Seriously, Gold, you can't expect to be able to make money when you're at the level you're at.
Here is some advice:
Stop learning by getting a little further into large projects each time.
Learn by completing progressively larger projects that you complete.
That means, start with a Tetris clone. Complete the project. That means
everything: game menus, installer package, ...
Then move onto a Breakout clone. This adds in collision detection and rudimentary physics. Complete the project. That means
everything: game menus, installer package, ...
Then maybe you're ready to tackle a 2D platformer.
Complete the project. That means everything: game menus, installer package, ...
Kirby's offer wasn't really about making a game, it was the chance to complete a relatively simple project. If I were you, I'd have jumped at the chance, but your inability to see past monetising your creations is what will hold you back.
As I said, just advice. Take it or leave it.