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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Apparently This Ad Is Running Nationally Across America
Apparently This Ad Is Running Nationally Across America
2007-06-30, 1:37 PM #81
Damn Rob, I was just going to point it out! Oh well, I'll leave the post!
2007-06-30, 1:57 PM #82
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Why do you think they are immigrating in the first place? They HAVE no money to live with.
The minimum wage in Mexico is of 48 pesos, like 5 dollars FOR AN 8 HOUR SHIFT. Its not PER hour, but PER shift. Daily expenses amount to more money than this:
Schools (if they have children)
Unexpected situations (medical, divorce, accidents, lawsuits, theft, etc)

Its almost impossible to make a living off of the Minimum Wage, and in most cases, it is. Prices just went up around here on milk, eggs and bread, so things just got worse. And if you think this is bad? There are people who live off of 2 dollars for 12 hour shifts elsewhere in the world (rumored that even in some places of México), where the prices for food and milk are the same.

Yes, the way immigration is handled now in the US is plagued with major problems, and if there is going to be any progress in creating a welcoming immigration system there needs to be numerous comphensive reforms. Yes, this disjoined system needs a serious revamp before worrying about more raids and fences. But, for the time being, there is a system over here. There are laws over here. It's not another place, this is a different country. Along with the benefits of being here, there are rules.

Not all Mexicans are drug addicts, liars, thieves, or bad people.

That's not what I was saying. One would think illegal immigrates would avoid crimes in fear of being deporting or whatever.

STOP STEREOTYPING PEOPLE. People generally go to the U.S. in hopes of achieving a life where they can actually make a decent, human, living. Where their children can go to school, and they can actually eat every day of the week, instead of just some days. It affects you? Yes it does.

Immigration is part of America's backbone. The reason why this country succeeds is not without immigration. But majority of these immigrants, who become great citizens, entered legally. Because immigration is such an important part of our society doesn't make the act of illegally immigrating any less illegal.

Will building a wall make it stop or decrease it? No, it won't. You don't seem to understand, people prefer to die trying to achieve a better life, than living the current horror they are in.

You make illegal immigrants as some sort of refugees.

What is the solution?
Find a way to legalize all illegal aliens, so that they will start paying taxes for their benefits. Thats the real issue isn't it? They aren't paying taxes? Well then, legalize them, and make them pay, else deport them or whatever. Just remember they are not criminals, they are desperate people in search of a better life for their children and themselves.

What about all those people who went through the trouble of legally entering here? The time and money spent on working with the immigration system is a waste because all you need to stay here legally is to just be here in the country? It wouldn't be surprising that many of them were poor too but did their best to be legal citizens. I agree that there should be amnesty to certain cases, like illegal immigrants with children here or who started a business.

Just my $0.02.

Mexico seems like an absolute nightmare to live in. You might want to keep those 2 cents.
2007-06-30, 1:59 PM #83
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
Well Americans:
Got nothin' better to do?
Why don't you kick yourself out?
You're an immigrant too!

<3 White Stripes
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-06-30, 2:01 PM #84
Demon_Nightmare: dictionary sucks
2007-06-30, 2:15 PM #85
oh yeah, and I'm not sure what sf_goldg_01 is whining about with that whole "minimum wage isn't enough to live on" argument since it's no different in North America either. We make more money but we need a lot more to live.
2007-06-30, 2:53 PM #86
The thing I love about the US is how it just magicly apeared with a good economy high standard of living society that alows for anyone to make thier life better. I mean its not like any one had to do anything to make things like they are now. Its not like mexico was founded befor the US. How can you expect other countries to improve thier situation after all the US just magicly apeared and is the most perfect place ever.
2007-06-30, 5:05 PM #87
The US didn't just magicly appear.

2007-06-30, 5:12 PM #88
I do believe you just missed sarcasm.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-30, 5:16 PM #89
This thread contains so much stupid I didnt notice. Oops.

2007-06-30, 5:37 PM #90
I think that might have more to do with how much stupid YOU contain ;)

All in good fun GB :D
2007-06-30, 5:46 PM #91
In Soviet Russia, stupid contains you!
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-06-30, 6:17 PM #92
I agree about the Medicare, it cost around 500$ to get 3 damn staples in my head when I passed out. Most of that money is for the illegal immigrants who can't afford medical care on their own!
2007-06-30, 6:34 PM #93
Originally posted by Reid:
I agree about the Medicare, it cost around 500$ to get 3 damn staples in my head when I passed out. Most of that money is for the illegal immigrants who can't afford medical care on their own!

Most of that money is because they can. :/
2007-06-30, 7:20 PM #94
Originally posted by Reid:
I agree about the Medicare, it cost around 500$ to get 3 damn staples in my head when I passed out. Most of that money is for the illegal immigrants who can't afford medical care on their own!

Try numerous malpractice lawsuits.
Pissed Off?
2007-06-30, 7:26 PM #95
By fat indignant obnoxious people, who don't deserve it anyway.

