Was anybody else confused by the list of "compatible" games with the Wii Zapper? The thing is nothing more than a plastic housing with a trigger. Suitable for FPS games sure, but what makes one game more "compatible" with it than another?
Also, does anybody else feel that the mad peripheral rush for the Wii is about to begin? The Zapper, Wii Balance Board, and the Mario Kart Wheel are just the ones coming from Nintendo in the next few months. Wait until third parties start releasing their versions.
That being said, I'm still super excited about Mario Galaxy, SSBB, and Metroid Prime 3, though I'm kind of hoping Metroid will be "compatible" with the Zapper. 32 player multiplayer for MoH? Yes please. I might even pick up Madden for the first time ever if the rumored features turn out to be as good as they sound.
Technically, at least that I saw, they haven't released a solid number for how many online players in Mario Kart, just that it was an undisclosed amount of "more." (according to Engadget).
Wii Fit looks interesting, probably something that my mother would enjoy, but probably not for me. Though I must say, their balance board is certainly technically impressive.
As for the other companies, I agree with CM on the assessment of Sony's offerings. I doubt MGS4 stays exclusive for long, and I couldn't care less about FFXIII. Killzone 2, Lair, and GoW3 look neat, but don't justify buying a PS3, even at the price drop. Every other interesting game is also coming out for the 360.
For the 360 you've got Halo3, which may be improved since the beta, maybe not so much. Of course Bioshock and Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Army of Two, and Too Human all look neat. They're also getting the cross platform titles, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, Silent Hill 5, etc. I'm disappointed no price drop was announced, but I wouldn't be surprised if one comes sometime soon, considering the PS3 price drop.
On the PC front, CRYSIS. That is all.
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