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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Apparently This Ad Is Running Nationally Across America
Apparently This Ad Is Running Nationally Across America
2007-06-30, 10:57 AM #41
They can immigrant legally. It just takes more time/money.

Why do you think they are immigrating in the first place? They HAVE no money to live with.
The minimum wage in Mexico is of 48 pesos, like 5 dollars FOR AN 8 HOUR SHIFT. Its not PER hour, but PER shift. Daily expenses amount to more money than this:
Schools (if they have children)
Unexpected situations (medical, divorce, accidents, lawsuits, theft, etc)

Its almost impossible to make a living off of the Minimum Wage, and in most cases, it is. Prices just went up around here on milk, eggs and bread, so things just got worse. And if you think this is bad? There are people who live off of 2 dollars for 12 hour shifts elsewhere in the world (rumored that even in some places of México), where the prices for food and milk are the same.
Not all Mexicans are drug addicts, liars, thieves, or bad people.

I have come to learn that my American perception blinded me from the truth. They are a different kind of people, generally with good intentions, but under a lot of pressure from economical issues and government corruption. Despite all these things, I have seen that these people are more humble and generally more happy than the American people. Sure, they have their black sheep, that stick out like a sore thumb, since there are not enough resources to combat them, but they are a minority.

STOP STEREOTYPING PEOPLE. People generally go to the U.S. in hopes of achieving a life where they can actually make a decent, human, living. Where their children can go to school, and they can actually eat every day of the week, instead of just some days. It affects you? Yes it does.

Will building a wall make it stop or decrease it? No, it won't. You don't seem to understand, people prefer to die trying to achieve a better life, than living the current horror they are in.

What is the solution?
Find a way to legalize all illegal aliens, so that they will start paying taxes for their benefits. Thats the real issue isn't it? They aren't paying taxes? Well then, legalize them, and make them pay, else deport them or whatever. Just remember they are not criminals, they are desperate people in search of a better life for their children and themselves.

Just my $0.02.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 11:09 AM #42
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

stereotypes are made because they apply to the majority of the people being stereotyped

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Just remember they are not criminals, they are desperate people in search of a better life for their children and themselves.


my solution: armed guards that shoot anyone on sight no questions asked. sounds harsh, but i guarantee it'll make them think twice about trying to make a run for it.
tofu sucks
2007-06-30, 11:11 AM #43
Dude... stereotypes are all true? What?

I think he means that these are not people with bad intentions and that we should change the law so they are not criminals.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 11:12 AM #44
breaking the law no longer makes you a criminal? how do i get in on that deal.
tofu sucks
2007-06-30, 11:16 AM #45
Originally posted by landfish:
my solution: armed guards that shoot anyone on sight no questions asked. sounds harsh, but i guarantee it'll make them think twice about trying to make a run for it.

You really want to create a war? Trust me doing this will create an even greater hatred for America, damage foreign relations with many nations, make an even colder, selfish image for America than what already is, and also this would go against human rights, also the next time a group of Mexicans, or any one else, who would try to cross the border illegally, they would do it armed, and with no mercy to kill a few guards. THANK GOD IT IS NOT IN YOUR HANDS.

EDIT: You really don't value human life. If today we had another holocaust with some other majority religion, would you do anything about it? What if it were your own religion, if you have one.

Originally posted by landfish:
breaking the law no longer makes you a criminal? how do i get in on that deal.

Changing the law, so that these people be treated as human beings, not murderers, or thieves, or drug dealers, not who you think they are.

