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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Cold War Capitalism (forum game)
Cold War Capitalism (forum game)
2008-06-10, 8:22 PM #81
2008-06-10, 9:01 PM #82
This damn thing needs to be automated. Someone go write it.

And Grismath's attacks full of conditionals are just a pain in the ***.
2008-06-10, 10:53 PM #83
hmmm... so does anyone have any weapons left?
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-10, 10:58 PM #84
I'm too lazy to write it, but in the event no one codes anything, here's an easy way to track everything: make a spreadsheet as follows
	price	player1	player2
res	-	15	10

weap1	20	0	0
weap2	45	1	0

weap1	20	0	0
weap2	45	0	0

The colums are the different nations, the second row is the total resources for the nations, the first group of weapons is how many each nation bought, the second group of weapons is how many each nation fired. I kept buying and shooting separate so you can always go back and see how much money a nation brought in from selling weapons. The spreadsheet could be more complex to keep track of everything including who shot whom, but I figure this is enough. You probably could make another weapon group to show how many weapons each nation has left if you wanted...

Also, if you want to post it on the forums, you can just do the code blocks like I did there...
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2008-06-11, 3:10 PM #85
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
hmmm... so does anyone have any weapons left?

Of the nation-states remaining, I think this should be each of their current status:

Ma and Pa's war emporium
70 resources
artillery: 1 Ricin Aerosol Bomb (40)
damage done: none
nation-states destroyed: none

60 resources
artillery: 1 tactical shark cannon (25)
damage done: none
nation-states destroyed: none

55 resources
artillery: none
damage done: 45
nation-states destroyed: none

MacLongnamian Free State
28 resources
artillery: none
damage done: none
nation-states destroyed: none

Grismath Empire
55 resources
artillery: none
damage done: 102
nation-states destroyed: 4

40 resources
artillery: none
Damage done: 40
nation-states destroyed: 1

25 resources
artillery: none
damage done: 20
nation-states destroyed: 1
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-11, 8:29 PM #86
I'm going to go ahead and say that if those with weapons don't launch by the time this thread falls off the two-day list, their weapons automatically detonate and take out their own resource points.

Also, I'd appreciate any feedback you all have on this game, and if you'd be interested in me starting up a new thread (and hopefully addressing the downsides of this game).
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-11, 9:36 PM #87
Vegar, we have to attack Grismath and kill him, or else he wins.


Ma and Pa's war emporium
70 resources
damage done: none
nation-states destroyed: none

60 resources
artillery: 1 tactical shark cannon (25)
damage done: none
nation-states destroyed: none

55 resources
artillery: none
damage done: 45
nation-states destroyed: none

MacLongnamian Free State
28 resources
artillery: none
damage done: none
nation-states destroyed: none

Grismath Empire
15 resources
artillery: none
damage done: 102
nation-states destroyed: 4

40 resources
artillery: none
Damage done: 40
nation-states destroyed: 1

25 resources
artillery: none
damage done: 20
nation-states destroyed: 1
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-11, 9:36 PM #88
I'd like to give it another round. Now that we all understand the rules as well as the strategy a bit better, I think it would be interesting to see how the next one goes.
Life is beautiful.
2008-06-11, 9:44 PM #89
I liked it. My only complaints about it would probably be that the round was a bit short, and late-starting players are at a bit of a disadvantage... but the shortness of the round does take away from the late-start problem... so I don't think it's that major of an issue...

Either way, I'd be up for another round. :)
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2008-06-11, 10:37 PM #90
I think this should be a continual game ;) For those of us who miss the arming phase, we can just hop in when it starts up again!
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2008-06-12, 9:55 AM #91
Veger, heed not the lies and deceit spewed forth by Ma and Pa. If you destroy me, you will not win -- only stalemate will prevail among a world of losers. Instead, why not pick off Egopotamia?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-06-12, 10:26 AM #92
The Nation States of this world have been ravaged by the evil Lord Grismath. He has seen the demise of at least 4 of our fellow nations. Why would we do the evil biddings of such a ruthless dictator?

End his reign of terror. Join in my victory as we thwart the evil in these lands, and move towards a brighter future, where weapons manufacturers can all live in peace.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-12, 10:39 AM #93
The homeless refugee's of the nation of Roguelandia plead with the surviving nations to enact terrible and swift revenge upon the empire of Grishmath for their wanton destruction of our homeland.
Life is beautiful.
2008-06-12, 1:19 PM #94
Veger, you can destroy exactly one nation with your remaining arsenal. Do not hesitate! Grismath must die!

(Reducing a nation to 0 resources does not destroy it, as previously demonstrated by Gebohq.)
2008-06-12, 3:19 PM #95
When Geb struck out against the pacifist MacLognamian Free State, only the Grismath Empire championed her defense! Only a sworn enemy of peace, justice, and good taste would be so brazen as to topple the world's knight in shining armor.

