah, I’m patronizing you, at least until you remember the common sense to act on what you learned when you turned 8 and start thinking about the consequences of your own damn actions, because from the way you keep talking you sound like twice the idiot those ****wads could ever be.

You think you can be the hero cowboy here, that's all there is to it. Someone did you wrong, and now you are going to make them pay, and when it's all said and done you expect everyone to crowd around you, cheer, and make you sheriff.

I’m no saint, and I already said I don’t know the answer. But you came here and started this thread, so here I am posing in it.

No money for a home security system? Yet you have the cash to throw away at a shotgun? For the price of a half-decent shotgun you can buy a home security system and still have cash for a year’s subscription. And what about buying another scooter for your dear old dad? Doesn’t that sound like a good use of shotgun money?

I already know it’s a waste of time arguing with you. You’ve already kissed off reason, and you’re just looking for someone to stoke you up and tell you how right you are. At this point if you haven’t already gone ahead, bought a firearm and pissed away whatever sanity was left in your life, I’m willing to guess you’re not going to.

So go ahead, Piss away, tell me I’m a left-wing homosexual hippy screw-up who’s afraid of guns because his mommy never loved him. Tell me I fail at life because I say what I think on the internet, and sometimes I make grammatical mistakes. Convince yourself how right you are, and that all you need is a gun to make everything all right. Sit there content in your own anger like every other angsty teenager, safe and sound in the knowledge that everyone else is wrong, and no-one could ever understand how bad things are.

I’m sorry your life sucks. I’m sorry your dad broke his leg. I’m sorry your scooter got stolen. But guess what, I’m just another guy with my own problems, just like everybody out there, and if you don’t like what I’m saying, don’t listen. Eventually I'll just go away.
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2007-06-27, 11:05 AM #138
Originally posted by West Wind:
So go ahead, Piss away, tell me I’m a left-wing homosexual hippy screw-up who’s afraid of guns because his mommy never loved him. Tell me I fail at life because I say what I think on the internet, and sometimes I make grammatical mistakes. Convince yourself how right you are, and that all you need is a gun to make everything all right. Sit there content in your own anger like every other angsty teenager, safe and sound in the knowledge that everyone else is wrong, and no-one could ever understand how bad things are.

I’m sorry your life sucks. I’m sorry your dad broke his leg. I’m sorry your scooter got stolen. But guess what, I’m just another guy with my own problems, just like everybody out there, and if you don’t like what I’m saying, don’t listen. Eventually I'll just go away.

And the Academy Award goes to...
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2007-06-27, 11:15 AM #139
Would I shoot these guys? No. Would I be at all sorry if they were shot? No. I have no sympathy for able-bodied people who survive by leaching off others.

A .22 to the leg would do them good. Again, I wouldn't do it, but seriously, what's the harm, other than getting arrested?

So go ahead, Piss away, tell me I’m a left-wing homosexual hippy screw-up who’s afraid of guns because his mommy never loved him. Tell me I fail at life because I say what I think on the internet, and sometimes I make grammatical mistakes. Convince yourself how right you are, and that all you need is a gun to make everything all right. Sit there content in your own anger like every other angsty teenager, safe and sound in the knowledge that everyone else is wrong, and no-one could ever understand how bad things are.

I’m sorry your life sucks. I’m sorry your dad broke his leg. I’m sorry your scooter got stolen. But guess what, I’m just another guy with my own problems, just like everybody out there, and if you don’t like what I’m saying, don’t listen. Eventually I'll just go away.

He's rob. What were you smoking that caused you to think that he'd listen.
2007-06-27, 12:37 PM #140
Some of you need to get shot in your own leg before you say anything about how right and good and no-big-deal it would be to shoot-to-injure these guys.
2007-06-27, 12:45 PM #141
This thread is a vat of boiling stupidity.
>>untie shoes
2007-06-27, 1:19 PM #142
I would shoot them if that was going on in my yard. Without hesitation.

Although, I live in Florida, and I'm therefore under "castle laws". Basically, if someone is on my property and I feel threatened, I could kill them without anyone really getting upset.

There was a guy a while back in Orlando that had a bunch of punks break in and start messing with his ****. Bottom line, he blew them away with an AK-47, and he only got in trouble for owning an automatic weapon.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-06-27, 1:20 PM #143
Also, we're able to murder anyone who threatens us in public.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-06-27, 1:25 PM #144
Oh tight, so someone steps up to your car window and points a gun or knife at yer head/throat, you just reach out and snap their goddamned neck! That's awesome :D
2007-06-27, 1:42 PM #145
Originally posted by UltimatePotato:
Also, we're able to murder anyone who threatens us in public.

I'm guess "threaten" will have to be pretty blatant though.

I would shoot them if that was going on in my yard. Without hesitation.

Although, I live in Florida, and I'm therefore under "castle laws". Basically, if someone is on my property and I feel threatened, I could kill them without anyone really getting upset.

There was a guy a while back in Orlando that had a bunch of punks break in and start messing with his ****. Bottom line, he blew them away with an AK-47, and he only got in trouble for owning an automatic weapon.

That is awesome.
2007-06-27, 2:32 PM #146
Oklahoma is like that, too. I think a guy just a while ago had someone threaten him in a road-rage style situation. It was an old man being threatened. The old man warned the guy to leave him alone because he had a gun, the guy hit the old man anyway, and promptly got shot in the chest and died. Open-and-shut.

