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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I have returned to haunt you...
I have returned to haunt you...
2008-02-27, 10:46 AM #81
quake 1
2008-02-27, 11:33 AM #82
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
(YES THATS ME! Sorry I posed as a girl every now and then).

This is, quite literally, the best thing to have come out of a Gold thread ever.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2008-02-27, 3:30 PM #83
I propose that we all follow the directive from Gold's signature.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2008-02-27, 3:51 PM #84
Why did he say this "(YES THATS ME! Sorry I posed as a girl every now and then)." anyway?

Also- Welcome Back!
2008-02-27, 4:20 PM #85
Well, these Gold threads aren't what they used to be... we're on page 3 and nobody got banned yet. Maybe we should try a topic on evolution.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2008-02-27, 4:26 PM #86
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Why did he say this "(YES THATS ME! Sorry I posed as a girl every now and then)." anyway?

Because he was obviously antagonizing people around here using that MSN name.
2008-02-27, 4:30 PM #87
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Next month Havok is being released as free for non-commercial use.


Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-02-27, 4:31 PM #88
Yeah, he asked me to teach him how to model under the guise of a female friend of some massassian. That suddenly makes sense now, because it seemed odd.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-02-27, 4:32 PM #89
2008-02-27, 4:33 PM #90
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-02-27, 8:15 PM #91
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Yeah, he asked me to teach him how to model under the guise of a female friend of some massassian. That suddenly makes sense now, because it seemed odd.


Man he ****ing played you.
2008-02-27, 8:57 PM #92
Originally posted by JediKirby:

0 for 2, Kirbs...
But, if it cheers you up, I know a real girl that wants to chat with you.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-02-27, 11:30 PM #93
I have a simple solution.

Gold, finish Sith2.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-02-27, 11:37 PM #94
If SF_GoldG_01 finishes Sith 2 I will give him $1000.00 USD.

This offer is only open to SF_GoldG_01. To qualify, Sith 2 must be feature-complete and stable enough to play through the entire original singleplayer campaign. He must, additionally, provide evidence that he did the work himself.

$1000, SF_GoldG_01. That's a lot of copies of that crappy MMORPG engine you bought. What do you say?
2008-02-27, 11:40 PM #95
If you added a zero onto that it might seem more appealing.

But now that I think about it $1000 USD is probably like 50 billion pesos.
2008-02-28, 1:23 AM #96
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I quit watching when your friend said he was having a hard time getting his editor to "sync up" with the engine code.

He probably meant the the guys working on the engine changed a file format or other critical behavior that would be reflected in the tools. And yeah, they're pretty young, so I think some slack is in order.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-02-28, 8:56 AM #97
I never helped him as his girl counterpart, so I never got "served." He just sort of begged me to help her and I told her I might be able to give her an idea of how to use MS3D, but that's about it.

Then she never logged back on.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-02-28, 9:32 AM #98
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I never helped him as his girl counterpart, so I never got "served." He just sort of begged me to help her and I told her I might be able to give her an idea of how to use MS3D, but that's about it.

Then she never logged back on.

Wrong person, because I kept logging back on and kept talking to you. And we were talking about personal stuff, getting to know each other. :D


I might have a look at Sith2, can I have a link? Also I would need documentation on how gob files, 3dos, and other JK related things work. Implementing COG is probably a nightmare, but then again I have never tried implementing a script in anything I have done before.

I am not saying I will do it. I am saying I will take a look at it.

Edit: Ok I found it on google.
EDIT2: Its the sourceforge link, is it up to date? Wasnt there a website for the engine?
EDIT3: Are the gob files for levels and all that documented? I would like to write a simple file reader that can turn the levels into 3D textured geometry. I could then remake this in blitz basic, but for my own purposes. I will look into how to make you a better physics engine.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-02-28, 9:36 AM #99
No, I know this is the same person. We talked about stuff a couple times. I was talking in a general sense.

