Evolution within a species is adaptation. They are minor changes like thicker fur for artic animals than tropical animals.
Beoyond a species is a major and complicated change (for sexual beings, more specifically). Asexual creatures should have no problem evolving, depending on whatever stimuli.
But the evidence is critically lacking. If you think about it: This type of evolution takes millions (or even billions) of years. That would leave a plethera of fossil evidence, correct? Yet there has been great difficulty in coming up with just one fossil between two species. One fossil would only prove that one animal mutated. Evolution of sexual organisms would have to happen to an entire community, and should leave plenty of fossils. So where are they?
Stradle that fence!
This follows no logic whatsoever.
Maybe the "evidence" you look for is right under your nose!
Is this post proof that
I exist? If you want to be consistent, you'll have to say "no," because if this is proof that I exist, the delicate balance of the atom, and the complexity of the universe are proof that God exists.
And if this isn't proof that I exist, it would be hypocritical to expect proof of God, a far greater being than I.
Surely you have
something small that means great things to you. It'd be like that.
everything? I mean... nothing is exactly like something else, no matter how much in appearance or quality they seem the same.
(This is based on the fact that matter can't be shared.)
For a healty meal, eat mashed potatoes, peas, and
Massassi's cuttin' into my free time, man.
Valuable Life Lesson:
Frog + Potato Gun = Blindness
Worship Examples - Christians' love for God should be seen and heard, not merely talked about. It is through actions that one is determined to be Christian, not through words. Words (and thoughts, as well) deceive even one's own self, but the heart speaks truth.
[This message has been edited by DogSRoOL (edited August 23, 2004).]