EDIT: Just because a human being is pressed into a situation where from his point of view, the only way out is crossing into another country where he has a half decent opportunity at a half decent life should not make him equally a criminal as a murderer, thief, terrorist, drug dealer. These people are forced by todays economical pressures to carry out these so called "criminal" actions. This is incredible and a disgrace to humanity.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 11:25 AM #46
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2007-06-30, 11:35 AM #47
Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast:

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 11:53 AM #48
The government is unable to deport the majority of the illegals now. I don't think that would change much if they were made legal citizens. Of course, if you sick the IRS on them, maybe that would change...
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-06-30, 11:54 AM #49
Originally posted by landfish:
breaking the law no longer makes you a criminal? how do i get in on that deal.
No, but changing an unjust law does.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 11:58 AM #50
Just because the United States is here, and has all this wealth, it doesn't justify jumping the border illegaly to have a better life. You may want a better life, yeah. So do those people in the bad parts of Africa. Just because we live next door to Mexico doesn't give their people some divine right to mooch off of us. They may be screwed, impoverished, and born into a crappy situation. That seems to be the norm for a lot of the world.
2007-06-30, 12:09 PM #51
Originally posted by Rob:
My only beef with illegals is that they don't pay taxes. You get them paying taxes and they can take all the jobs from lazy americans they want.

I'm with Rob on this one.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-06-30, 12:10 PM #52
i don't accept foreigners coming into our country. If we see them coming we should shoot them
2007-06-30, 12:11 PM #53
@Axis: So you're saying that they have an unfair advantage over other poor people because they live right next door to loads of really rich people? And they shouldn't be taking advantage of this proximity? Are you serious?

I guess people who are born in successful countries should also have all their advantages removed at birth to put them on the same playing field as the poor Africans.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2007-06-30, 12:14 PM #54
Originally posted by Detty:
@Axis: So you're saying that they have an unfair advantage over other poor people because they live right next door to loads of really rich people? And they shouldn't be taking advantage of this proximity? Are you serious?

I don't think he mean't that. I think he means that we shouldn't give a ***** about other's peoples problems. That way, when we are in trouble, nobody will give a ***** about us either.

Seriously, whatever happened to helping your fellow man? Or was that all just a lie and a great dream to keep people blind.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 12:17 PM #55
I probably did read into what he said about much, but his post seemed extremely offensive to me.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2007-06-30, 12:21 PM #56
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Seriously, whatever happened to helping your fellow man?

Help your fellow man all you want. In Mexico.
2007-06-30, 12:22 PM #57
I can't believe a debate exists about this subject at all
2007-06-30, 12:23 PM #58
The problem is, most people who wish to take drastic, illogical and inhumane steps towards the "criminals of the illegal immigrants" have no idea where these people come from. They have never EVER experienced true poverty. Or even close to it, and they most likely never will.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 12:24 PM #59
Originally posted by Koobie:
Help your fellow man all you want. In Mexico.

Yes, who's helping us then?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 12:24 PM #60
They still broke the law by entering illegally. Where they come from doesn't really have any effect on the law.
Pissed Off?
2007-06-30, 12:24 PM #61
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Yes, who's helping us then?

Heh. I guess this answers why your country apparently sucks so much.
2007-06-30, 12:25 PM #62
First of all they are breaking the law by coming in to the US as they do. If they ignore that law and get away with it then why should they obey any other laws.

Secondly a larg number of illeagal immigrants come because they are able to get fake social security numbers a begin to draw social security even though they have never paid in.

Finaly. When I was in high school I met a guy who was in the US on a work visa. He was from Russia and he was a heart surgeon. My sophmore year his visa ran out. My junior year my grandfather nearly died from a heart attack. The only thing that saved him was an operation that he had to be flown to dallas to get. If there had been a surgeon in town who could have done the operation it would have gone more smothly and saved my family alot of wory. But I lived in Texas and there are just to many illegals making it difficult for legal immigrants to come to the US.

For each illeagal immigrant who gets a chance at a good life one person who dreamed of coming to the US and tried to do it legaly gets thier dream stolen. Ilegal immigrants are thieves. They break the law. They steal others chance to come here and they steal what all of use put away for the future.
2007-06-30, 12:29 PM #63
Originally posted by Avenger:
They still broke the law by entering illegally. Where they come from doesn't really have any effect on the law.

Thats why the law is unjust, and it should take into consideration people's conditions.

Do we extend mercy to some one who has killed another person, because this person has a mental situation that could have been the cause of such an action? Yes we do.
Does this make everyone with this situation a killer? Or even a potential killer?