What was your screen name?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-02-28, 9:37 AM #100
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Wrong person, because I kept logging back on and kept talking to you. And we were talking about personal stuff, getting to know each other. :D

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-02-28, 9:53 AM #101
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

I might have a look at Sith2, can I have a link? Also I would need documentation on how gob files, 3dos, and other JK related things work. Implementing COG is probably a nightmare, but then again I have never tried implementing a script in anything I have done before.
GOBs, 3DOs, "other JK related things" and COG have been implemented. A good rule of thumb: if documentaiton exists for something the work has been done.

I will look into how to make you a better physics engine.
I doubt it. If it were convenient to use a modern rigid body dynamics simulator for JK I would have done it 3 years ago.

I don't think you understand what you are required to do in order to collect your $1000.00. Not my problem, anyway. I'll pay the $1000 if you fulfill my requirements.
2008-02-28, 10:18 AM #102
No I am not exactly sure what you want me to do, but I would like a shot at it, at least for the learning experience. I am going to go off for an hour or two, but I will be back in a while.

I have a couple questions. Would you mind if I converted it to another language (Not blitz 3d/basic or blitz max)? Are you using open gl so that it can be multiplatform, or could I use Direct X instead?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-02-28, 10:19 AM #103
You must use the existing codebase.
2008-02-28, 11:18 AM #104
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Wrong person, because I kept logging back on and kept talking to you. And we were talking about personal stuff, getting to know each other. :D


I might have a look at Sith2, can I have a link? Also I would need documentation on how gob files, 3dos, and other JK related things work. Implementing COG is probably a nightmare, but then again I have never tried implementing a script in anything I have done before.

I am not saying I will do it. I am saying I will take a look at it.

Edit: Ok I found it on google.
EDIT2: Its the sourceforge link, is it up to date? Wasnt there a website for the engine?
EDIT3: Are the gob files for levels and all that documented? I would like to write a simple file reader that can turn the levels into 3D textured geometry. I could then remake this in blitz basic, but for my own purposes. I will look into how to make you a better physics engine.

Have fun trying. I doubt you'll ever get anywhere past reading/understanding the code. But have fun.

Originally posted by Emon:
He probably meant the the guys working on the engine changed a file format or other critical behavior that would be reflected in the tools. And yeah, they're pretty young, so I think some slack is in order.

He was actually talking about the camera system--he had to implement a bounded system. Honestly, he's the laziest coder on the team (he doesn't do nearly as much work as the other guys) but he knows what he's doing and he's an important part of the team. All of our team is important, and I think necessary, if only for the differing point of views. However, the artists who are attending SCAD can be a pain in the ***. They want to implement a storyline akin to The Sword of Truth, make it dark and morbid and stupidly so, because "we can". Because, you know, learning from the droves of fans who were driven away from the SoT series because of such a story would be silly! :suicide:
2008-02-28, 12:22 PM #105
Why would he need to implement a bounded camera system in the editor? That would just make editing the game painful and stupid.

I implemented a generalized camera bounding system in my unfinished 2D RPG by writing a generic brush tool. The tool was useful for a lot more than just camera bounding, and doing it this way meant you could see all of the brushes at once (triggers, camera, collide, etc)
2008-02-28, 1:30 PM #106
Jon, I like your idea, and I would take it on but I just am too busy to invest time in another project.

I have invested TWO FULL MONTHS of work into my fps. I have never worked so hard or so much on a project. Doing sometimes 16 hours of work in a day. Learning, reading, investigating, asking for opinions. Its been a long process and I've reached a point where if I were give this project up, I just wouldn't feel right. I have to finish this project to a satisfactory point before I can take on another. Besides, I don´t know enough about c++ or open gl yet to take on Sith2. Maybe in a month or so I´ll give it a shot, but for now, I openly admit I am not ready to take on that assignment. I must first finish my current one.

