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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Thinking of getting Modern Warfare 2 for PC over a console? Don't bother.
Thinking of getting Modern Warfare 2 for PC over a console? Don't bother.
2009-11-08, 1:09 AM #81
I think the fact that so many people are upset about that mission shows that IW made their point.

I'd never played any war games until CoD4, and I was blown away by how intense the experience was. Those guys know what they're doing.
2009-11-08, 1:15 AM #82
Originally posted by Jon`C:
That doesn't prove anything: guns are designed so they're easy to use. I claim that if you've ever fired any rifle with a detachable magazine you can use any assault rifle.

What about stuff like the G36, with it's strange cocking mechanism?
Or a P90.
2009-11-08, 1:28 AM #83
I can't identify most of the guns mentioned in this thread, which goes to show that there's another group of gamers who just like action and couldn't care less about the reality. I could probably figure out a gun, and I've even fired a few. But I am in no way prepared or trained to shoot anyone in real life. Or rape a hooker, design a roller coaster, hack a steam-powered camera, or manage a city. Hell, I can't even manage my finances and household tasks - but I've played hours and hours of Sims 2. I can barely get straight married men to have WooHoo with me in public dressing rooms .
2009-11-08, 4:34 AM #84
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Well, German versions of games get stricter restrictions due to regulations. I'm surprised that the mission would even appear in the German version in the first place.

Well, some people think that it will be indiziert (don't know a corresponding English word, it means it's forbidden to be made available to anyone below 18 and it's forbidden to be advertised) anyway. Some even expect it to be to be confiscated.
Sorry for the lousy German
2009-11-08, 6:22 AM #85
Originally posted by Tibby:
What about stuff like the G36, with it's strange cocking mechanism?

It's sorta awkward to use (CETME is the predecessor and the same way) and it doesn't help that I shoot lefty, so I wind up rotating the rifle 90-180° to cock it. Smacking the arm down is amusing, you just have to get past the very strong spring (although the Thompson is a lot worse in that regard).

It's also a ***** to disassemble and clean unless you figure out the secret :psyduck:
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-11-08, 7:36 AM #86
Originally posted by Jon`C:
That doesn't prove anything: guns are designed so they're easy to use. I claim that if you've ever fired any rifle with a detachable magazine you can use any assault rifle.

I think the real issue with using a gun though, especially a gun like an assault rifle, isn't so much knowing how to load it. It's knowing how to aim and fire it properly.
2009-11-08, 8:56 AM #87
Originally posted by Jon`C:
That doesn't prove anything: guns are designed so they're easy to use. I claim that if you've ever fired any rifle with a detachable magazine you can use any assault rifle.

No, it certainly doesn't, like I said, I was just curious. Video games don't even come close to training anyone in the physical actions required to, say, shoot up your school.
2009-11-08, 9:12 AM #88
ZOMG I played Doom as a kid and it trained me in the use of ... er shotguns, and ... errr ... rocket launchers <_<
2009-11-08, 9:21 AM #89
I didn't even know how to cut down trees before I played doom, but now I am a chainsaw expert.
2009-11-08, 9:39 AM #90
I've played violent computer games since I was about 12, and it hasn't affected me. It's been literally weeks since I last murdered anyone.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2009-11-08, 10:33 AM #91
edit, misread, never mind- is there not a delete button or am I blind?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2009-11-08, 10:56 AM #92
[WARNING: extreme content]

That's the only non-banned video I found. Notice that before the mission starts, a dialog comes up warning the player of extremely graphic content, and the player may choose to skip the mission.

And yes, the video IS extremely violent and disturbing.. and brings some ethics into the question. However, I feel that if Activision were to force players to do that mission, it would be unacceptable.
2009-11-08, 10:57 AM #93
I do believe that was posted a page back, or was it different?
2009-11-08, 11:00 AM #94
the other one is banned now
2009-11-08, 11:06 AM #95
Makarov is cute. Every time I hear/see him say "Remember: No Russian," my pants wiggle.
2009-11-08, 11:23 AM #96
Okay, now that I'm thinking through the situation, IW is going to screw themselves with this level.

The point of this mission is to bring the player closer to taking down "Makarov", but obviously in the video Makarov is right next to the player. The player has a loaded gun. If assassinating Makarov is worth the lives of approximately a hundred civilians, then the U.S. would rather just sacrifice that soldier.

I mean, think about it. The U.S. would have had a lead on Makarov, they would know what he was doing. Any commander who's not a total idiot could have saved 95% of those civilian lives.

They shouldn't have had the option for the player to do the killing. IW and Activision, be prepared to face the wrath of Oprah.
2009-11-08, 11:29 AM #97
That's pretty much exactly what I said a page back.
2009-11-08, 11:32 AM #98
I don't know the storyline of the game and barely remember the plot of the first game but I assume the idea is that getting good with Makarov will allow them to get in contact with more dangerous organizations. If some Russian civilians have to die for national security, so be it. This is Modern Warfare™, after all.
2009-11-08, 11:39 AM #99
I can see where they're going with that, but in any case I still haven't seen an action movie where the hero kills unarmed civilians.