Heed not the clamoring of the rabble! Peacefully disarm, and let us end this needless conflict. (Or cripple JM.)

Also, if I continue, at least someone will "win," but destroy me and everyone will lose!
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-06-12, 3:30 PM #96
If we can't win, we don't want you to either!

Everyone! Remember the true meaning of Mutually Assured Destruction!
Life is beautiful.
2008-06-12, 3:38 PM #97
I would rather see the decline of this civilization than its "liberation" and ultimate submission to a fascist Dictator. Does your heart lie with the ideals of this union Vegar, or the false sense of safety that this self-appointed "Lord" Grismath would impose? His offers are that of a snake. Perhaps you did not see his indiscriminate destruction of states just like your own? Where was his sense of mercy then? I have little doubt that he would have smashed your righteous nation, given his resources provided.

More than my credibility is on the line here. My blunt and public statements will brand me an enemy of this "Lord Grismath in the future. I stake the future of my own nation in the face of this tyrant, and the safety of my own family, Ma, Pa, little George, by asking you this:

Vegar, I urge you - No, I beg you: Be a hero to the fallen nations. Unite the sick, injured, and weak! It may occur to you that this will make you, too, an enemy of Grismath: This is irrelevant. Whether or not you strike him, he will destroy those who are weaker than him, that much has been proven. Only through unison can we defeat an evil so great. Only with your help can we be saved from his wrath. Strike down Lord Grismath! Sever him from his resources that he will no-doubt turn on us in the future! End him!
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-12, 6:23 PM #98
Originally posted by SG-fan:
I think this should be a continual game ;) For those of us who miss the arming phase, we can just hop in when it starts up again!

This is true, the arming phase stopped before there were enough arms floating around for widespread destruction. It seems like sales should only stop once a country is completely destroyed. That way a country can sell some arms to come back from a likely demise.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2008-06-12, 6:27 PM #99
I offer you stability, peace, and the rational rule of law. Ma and Pa offer you nothing but chaos, their syren-song of equality is intended only to distract you from the wailing of the maimed and the drumbeat of the war-monger. Let us end the bloodshed! Turn your swords to plowshares and join us in peace and brotherhood.

When the Grismath Empire answered the call to war, a call we did not issue, we did so out of necessity. We honored those who remained true to us, passing over our friend, Alranicus. We fought to defend the purity of the MacLongnamian Free State from those huns who would defile her independence.

And where were Ma and Pa during these times? On the sidelines, waiting for the right opportunity to swoop in, like the cowardly carrion, and prey upon the great and mighty once the battles had ended. Can you really trust one who circles even now over you?

The power is in your hands to decide future events. If you choose the path of chaos, forever will you sink into a bog of hate. War-mongers will revel in the fray and when no challengers remain, your people will turn inward and devour one another like roaches. A generation of orphans will be forced to drag the remains of their slaughtered forebears through a wasteland of discord. BUT -- it need not be like this! Disarm peaceably! We have all fought long enough! Recognize and reject the madness that is war. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we are almost there. You may either move forward and embrace a new beginning, or turn back and plunge us into eternal darkness.

Vegar, Lord Grismath offers you a new beginning. We can rebuild what we as a world have collectively destroyed. We can make things like the used to be -- better, even, from the wisdom gained through these hard times. Will you answer the call to the redeem the human race?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-06-12, 6:42 PM #100
Remember Roguelandia! Remember those destroyed by the aggressions of the Grismath Empire. Roguelandia did nothing against them, even traded arms, and what did we recieve in return? Betrayal! Though we did not act against him, and even destroyed his enemy Gebonia, Lord Grismath still saw fit to annihilate us in our moment of weakness.

Do not trust his cunning words Veger. Lord Grismath will turn on you just as surely as he turned on us. The time for action is now! An all out strike is the only answer!
Life is beautiful.
2008-06-12, 7:15 PM #101
Originally posted by Bobbert:
This is true, the arming phase stopped before there were enough arms floating around for widespread destruction. It seems like sales should only stop once a country is completely destroyed. That way a country can sell some arms to come back from a likely demise.

I'm pretty sure this is how it is. They still bought weapons after the first was fired, it's not until someone completely dies that you start up the MAD part ;)
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2008-06-12, 7:48 PM #102
Fair enough, things were a bit confusing with this first round. :P We should definitely play again.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2008-06-12, 8:00 PM #103
I have the priviledge to speak to you after such a wise man, Leader of Roguelandia, who has had to explain to his people why their sons and daughters will not have salvageable croplands after the wars. I speak to these Nations from the steps of a capitol untouched by war, hate, and violence. I speak as a leader of a small, sovereign nation to an audience of ravaged, war torn countries. My heart goes out to you and your families, and the constituents that you have sworn to protect in the face of evil.