Funny thing about mal-practice suits, in Mississippi the system is so corrupt, all the doctors are leaving because of BS settlements. Now everyone has to go the Nashville to get any kind of decent treatment.
2007-06-30, 8:04 PM #96
Originally posted by Reid:
I agree about the Medicare, it cost around 500$ to get 3 damn staples in my head when I passed out. Most of that money is for the illegal immigrants who can't afford medical care on their own!

That's quite possibly the most ignorant statement in this thread.

And that's saying something.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-06-30, 8:09 PM #97
Originally posted by Jon`C:
oh yeah, and I'm not sure what sf_goldg_01 is whining about with that whole "minimum wage isn't enough to live on" argument since it's no different in North America either. We make more money but we need a lot more to live.

I know I was going to leave this thread, but I will now ask Jon'C to supply me with some facts.
What does the average person in America make in a month? What are the average costs in a month?

Lets compare them with the wage and costs of your average every day mexican.

When you get the facts, PM them.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-06-30, 8:12 PM #98
The US is far too large and regionally divided to look at average income and cost of living and apply those numbers across the board. Needless to say, Jon'C's point is that coming to the US and working minimum wage jobs doesn't net you any more than staying in Mexico and working because the cost of living is far higher in the US.
Pissed Off?
2007-06-30, 8:14 PM #99
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I know I was going to leave this thread, but I will now ask Jon'C to supply me with some facts.
What does the average person in America make in a month? What are the average costs in a month?

Lets compare them with the wage and costs of your average every day mexican.

When you get the facts, PM them.

You do know there are places in mexico where everyone isn't poor, right?
2007-06-30, 8:16 PM #100
Isn't that everywhere? It seems all the poor Mexicans have left Mexico.
2007-06-30, 8:18 PM #101
Originally posted by fishstickz:
That's quite possibly the most ignorant statement in this thread.

And that's saying something.

Depends where you are. I mean, saying "most" is a bit strong, but in certain areas, it's very hard to recoup costs induced by illegals. The money has to come from somewhere. I'm not sure if it directly effects the other patients in the hospital, but yeah, it's not unreasonable to say that the tax-paying community at large is paying for the healthcare of illegals. It's not like we can't either; you can't deny anyone emergency healthcare on a moral level.

Numerous hospitals have closed in my area (s. cal) due to the juggernaut illegal community. It's not just life or death healthcare either, it's *any* ER visit/prenatal care/etc (oh lord some of them are so frivolous and or just... mind numbing. I'll NEVER EVER forget when I triaged one family:

Me: So, what brings you here today?
Them: Our baby is crying and we don't know why.
Me (after a few other questions): when did he eat last
Them: Two days ago.
Me: Oh, could you repeat that?
Them: Two days ago.
Me: ...
Me: (Thinking my Spanish was bad... somewhere) Err... let me get some help.
Translator: Yep, two days. It was one bottle of juice.)

So no, it's not that ignorant to say that illegals can jack up the cost of healthcare. Hospitals *do* close down because getting money from the government to reimburse you for 90% of your patients is rather tricky. To stay afloat you have to do something.
2007-06-30, 8:29 PM #102
I'm not saying that it doesn't effect health care costs to some degree, but saying that it's the largest factor is just stupid.

The corporate domination of the health care industry, coupled with ridiculous malpractice insurance costs, created by an American attitude of completely throwing away personal responsibility is what's killing American health care costs.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-06-30, 9:34 PM #103
Originally posted by fishstickz:
I'm not saying that it doesn't effect health care costs to some degree, but saying that it's the largest factor is just stupid.

The corporate domination of the health care industry, coupled with ridiculous malpractice insurance costs, created by an American attitude of completely throwing away personal responsibility is what's killing American health care costs.

In complete agreement with the above.

Just wanted an excuse to tell that one story, though :P
2007-06-30, 9:48 PM #104
Originally posted by landfish:

Arbitrarily, yes. Crossing an imaginary line isn't a crime.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-30, 9:49 PM #105
Well, yeah it is, technically. The question is whether it should be.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 9:55 PM #106
Murder is a crime. Theft is a crime. Sexual abuse is a crime. Walking from point A to point B I will never consider a crime, whatever the laws concerning the matter.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-30, 9:56 PM #107
And that's why you're in jail.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 9:57 PM #108
its not very often i actually get "angry" about a topic. but i have to say, this one actually tips me over the edge every now and again.

to ANYONE who thinks that illegal immigration is not a problem, you need to come visit southern California. (by southern California i mean L.A. orange county and further south)

illegal immigration affects me on almost a daily basis. i work in a tire mounting shop that is next to a home depot. every day i drive by a group between 10 and 20 day laborers who are out on the corner. this in and of itself is not that HORRIBLE of a thing, aside from the cat calls whistles and rude gestures the give whenever my girlfriend is with me (she works for a shoe distribution center across from the shop where i work so sometimes we carpool) the schools where i live are in serious trouble because a good portion of the population of students either struggle with speaking English or cant speak it at all. do any of you know how it feels to have someone come up to you and ask "español?" and when you say "no sorry" the physically push you aside rolling their eyes and go over to the next guy because they wont or cant learn english? because i do.

