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Personally, I don't know what "religion" I am. I don't so much believe in Christianity, because it relies a little to heavily on hindsight. I mean they tend to change the rules to better suit our current society. I don't like that. It used to be we had 10 rules, and if you broke one, after death, you were gonna burn in hell forever. Now I talk to all kinds of Christians that say they have basically done away with the commandments. Why? Moses supposedly climbed the mountain and God gave him those commandments, right? So who climbed the mountain and found out that the commandments don't count anymore? No we did away with the commandments because they weren't really conveniant for our lifestyle. I talked to a guy I know about this. He goes to a Church of Christ and he told me a few really interesting things.
He said, number one, there is now only one commandment. And that commandment is that you should love everyone. So basically what they've done is dissolved the commandments and replaced it with the golden rule, which is fine, really, because it should work well enough. I mean if you treat people right, you oughtta be straight with the house of jesus in my opinion. Ok, but where it really starts to fall apart is when he started telling me some other things. First he told me that going by the rules of their church, if you dance, you're going to burn in hell forever. I don't know about you, but dancing doesn't seem to be a very bad thing to me. I understand that there are some forms of dancing that you wouldn't be able to televise on network television, but I have been told by this guy that if I danced at my high school prom, I would go to hell. Sorry, but I don't buy it. Ok, now for the third thing. The whole non-evolution thing. Otherwise known as creationism. I asked him how, if there has never been evolution, did Noah go around and gather up billions and billions of animals. Two each. And how did he fit them all on the boat. He told me there were not that many. He said back then there were only a few hundred. And we have more now because of "cross breeding." Now correct me if I'm wrong, but "cross breeding" is a form of evolution is it not? I understand that man did not evolve from apes by the ape a shagging ape b when there was a full moon or something, but I think mankind did evolve from apes. It's just a little hard to believe that we have never evolved at all, and everything else has. Already, in only a few hundred years, we have evolved mentally. We now have the capacity for more knowledge and critical thinking than hundreds of years ago. So why is it so insane to the Christians to think that we evolved from apes?
Where I do stand, in fact, is close to atheism, but not spot on. I most certainly think there is some kind of higher power out there. I just seems a little too out of the ordinary to think all of this stuff happened by accident. I think there's someone in control, but I don't know who. I don't so much believe in "worshiping" any invisible man in the sky in particular, but I think there's one out there in control. I don't know. And I'm not entirely against any religion in particular. Most of them follow the same rules. Mainly, they teach you lessons that are important. But I think they should be taken philosophically, and not literally. People seem way too caught up in believing an unbelievable story, that seems to me, to have been written to just keep people in line. There are alot of good ideas in Christianity, but I just can't stand the thought of really buying some of the hokey nonsense they tend to preach.
Basically, I agree with many of the teachings in the Bible, but I just don't like the people affiliated with it. I think the philosophical side has alot of good ideas, but the story is just not for me.
Change is never a choice. You change, and you are who you have become. And there's not a damned thing you can do about it.
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