In the end, it'll just come down to IW becoming the new Rockstar. The game won't make people kill, the games not going to destroy a generation and blah blah blah but that doesn't mean that the game's content is acceptable.
2009-11-08, 12:09 PM #100
I don't really care if it could influence kids. It's a Rated M game for a reason. Someone should show the parents these vids :P

Once parents see that their kid is playing this game, I'm sure most of them will take it and bring it back, so long as the kid isn't completely spoiled or the parents are careless. One can only hope ;)

In any case, I'm totally onboard with you guys about the eyes being lenses. Only 3rd person games should have that stuff >.<
2009-11-08, 12:09 PM #101
We killed way more innocent people in Iraq/Afghanistan. Our government only cares about American lives, remember that.
2009-11-08, 12:11 PM #102
Originally posted by Tibby:
What about stuff like the G36, with it's strange cocking mechanism?
What strange action?

Or a P90.
Submachine gun.
2009-11-08, 12:12 PM #103
Because we did, Vin, doesn't mean we should condone it..
2009-11-08, 12:16 PM #104
The guy in the second video is a lot ****tier.
2009-11-08, 12:19 PM #105
Speaking of IW, Deus Ex: Invisible War wasn't really a Deus Ex game :argh:

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2009-11-08, 12:34 PM #106
Extra super-realistic part: firing a machine gun over a person's shoulder, indoors, wearing no hearing protection.

Training to be the most hilarious killer ever.
2009-11-08, 12:53 PM #107
Originally posted by Reid:
I can see where they're going with that, but in any case I still haven't seen an action movie where the hero kills unarmed civilians.

In the end, it'll just come down to IW becoming the new Rockstar. The game won't make people kill, the games not going to destroy a generation and blah blah blah but that doesn't mean that the game's content is acceptable.

In society that values free expression, I don't think we should use the labels 'acceptable' or 'unacceptable' on any art form. There are plenty of movies and books and TV series that feature gratuitous violence as part of the storyline, like that series Dexter that follows a serial killer who the viewer is supposed to be sympathetic to and urge him to evade capture and continue killing. That's an awesome TV series, and one we would be deprived of we considered censorship acceptable, whether it be regulated or self-censorship.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2009-11-08, 1:05 PM #108
You're right, we can't really censor that kind of content. IW is still going to get hell from the media (Fox cough cough)
2009-11-08, 1:08 PM #109
I'm still surprised fox never made a big deal about Red Faction Guerrilla
Car bombs, Ambushes, Guerrilla warfare...
2009-11-08, 1:29 PM #110
Originally posted by Tibby:
I'm still surprised fox never made a big deal about Red Faction Guerrilla
Car bombs, Ambushes, Guerrilla warfare...

Or C&C Generals. That game really taught me how tactically versatile and generally awesome suicide bombers are.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2009-11-08, 2:53 PM #111
So you don't have to click through a few times, the German video is still working
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-11-08, 4:29 PM #112
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
I didn't even know how to cut down trees before I played doom, but now I am a chainsaw expert.

I've seen experts fall some huge trees and it's an art, let me tell you. I'm fallen dozens of trees and I'm a novice.
Pissed Off?
2009-11-08, 5:40 PM #113
Originally posted by Martyn:
ZOMG I played Doom as a kid and it trained me in the use of ... er shotguns, and ... errr ... rocket launchers <_<

2009-11-08, 6:58 PM #114
Originally posted by Reid:
Because we did, Vin, doesn't mean we should condone it..

Of course we shouldn't condone it, but seeing as no apologies (as far as I know) have ever been issues, our government not caring about non-citizen lives seems to be policy. We don't know the full plot of MW2 yet, hopefully things will make more sense, but acting like the CIA or the Pentagon would never permit the attack in that video is foolish.
2009-11-08, 7:20 PM #115
Originally posted by Reid:
However, I feel that if Activision were to force players to do that mission, it would be unacceptable.


So if I find something in a game I find offensive, I am forced to play through it, now? I can't just stop playing, write an angry letter to the game company, return the game (yeah I don't think many places let you do this) or sell it back to GameStop or destroy it?

Now that that scarecrow is soundly beaten, "force" is a pretty poor choice of words. I suppose the warning is good, but chances are now anyone who has been tracking the game's dev process knows about it already.

2009-11-08, 7:24 PM #116
Bottom line: If you can't handle mature rated content, don't play a mature rated game. Accountability anyone?
2009-11-08, 7:57 PM #117
What about artistic representations of other incredibly horrible things, like child pornography? (I'm referring to art of it, not the actual act of it, mind you) Should that be censored or should it be allowed? It's terrible and offense, after all, just like this.
2009-11-08, 8:31 PM #118
Ah yes, this old chestnut.

Regulating obscenity is an intractable problem because there's no way to definitively pin it down. It always comes down to a "I know it when I see it!" sort of judgement which is p incompatible with our idea of freedom of expression.
2009-11-08, 8:34 PM #119
i thought people only played CoD for the multiplayer anyway.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2009-11-08, 8:39 PM #120
Cod4 had a great SP experience.

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