Now on the other hand, should we extend mercy to someone who, because of the economical situation of his native country, was incapable of making a half decent living in said country, saw himself forced into the only option and course of entering another more prosperous country, in an illegal way, to try to support himself and his family?
If the answer is no, than thats ****ed up.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 12:30 PM #64
Well Americans:
Got nothin' better to do?
Why don't you kick yourself out?
You're an immigrant too!
2007-06-30, 12:30 PM #65
Originally posted by ChickenNoodle:
First of all they are breaking the law by coming in to the US as they do. If they ignore that law and get away with it then why should they obey any other laws.

I can think of plenty of reason, it worries me that you can't.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2007-06-30, 12:31 PM #66
Originally posted by ChickenNoodle:
First of all they are breaking the law by coming in to the US as they do. If they ignore that law and get away with it then why should they obey any other laws.

Secondly a larg number of illeagal immigrants come because they are able to get fake social security numbers a begin to draw social security even though they have never paid in.

Finaly. When I was in high school I met a guy who was in the US on a work visa. He was from Russia and he was a heart surgeon. My sophmore year his visa ran out. My junior year my grandfather nearly died from a heart attack. The only thing that saved him was an operation that he had to be flown to dallas to get. If there had been a surgeon in town who could have done the operation it would have gone more smothly and saved my family alot of wory. But I lived in Texas and there are just to many illegals making it difficult for legal immigrants to come to the US.

For each illeagal immigrant who gets a chance at a good life one person who dreamed of coming to the US and tried to do it legaly gets thier dream stolen. Ilegal immigrants are thieves. They break the law. They steal others chance to come here and they steal what all of use put away for the future.

Please post a reliable, unbiased source so that I may debunk it with an even more reliable, unbiased source.

EDIT: Also, why are there no American heart surgeons in Texas? And how is it difficult for a doctor to enter America? Doctors are generally wealthy, and should have no trouble entering America.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 12:34 PM #67
You know what's great?

Leaving mexico for "greener pastures" is actively destructive to mexico and the mexican economy. Illegal immigration in this way is the height of selfishness and the only people who support the practice are crushingly stupid. If you think about the situation using neurons outside of your reptilian hindbrain you'd realize this truth and then hopefully commit suicide for your transgressions.

So I'll ask again: Why is there a debate about this subject at all?
2007-06-30, 12:39 PM #68
Shark moat.
2007-06-30, 12:42 PM #69
Yes. Sharks. Sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
2007-06-30, 12:43 PM #70
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You know what's great?

Leaving mexico for "greener pastures" is actively destructive to mexico and the mexican economy. Illegal immigration in this way is the height of selfishness and the only people who support the practice are crushingly stupid. If you think about the situation using neurons outside of your reptilian hindbrain you'd realize this truth and then hopefully commit suicide for your transgressions.

So I'll ask again: Why is there a debate about this subject at all?

Do you honestly believe people are going to stay in a country where its economical situation grows worse with or without the immigrant situation, since its not that big of a blow to the nations economy? So if you had some neurons beyond what is needed for typing insane stupid thoughts and realize that no wall, no guards, no amount of force or security will stop people from entering your country. Why? Because its a life or death issue to them. Man is capable of doing anything when it comes to life or death.

There is a debate because the current system and the current suggestions of a wall and tighter security, do not improve the situation, and only aggravate it. There is only one solution, and only one. Make immigration easier and more open, and legalize the current illegal aliens, and make sure they pay taxes. Thats the only true solution that will have a somewhat significant effect on the situation.

My $0.02

And notice, you are the one who started the insults, I only retaliated.

EDIT: I am now leaving this discussion.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 12:49 PM #71
You forget that the states too have to shoulder the burden of paying for illegals. California had at one point the resourse to basically pay for everybody. Then Grayout Davis pissed away the state's economy and now we're left with a rebuilding economy and an ever-so-increasing illegal population.

