Some kid at my school in grade 4 got caught going around on lunch hour bashing the cars parked around the school with a baseball bat. His punishment was detention for the rest of the school year and his parents had to pay every single owner for the repair charges.
Another kid in high school that I couldn't stand brought a knife to school (high school) cause she thought she and it was cool. When she was scolded for it by a 1 day suspension she went crazy. She wouldn't stop talking about how it was so stupid, etc etc. She constantly talked about how people should be allowed to carry stuff that they use to defend themselves, even at school and how our neighborhood was bad, etc etc. Anyways, barely a week later I was walking down the hallway and she was running by with blood squirting (literally) from her wrist/hand with a teacher holding her arm. Apparently she had gotten into a fight with some other girl and of course... The other girl had brought a knife and stabbed her in the hand, and their movements in the fight caused it to slice downwards into her wrist.
I wonder if she changed her tune.