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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Let's have a level contest
Let's have a level contest
2009-09-24, 1:40 PM #121
Why do you need some "official" leader? What makes CM better at organizing a contest than JM, who has already shown initiative and has a long history of quality submissions? Geesh.
2009-09-24, 1:44 PM #122
I mentioned CM because he has more "authority" in that people will listen to him and assume it as official, not just some guy who has an idea that no one else may follow.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-09-24, 1:49 PM #123
Yeah no disrespect to JM at all, I'm loving his motivation and the enthusiasm to get the ball rolling (or cleaver cleaving) - just I'd be alot happier (and I'm sure others would too) if it was an official Massassi contest with a main page headline and such. Maybe even a page. That way even if it fizzles out and everyone loses interest then I haven't wasted my time as there's still a reward etc.. even if that reward is winning a contest nobody else entered - it was official and I officially won. Hope that makes sense, because reading it back it really doesn't.
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2009-09-24, 1:51 PM #124
Cool Matty refuses to make a news post because of some reasons he claims he is about to post.
2009-09-24, 1:53 PM #125
Don't think you're going to win by default again. :argh:

Cool Matty refuses to make a news post because of some reasons he claims he is about to post.

Who cares? Let's just do our thing, even if it's only you me and Emon, JM.
2009-09-24, 1:54 PM #126
I intend to. But I still want to see what CM's problem with it is.
2009-09-24, 1:57 PM #127
Seriously people, don't let this contest die right at the moment it was actually born.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2009-09-24, 1:59 PM #128
I've been following this thread since it was made, I haven't ignored it. I've been waiting to see if Massassi in general was:

1. Actually interested.
2. Could agree on terms for the contest.
3. Really actually interested.
4. If enough people would actually submit and not just promise the world and deliver nothing.

So do we have that yet? I'm not quite sure, but I'll go along with it for now.

As for rules, here is my proposed set based on everything I've read and in the interests of getting the most submissions:

A. No limitation on type of map or game, as long as it is the JK series (JK, JO, JA).
B. Maps will be judged on their attention to detail and gameplay, that is, effort. A JK level need not look better than a JA map, merely it must be a great JK map.
C. Previously created material is allowed, as long as it is not already released and published on Massassi in some fashion. In other words, don't take a level you made before and just spruce it up.
D. All submissions will be due at December 13th, at 11:59PM EST in my inbox:
E. Submissions must meet the usual submission rules of Massassi.

If this sounds reasonable, let me know, and I will make it official on the front page and introduce a contest page.

Also, JM is an *** for misquoting me. I specifically said not yet for a news post, because I wanted to address issues and clearly define the rules before jumping out on this contest half-cocked.
2009-09-24, 2:02 PM #129
Who is doing this judging?
2009-09-24, 2:04 PM #130
Originally posted by JM:
Who is doing this judging?

I'd prefer not to. I'll find some people who will not be participating, and have all the requisite software.

(Hint hint, potential judges, post your stuff!)
2009-09-24, 2:09 PM #131
Officialness ruins everything. :argh:
2009-09-24, 2:23 PM #132
I like the idea of having the entrants judge.
2009-09-24, 2:58 PM #133
I'm up for this.

Have we ever tried a forums-wide NES-style level? As in, each person adds a section to a single level, and then passes it on to someone else who adds their own section? Is that possible?
2009-09-24, 3:00 PM #134
The inconsistent styling is a bit of an issue.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-09-24, 3:04 PM #135
I've already started my map, I'll make a project on JKHUB tonight. It's a JK MP map
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-09-24, 3:12 PM #136
Damn, I better break out JED... or is it ZED now? And... relearn...
2009-09-24, 3:42 PM #137
I'll take all of those comments as a "Yes that sounds good!"

I'll make a sticky and post up a news thread. Feel free to link it around. I'll get a proper page whipped up later.
2009-09-24, 7:08 PM #138
i am going to say that i am tentatively in. got a bunch of stuff going on right now, like changing jobs and roommates, but i would like to try and enter something.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2009-09-24, 7:54 PM #139
Alran, you should use your Bhuzania level. I'm making a new level fro the contest and, for fairness's sake, want it to be all my contest. Your level is off to a really great start; why not finish it up? :)
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-24, 7:55 PM #140
Originally posted by Emon:
The inconsistent styling is a bit of an issue.

What ever happened to the Massassi city, where everyone made a block? That level looked so neat. :(

Also, I've dropped out of the "list" of entrants for some reason. Count me back in!
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-25, 3:39 AM #141
I think Edward tried to start a community level in 2005 or so, I put my hand up for it, but I don't think it got off the ground. Neither did my attempt though really..
2009-09-25, 6:10 AM #142
That was easy enough.
2009-10-02, 10:47 AM #143
hi, there s no a page to make an introduction of ourselves?
i want to say hello.
La Calavera Aburrida
2009-10-02, 10:50 AM #144
Why don't you just make a new thread then..
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-10-02, 11:00 AM #145
Originally posted by supervisance:
hi, there s no a page to make an introduction of ourselves?
i want to say hello.

no go away
2009-10-02, 11:03 AM #146
I'd offer to be a judge, but I don't know enough about GTKRadiant to really say what 'good' is other than what looks good and what's fun. *shrugs*
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2009-10-02, 11:19 AM #147
Originally posted by KOP_AoEJedi:
I'd offer to be a judge, but I don't know enough about GTKRadiant to really say what 'good' is other than what looks good and what's fun. *shrugs*

a) people don't use radiant for jk/mots
b) sounds like your method of determining "good" is good

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