See the problem is that there is a LARGE influx of people. If people were just trickling in, it wouldn't be that much of a problem since the border states can use the time to generate the revenue and perhaps make said illegals pay something back. However large numbers are coming across. It makes it hard for local and state governments to keep up. It doesn't help matters when your president wants to make the burden more difficult (amnesty).
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-06-30, 12:52 PM #72
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Thats why the law is unjust, and it should take into consideration people's conditions.

Do we extend mercy to some one who has killed another person, because this person has a mental situation that could have been the cause of such an action? Yes we do.

Insane criminals are treated differently not out of mercy, but because they're insane and can not possible comprehend WTF they're doing. That's what asylums are for, you know. So your example of why "law should take into consideration people's conditions" doesn't stand.

Here's a better example. You're walking home from school (uni, work, whatever) and are ambushed and raped up the butt. Should the law pardon the guy because he was really horny?

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Man is capable of doing anything when it comes to life or death.

So why don't you all get your **** together then?

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
EDIT: I am now leaving this discussion.

2007-06-30, 12:57 PM #73
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Do you honestly believe people are going to stay in a country where its economical situation grows worse with or without the immigrant situation

emmigration and the infusion of foreign money (increase of buying power without being active members of the economy, i.e. working for that money) is indeed destructive to the mexican economy and the reason mexico is a poor dustball is because of lazy me-first mouthbreathers like you.

The United States didn't become the superpower it is today because Americans are good at sneaking across borders or working at McDonalds for $2.00 an hour. The United States became what it is today because of effective philosophies, because of hard work, because of intelligent people. So you, as a Mexican, have a choice. You can work to make your country better, or you can leave it and live in a southern california shack with 6 other mexican families. Personally I think you're too worthless to choose either of these options.
2007-06-30, 12:58 PM #74
Actually, legal immigrants with work visas and families in their home country give their home economy a great boost. Kuwait and Qatar and those Middle Eastern oil countries have helped South Asian countries greatly by allowing workers in on times work visas. The workers do all the jobs no Kuwaiti wants to do and sends money back to their families and go back to their country much richer.

Now, illegal immigration is bad and all, but I think we'd be much better off focusing on making legal immigration and getting work visas much easier than trying to make illegal immigration more difficult.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 1:01 PM #75
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
Actually, legal immigrants with work visas and families in their home country give their home economy a great boost. Kuwait and Qatar and those Middle Eastern oil countries have helped South Asian countries greatly by allowing workers in on times work visas. The workers do all the jobs no Kuwaiti wants to do and sends money back to their families and go back to their country much richer.

Now, illegal immigration is bad and all, but I think we'd be much better off focusing on making legal immigration and getting work visas much easier than trying to make illegal immigration more difficult.

The problem is at least with Mexico is that they bring the WHOLE family across the border. Children, parents, grandparents. So there is nothing left to be sent back.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-06-30, 1:07 PM #76
I'm sure there's a way to make it easier for one person to leave and send money back than to bring the whole family across. For one, it's probably a lot cheaper to feed and shelter a family in Mexico than the US. The thinking now, though, is probably that once you're going over illegally the whole family might as well go because you don't have to worry about visas. I guess you'd have to both make it easier to get across legally and crack down on illegal immigration.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 1:11 PM #77
mexico sucks. Stay in mexico with your suck
2007-06-30, 1:19 PM #78
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Thats why the law is unjust, and it should take into consideration people's conditions.

Do we extend mercy to some one who has killed another person, because this person has a mental situation that could have been the cause of such an action? Yes we do.
Does this make everyone with this situation a killer? Or even a potential killer?

Now on the other hand, should we extend mercy to someone who, because of the economical situation of his native country, was incapable of making a half decent living in said country, saw himself forced into the only option and course of entering another more prosperous country, in an illegal way, to try to support himself and his family?
If the answer is no, than thats ****ed up.

I don't want to fix my own country's problems, so I'll just go somewhere else and make a whole new problem there. :downswords:
Pissed Off?
2007-06-30, 1:31 PM #79
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

You're the one stereotyping people homeslice.
2007-06-30, 1:36 PM #80
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Despite all these things, I have seen that these people are more humble and generally more happy than the American people.

A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

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