For reference:
Price of a decent shotgun at wal-mart: around $300.
Price of a basic home security system: $100.

Question is whether or not the home security system would be effective. I think a gun is not a bad idea, but it is a bad idea in this particular case. I don't know where you live Rob, but chances are the law won't take kindly to you killing someone for being on your property, even if they intend to rob you.
2007-06-27, 8:11 PM #147
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
For reference:
Price of a decent shotgun at wal-mart: around $300.
Price of a basic home security system: $100.

i can get a decent shotgun for ~$150... by not shopping at wal-mart
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-06-27, 8:14 PM #148
Wal-mart sells shot guns?
Back again
2007-06-27, 8:20 PM #149
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
i can get a decent shotgun for ~$150... by not shopping at wal-mart

I paid $175 for my Remington 870 - it's nice having an awesome new/used gunstore within walking distance. :D

Originally posted by Warlockmish:
Wal-mart sells shot guns?

They sell firearms up here - long guns only, though no handguns.
2007-06-27, 8:34 PM #150
They even have handguns at my Wal-Mart. Nothing good though.

Really, what I would suggest would be getting a .357 magnum revolver. You can scare people away with it easily and if you need to get down to buisness, it's got the firepower to do so.
>>untie shoes
2007-06-27, 8:53 PM #151
Well sure, if you go used you can get cheaper, but if you've never owned a gun before buying a used one probably isn't a good idea.

Not that I'm old enough to buy one yet, but I wish my Wal-mart sold handguns! haha. Talk about one-stop shopping.
2007-06-27, 9:02 PM #152
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Well sure, if you go used you can get cheaper, but if you've never owned a gun before buying a used one probably isn't a good idea.

Not that I'm old enough to buy one yet, but I wish my Wal-mart sold handguns! haha. Talk about one-stop shopping.

Why not? An 870 is pretty basic - actually, the only new gun I've ever had was the one I was issued. Everything else was used. :)
2007-06-27, 9:17 PM #153
Just because a new owner might not know what to look for as far as condition goes, and any wear on the gun already will just amplify any problems a new user would have. A small concern, definitely, especially for the 870. And if you're not a fool and take care of it like it should be taken care of, probably not an issue at all, i guess. That's what I bought, the 12 gauge 870 express, and boy do I love this versatile, so simple, so effective. It's amazing.
2007-06-27, 9:21 PM #154
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Just because a new owner might not know what to look for as far as condition goes, and any wear on the gun already will just amplify any problems a new user would have. A small concern, definitely, especially for the 870. And if you're not a fool and take care of it like it should be taken care of, probably not an issue at all, i guess. That's what I bought, the 12 gauge 870 express, and boy do I love this versatile, so simple, so effective. It's amazing.

Nice choice. Beautiful gun. :)
2007-06-27, 9:27 PM #155
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Just because a new owner might not know what to look for as far as condition goes, and any wear on the gun already will just amplify any problems a new user would have. A small concern, definitely, especially for the 870. And if you're not a fool and take care of it like it should be taken care of, probably not an issue at all, i guess. That's what I bought, the 12 gauge 870 express, and boy do I love this versatile, so simple, so effective. It's amazing.

On the flip side, buying a used gun that you can have ensured to be in good condition (a task in itself) eliminates a lot of "break in" problems that come with a new weapon.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-27, 9:48 PM #156
Originally posted by Spook:
On the flip side, buying a used gun that you can have ensured to be in good condition (a task in itself) eliminates a lot of "break in" problems that come with a new weapon.

I've also been told that many older guns were made in the USA with higher quality materials than some new imported firearms. :)
2007-06-27, 9:56 PM #157
break in problems usually plague semi-autos more than anything else...

other guns it tends to be just that bolts, triggers, etc get smoother with use

and with new made imported firearms... if it came from china yes that's true... just about anywhere else it's mostly false with some true thrown in (and if it was made in a certain area of pakistan it's complete junk)
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-06-28, 3:18 AM #158
imho gun isn't a solution, if you want to hurt them just beat the **** out of them.
Or just get some ninjas to do it for you. : )

Or.. booby-trap your property, that'd be fun, specially if you catch 1or2.
I don't think you can be sued for having traps on your property, and even if you do. you can always say they were for animals.
2007-06-28, 4:22 AM #159
Originally posted by Nitropenguin:
imho gun isn't a solution, if you want to hurt them just beat the **** out of them.
Or just get some ninjas to do it for you. : )

Or.. booby-trap your property, that'd be fun, specially if you catch 1or2.
I don't think you can be sued for having traps on your property, and even if you do. you can always say they were for animals.

"Animals...yes...animals...giant TWO LEGGED ANIMALS WITH NO RESPECT FOR THE LAW!":argh:
2007-06-28, 6:05 PM #160
Originally posted by Nitropenguin:
imho gun isn't a solution, if you want to hurt them just beat the **** out of them.
Or just get some ninjas to do it for you. : )

Or.. booby-trap your property, that'd be fun, specially if you catch 1or2.
I don't think you can be sued for having traps on your property, and even if you do. you can always say they were for animals.

You can be sued for just about anything. Like this.

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