Evil. Evil is a concept we see in the Bible, when Eve is shown the fruit of temptation. Evil is the character flaw in Cain as he strikes down his only brother. Evil is the thing in I have seen in the eyes of an oppressive, lonely man that talks about peace from the armchair of an Apocalypse. An Apocalypse he carried out.

Grismath talks about necessity in war, but misses a fallacy in his argument. He assumes that violence, and war are a necessity. When attacked by an independent nation, Grismath retaliated with force on not just his attackers, but three other nations of this fine union: And for what? Peace?! Grismath says that he offers a "new beginning," but only to those he has not destroyed. Only to those he has not yet ravaged. Only months ago, Grismath declared his rightful throne, arguing that "at least someone would win." A man of disturbing absolutes.

"A carrion coward." I have been called worse things by greater men. While advocating peace, this "Lord" decries a peaceful nation of technology and meager defense a "coward." If this is cowardice, so be it. If the carrion should rather starve, or worse, murder: I'd rather starve. But I refuse to lay down for this Lording megalomaniac, declaring cowards while begging peace in the face of his only threat. Was his retaliation against his attackers "Cowardice?"

As I said, we're a simple people. We would rather there be peace in the world, and there be no reason to manufacture arms, or to attack eachother. Ma and Pa are two kind, warm souls who don't understand the violence of the world, and would only see the security of free people, in and outside of our borders, safe. Some may call this naive, but I see them as visionaries. If their vision should become a reality, which is the vision of all of our parents, than we will strike down the tyrant that has already taken so much form us!

I plead with not only with Prime Minister Vegar, but with the nations as a whole: End this war, not with complacencies and regret, but with justice, and security for a safe future free of possessive, manipulative world powers. Do what the parents of those nations fallen would have done: Make the decision that will ensure a future for our children.

Thank you, and goodnight.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-12, 8:28 PM #104
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2008-06-12, 8:33 PM #105
Mighty nation of Vegar! Lay down your arms! Put aside your vain ambitions and heed not the calls of those who would have you unleash terrible destruction on the innocent, undeserving populace of one state or another! There is no victory to be had here, not for you, and not for anyone else, though many may speak of victory. There is only the blackened city, the burning farmland, the plume of smoke rising from another terrible, tragic mistake. We implore you, let the madness stop. Let the world's suffering end.

Some have doubtless told you that should you fail to use your weapons, they will fire of their own accord, destroying your own people and your own lands rather than those of your supposed enemies. This may be true; we cannot be certain. But surely it would be better to suffer this harm yourselves, than to inflict upon your own nation the grave moral injury of causing another such unimaginable pain?

We pray that you will consider our words.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-06-12, 9:20 PM #106
Disturbing words have come to our attention and in the interest of truth, Lord Grismath has decreed that we must set the record straight. Ma and Pa speak from the steps of a capitol untouched by war -- they do not understand its ravages. We have seen the horrors of war firsthand. And we have endured where others have fallen. We have been strong where they have been weak. Our conquest of others is only the natural mastery of the strong over the weak.

Although we are not yet destroyed, we nevertheless are the victims of the "diplomacy" that Ma and Pa value so dearly. Once their pithy stockpile of weapons ran dry, Ma and Pa had an empty trigger to click and instead resorted to insidious words, more dangerous than a thousand bombs, to get others to do the dirty work that they could not and indulge their grotesque fantasy of a world on fire.

Do you not think the people of the Grismath Empire have suffered enough? Ma and Pa speak of evil as if they observe it from a distance; however, it was by their weapons of mass destruction that our proud sons and daughters have been tested so severely. They are hypocrites of the highest order, passing judgment on a noble nation, perhaps out of jealousy that they themselves were had not wrought such mighty deeds in the annals of history.

We offer a new beginning now that the slate has been cleaned. Now that the world has purged itself of the great evils. The old world was one where we must kill or be killed. Today, things need not be that way. Things should not be that way. And, if you do as you know is right, things will not be that way.

Ma and Pa end their address with an appeal to our duty to the children of tomorrow. If you embark upon the war path, there will be no tomorrow; there will be no parents to rear these children -- there will be no children, for there will be no humankind.

