Ok, I've had enough.. i can't sit on it... Yesterday, a wealthy individual heard the story, liked it, and offered me $1 million for it. at first I couldn't speak, then I asked what he wanted to do with it. He said 1 of 2 things, 1. just buy it, and hang on to it, or 2. Take it to some people he knows in Lion's Gate. Ok.. now it is well known that movies make ALOT of money now days, even if they suck (Van Helsing)... so he could be pulling in a profit of at least 10 million.. and it would be HIS story, and he'd have creative conrtol over the film if it were ever to release.... which would probably ruin the film, and I would get no credit... on the other hand I would have $1 Million... I really want to stay in the loop with Laboratory however to make sure it's done right... then again, if this happens the movie could be cancelled or not even be made at all... Or this guy is just full of crap, but I really think he's sincere, cause he has a meeting with some of his lawyers and everything, he said all he needs is a written copy for legal reasons. So either way you all will GET Laboratory.. I just don't know what form it'll be in... What dose everyone think I should do?
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