hospital emergency rooms down here are a joke. they are over crowded to the point that your condition (if it is at all serious) will probably go from bad to worse in the time you have to wait, because so many immigrants don't have insurance so they cant go to a family doctor when someone in the family has a common ailment.

one of my friends i work with is a pretty health conscious guy and he likes to ride his bike to work whenever he can. he has been hit by an illegal immigrant driving a catering truck. of course the guy has no license and no no insurance, and hes worried about his status so he is going to take off before. authorities show up. fortunately he is mostly unharmed. this is not to say that illegal immigrants are the only people who don't have insurance or what ever, but it is WAY more prevalent down here.

as for the whole "comprehensive immigration reform" if you are going to be honest about it, it means AMNESTY!!!!!!!!!! "but wait!" you say "there are penalties and such for people affected by the reform." bull****! who's going to enforce the "rules" and "penalties" attached to this legislation? oh, wait, the same government who has done a piss-poor job this far? the same government who was supposed to build the fence in the "wheres the fence?" adds? the bill for the fence was passed into law! and the finances have been approved!

seriously, i don't care where people are from or what they look like, i only care about how they act, what they do, and how it affects me and the people i care about. you can call me racist if you really want, you can say "oh you just hate Mexicans" but you might have a bit of a hard time convincing my Mexican finance about that one.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-06-30, 9:57 PM #109
We're all in jail, in a way. Only the very brightest find a way out.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-30, 10:11 PM #110
However, this ad is also running.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2007-06-30, 10:14 PM #111
Are you sure you know what side of the glass you are on?
2007-06-30, 10:24 PM #112
Darth Alran, I'm confused. What exactly do you suggest we do?
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 10:26 PM #113
Personally, I suggest he get a job that doesn't suck so he won't have as much to whine about.
2007-06-30, 10:54 PM #114
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Murder is a crime. Theft is a crime. Sexual abuse is a crime. Walking from point A to point B I will never consider a crime, whatever the laws concerning the matter.

Good thing the law isn't the same as what you consider. If you step onto my property, and I don't want you there, you've committed a crime, whether you consider it a crime or not.
Pissed Off?
2007-06-30, 11:01 PM #115
I think we can all agree that Skateboarding Is Not A Crime.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 11:11 PM #116
but being a skater definitely should be.
2007-06-30, 11:31 PM #117
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
Darth Alran, I'm confused. What exactly do you suggest we do?

We should enforce our laws. No amnesty, no compromise.

The border fence bill has been law for over 6 months now, and nothing at all has been done to attempt to implement it. We need an 800-mile steel and cement wall; nothing less will do.

Instead, the opposite of enforcement has happened. Have you guys heard about Ramos and Compien? They are two border patrol agents who were thrown to the wolves for doing their jobs. They wounded an illegal alien drug smuggler who was trying to get a van full of weed over the border. (they thought he was reaching for a weapon while they were in pursuit, so they shot him in the thigh) The drug smuggler was given immunity, while the border agents were given 15 years. That is NOT JUSTICE.

Besides, we don't need illegal aliens. The reason why citizens won't do these jobs is that employers are too cheap to pay a decent wage. If people really need cheap agricultural labor and can't get by without it, we have prisons filled to overcrowding. Why not send the prisoners out on work detail to do all of the agricultural jobs that illegal aliens currently do? Let the prisoners do backbreaking work in the sun, it makes no difference to me. The best part is that we might not have to pay the prisoners anything; doing the work should be considered part of their sentence.
2007-06-30, 11:46 PM #118
Amnesty costs $5000 with the current plan.
Pissed Off?
2007-07-01, 12:04 AM #119
Originally posted by Avenger:
Amnesty costs $5000 with the current plan.

The current plan was defeated last week. It's a dead issue unless the activists bring it up again next year. It was initiated last year with an amnesty bill that failed, and this year it was revived with less enthusiasm under the current bill that also failed, so perhaps next year it will just stay dead.

I heard on the news that the $5000 fine is only for the illegal aliens who want to stay in the US long-term. For those that want to work and go back to Mexico, there is no penalty. What kind of deterrent is that? Plus, like Alran said, how is it going to be enforced? Do they expect the illegals to just line up and pay the fine? They are going to dodge it every way they can.
2007-07-01, 12:13 AM #120
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
The drug smuggler was given immunity, while the border agents were given 15 years. That is NOT JUSTICE.

Let the prisoners do backbreaking work in the sun, it makes no difference to me. The best part is that we might not have to pay the prisoners anything; doing the work should be considered part of their sentence.

I see some issues here.


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