Ma and Pa frame themselves as well-meaning, if slightly naive, characters. Do not be fooled by this illusion; they are cunning opportunists, who swooped down from on high only after the smoke cleared from the battlefield, only to return to their ivory tower of hypocrisy. So too will they take advantage of you, and this is precisely what they hope to do: listen now as they try to manipulate you as a puppet. Do not dance to their twisted music. Make your own choice, the one you know to be right: disarm and embrace a peaceful future. We can all live in harmony; let the madness of war fade with the setting sun.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-06-13, 12:04 AM #107
i am all for another round of this titillating forum game, i think it will be even better now that everyone understands the rules better.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-13, 5:02 AM #108
As a side note, Egopotamia promises not to destroy Vegar for no apparent reason and plunge the world into chaos in round two. Assuming, of course, that Vegar does the right thing, and destroys the evil Grismath Empire.
2008-06-13, 2:25 PM #109
So everyone knows, I'll start the new game on Monday, so Vegar will need to post before then or I'll just say his weapons blow up in his face by then.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-13, 2:34 PM #110
I'm rooting for blow up in face.
2008-06-13, 2:58 PM #111
We need some way to add resources to the system. As it is now, resources only leave the system. They are moved around; but never created and often destroyed. The only source of new resources is new players.

Also, we might consider letting everyone launch things, but only having weapons strike once per day. That way, I could launch stuff at kirbs that will destroy him when it hits - but he still has a chance to launch his stuff back at me.
2008-06-13, 3:04 PM #112
Or maybe just let nations keep launching what they got after they are 'destroyed'. That would only work if nations could keep buying after MAD starts, though.

You could do away with MAD entirely and just let us buy and launch constantly.
2008-06-13, 3:10 PM #113
Originally posted by JM:
We need some way to add resources to the system. As it is now, resources only leave the system. They are moved around; but never created and often destroyed. The only source of new resources is new players.

Explain please. I'm fairly certain resources for a player are created every time other players buy weapons from them. In this version, it does require that you sell at least 3 of any weapon you make to make a profit (that is, to gain resources), and new players do greatly help the "market' so to speak. In any case, I would be uncertain how to offer other ways to build resources without compromising the MAD theme and have the game's feel turn into any old strategy game.
Also, we might consider letting everyone launch things, but only having weapons strike once per day. That way, I could launch stuff at kirbs that will destroy him when it hits - but he still has a chance to launch his stuff back at me.
I might consider this. I don't want to allow for buying weapons after MAD though, nor do I want to get rid of the MAD motif. If any of you feel the game should be otherwise, there's no reason why other people can't start variants of the game in a different thread of their own. :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-06-13, 3:12 PM #114
We could have everyone's resources "naturally" increase per turn (I guess per every post that brings upon a new action).


At start nations A, B, C, and D all have 50 RU.

A posts that it's selliing A-Bombs for 10 RU. A has 30 RU left. B, C, and D naturally increase to 51 RU. A naturally increases to 31 RU.

B posts that it buys 5 A-Bombs. B has 1 RU. A has 81 RU. C and D have 51 RU. B naturally increases to 2 RU. A naturally increases to 82; C and D to 52.

2008-06-13, 8:46 PM #115
Originally posted by JM:
This damn thing needs to be automated. Someone go write it.

I was thinking of making something cool along those lines. I'll work on it tomorrow.

2008-06-13, 8:56 PM #116
The humble nation of Veger has taken all considerations into account. In a time where we are all on the brink of peace, it has been concluded that an laying-down-of-arms must take place. Therefore, in order to ensure the security of the world peace movement, Veger launches it's remaining Tactical Shark Canon on the nation of the Grismath Empire, removing any possibility of revengeful hatred that might occur when it rebuilds it's vast empire.

Grismath Empire
0 resources
artillery: none
damage done: 102
nation-states destroyed: 4

(edit: I hadn't come in to check this thread in awhile, sorry!)
This signature agrees with the previously posted signatures. To violate previously posted signatures is a violation of the EULA for this signature and you will be subject to unruly behavior.
2008-06-14, 12:08 PM #117
Vergar's troops storm the burned out bunker under the Grismath Empire's capital, but Lord Grismath is nowhere to be seen. All that's left are some smouldering file cabinets and a single TV, playing the following message on repeat:

"The war is only beginning. The Grismath Empire will be everywhere and nowhere at once. People can die, but concepts are immortal! DERKA DERKA MOHAMMED JIHAD"
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-06-14, 12:18 PM #118
While we have saved tomorrow, we have only begun to encourage the tyranny. We must agree to form a strong bond against the evil that is Grismath, or we will be destroyed. I suggest an embargo against buying weapons from him, and any nations affiliated.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-14, 12:27 PM #119
Somewhere in the distance the dark United Netheregions of Dave are stirring.
2008-06-14, 12:39 PM #120
The Council of Elders in Pomeria are on their 40th trip and comment on the "craziness" of the lights and sounds that reflect the destruction of the Grismath Empire.

Behind them, a young, chiseled soldier approaches. Without making his presence known or speaking a word, he dispatches the Elders in several swift swoops and swings of his sword. He stands on the bloodstained rock and stares off into fire.

↑ Up to the top!