I just don't want to give this one up, I got a feeling that I can actually finish this one.

EDIT: And when I DO take my shot, I will do it for free.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-02-28, 1:37 PM #107
Pretend game making.

Must be fun.
2008-02-28, 2:06 PM #108
I have invested TWO FULL MONTHS of work into my fps.

Assuming you actually totaled the hours and came up with 1464, and didn't mean your spare time over a period of two months, that's not enough time for you to make anything decent.
2008-02-28, 3:53 PM #109
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Why would he need to implement a bounded camera system in the editor? That would just make editing the game painful and stupid.

I implemented a generalized camera bounding system in my unfinished 2D RPG by writing a generic brush tool. The tool was useful for a lot more than just camera bounding, and doing it this way meant you could see all of the brushes at once (triggers, camera, collide, etc)

It's a 2d RPG, so we can make the mapfiles bigger and make less actual maps. Make multiple actual areas on one map. Helps with load times I guess, I don't know too much about the technical side of it all.

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Jon, I like your idea, and I would take it on but I just am too busy to invest time in another project.

I have invested TWO FULL MONTHS of work into my fps. I have never worked so hard or so much on a project. Doing sometimes 16 hours of work in a day. Learning, reading, investigating, asking for opinions. Its been a long process and I've reached a point where if I were give this project up, I just wouldn't feel right. I have to finish this project to a satisfactory point before I can take on another. Besides, I don´t know enough about c++ or open gl yet to take on Sith2. Maybe in a month or so I´ll give it a shot, but for now, I openly admit I am not ready to take on that assignment. I must first finish my current one.

I just don't want to give this one up, I got a feeling that I can actually finish this one.

EDIT: And when I DO take my shot, I will do it for free.

1) 2 months? Hahahah. People spend more time on that on **** like PARTICLE engines ffs. Two months is next to nothing. On maps, even.
2) 16 hours...right. By that you probably mean waking up, lounging around on forums, coding a line, blah blah rinse repeat. That's not 2 hours of "work".
3) If you don't know enough C++/OGL to tackle it now, I can guaran-****ing-tee you you won't in a month. Try a year, two maybe.
2008-02-28, 5:12 PM #110
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Wrong person, because I kept logging back on and kept talking to you. And we were talking about personal stuff, getting to know each other. :D

gold, you are ok in my book. :D
gbk is 50 probably

2008-02-28, 5:17 PM #111
Am the only one who thinks taking advantage of Kirbs is *******ry?
Funny, But *******ry none the less.
2008-02-28, 5:43 PM #112
gbk is 50 probably

2008-02-28, 6:06 PM #113
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Trust me, me and my friends know this

is this really you are your friends? I didn't know you were making a game
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-02-28, 6:39 PM #114
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
is this really you are your friends? I didn't know you were making a game

Yes, it was shot at my place. I don't really advertise because it's not something worth advertising yet. Soon it'll be along enough that I'll start showing people, once we have some workable demo-age going.
2008-02-28, 7:05 PM #115
haha you were browsing massassi forum at the beginning too huh
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-02-28, 7:46 PM #116
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Am the only one who thinks taking advantage of Kirbs is *******ry?
Funny, But *******ry none the less.

I didn't get "Taken advantage of." He pretended to be a girl so I'd teach him to model. That's not being taken advantage of, that's being mislead by a borderline retard.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-02-28, 8:10 PM #117
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
haha you were browsing massassi forum at the beginning too huh

2008-02-28, 8:48 PM #118
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
YES THATS ME! Sorry I posed as a girl every now and then.

Modded +1: Insightful!
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-02-28, 9:15 PM #119
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I didn't get "Taken advantage of." He pretended to be a girl so I'd teach him to model. That's not being taken advantage of, that's being mislead by a borderline retard.


He was totally tanking advantage of how pathetically lonely you are.

2008-02-28, 9:31 PM #120
This thread is great in so many places.

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