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"Dave's not here man!"
2010-11-03, 9:37 AM #41
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Just ethanol, caffeine and nicotine.

Cigarettes? Cigars? Chew? The only nicotine method I don't like is chew. So vile.

I'm majoring in Ethanol Science, actually.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-11-03, 9:42 AM #42
Originally posted by Spook:
Cigarettes? Cigars? Chew? The only nicotine method I don't like is chew. So vile.
Just cigars. I'm interested in pipes, but it's worth waiting until I can afford a good pipe and a humidor.

I'm majoring in Ethanol Science, actually.
is that a real thing
2010-11-03, 9:46 AM #43
Now that I've got my own house and the weather is starting to cool, I'm looking forward to sitting in my backyard and smoking my pipe. I've got a half pound of nice Burley black cavendish in my humidor ready to go. I'm going to have to build a fire pit...
2010-11-03, 10:00 AM #44
Originally posted by Jon`C:
is that a real thing

He came up with it when he was drunk.
2010-11-03, 11:17 AM #45
Originally posted by zanardi:
I prefer marijuana over beer, so when I get home from work after a stressful day nothing beats sitting down relaxing and having a toke. I only deal with quality buds.

I prefer it to everything. Most people I know drink 24-7 (not so surprising in college). Yet, I'm Not inclined to drink, especially excessively. Ive taken a fair amount of drugs, but I find the best thing to be Chronic. I am surprisingly able when I smoke and do everything with that slightly euphoric and nostalgic look in my eyes. Really though, I do not feel it affects me negatively. I'm not selling my **** for drugs, I'm not on the street giving black dudes head for some meth. I'm chilling with someone smoking and playing a game, watching a movie, going to a concert, eating with my family, going to the store, going to six flags, Reading Lord of the Rings, Reading Dune and Kevin j. Anderson's dune, or reading dark tower. I find it enhances my day to day life.

As to its "coolness", I do not think it makes me cool. I simply see it as my "beer", or "gambling", or whatever vice you like to say. Some people do there pills. Though Ive dabbled in them in my youth, I find its not my scene. Most of the time I end up taking too much and puking anyway. The norcos i mentioned earlier were a pretty high dose (in the 800's i think). I was young and dumb, and learned my lesson. If not the first time, than sometime later. Adderall is pretty good if you want to talk non stop for a day, but I do not condone it. Especially seeing as its similar to coke, so I'm told, and **** coke. M.J. is my woman, through thick and thin. I too often times see people expressing their feelings for buddha with the most passion and love Ive ever seen of anyone. Their frequent refrain? I love it.

I'm sure most (if not all of you) drink, and I ask you how is it different? I don't see to many "high driving" accidents. I don't see stoners puking Thieu guts out after a night of smoking, with a hangover to throw the gods in dismay. No, I see people, eating and being generally lazy. Something Americans do without the aid of ganja.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-03, 11:30 AM #46
I don't even know what to make of your posts anymore.
>>untie shoes
2010-11-03, 11:34 AM #47
If your life sucks so much that it's not fun or enjoyable without regular supplements to cause your body chemicals to become unbalanced, you need to fix your ****.
2010-11-03, 11:40 AM #48
Also, I think this thread is pretty hilarious in the fact that it's "hey guys im a habitual drug user. other then weed i used to do pills. also i think aderall is the same thing as coke. im in college working on becoming a future dropout and busboy at steak and shake. i bet i smoke more weed than any of you"
>>untie shoes
2010-11-03, 12:17 PM #49
I think Squirrel King could give him a run for his money assuming he isn't in some sort of weed induced coma.
2010-11-03, 12:25 PM #50
I think it goes without saying that Zully runs the weed game around here.
>>untie shoes
2010-11-03, 12:29 PM #51
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Just cigars. I'm interested in pipes, but it's worth waiting until I can afford a good pipe and a humidor.

I enjoy a good cigar from time to time. I've got a cheap pipe and I enjoy some medium quality pipe tobacco from time to time, but I hope to have an expensive humidor setup next to my wetbar made of rich mahogany someday.

is that a real thing

Not at all. My minor in Female Anatomy is a real thing though.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-11-03, 12:38 PM #52
I am seriously wondering whether weed would help with my issues.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2010-11-03, 12:40 PM #53
Try it? Not much to lose
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-11-03, 12:56 PM #54
Originally posted by Detty:
I am seriously wondering whether weed would help with my issues.

"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-11-03, 1:20 PM #55
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
giving black dudes head for some meth.

*beepbeep* racism detected!
2010-11-03, 1:37 PM #56
An anonymous poll might have had more accurate results.
2010-11-03, 1:52 PM #57
Yeah, now we know that mb looooves weed!
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2010-11-03, 1:59 PM #58
Now that I think about it MB does look like a pothead, that explains the weight too.. all those munchies
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-11-03, 2:19 PM #59
Originally posted by Spook:
My minor in Female Anatomy is a real thing though.


Originally posted by DSettahr:
An anonymous poll might have had more accurate results.

Yah, but then people lie about their answers to the public...

As for what I've said, It wasn't like i was going through every little thing that Ive ever done. Also, Ive never claimed to be any sort of pill aficionado or even a drug connoisseur, I simply enjoy imbibing reefer. As I said i do not think its cool, its just what i enjoy. I could enjoy things without it. I have and still do, but for the most point, I'm pretty much always glazed. To address the amount i smoke and what i was trying to get across, let it be know that I was not saying, "Oh i smoke more pot than all you combined!" It was to show that I am a firm believer and will not waver in any of my beliefs or opinions. While were on the subject,yes. I probably do smoke more than all of you combined. This is not to say that it is a good thing. In fact, I am envious of the cheapness of beer and some wine, for all you alcoholics wishing my vice was as cheap.

Yet really, no one can argue against hashish if they drink. I do not think that any of you can argue that hemp is SOOO BAD!!!! Quit being such a tight-ass slave. Go out and explore the world instead of bashing it while sitting in the comfort of your apartment, or mom's basement or wherever you live.

TO address the people who are under the impression that smoking will immediately and automatically make you a failure and loser. My only retort to your accusation is look at Ben Franklin. Do you think hes a loser? :hist101:
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-03, 2:21 PM #60
Have you considered that people aren't disagreeing with the content of what you say, but rather the delivery?

Very few people here are anti-drug.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2010-11-03, 2:40 PM #61
Originally posted by Detty:
Have you considered that people aren't disagreeing with the content of what you say, but rather the delivery?

Very few people here are anti-drug.

How so? In what way is my delivery less than savory? I was under the impression that I was being fair and honest. Though some took my "reminiscing" for aragonce, i can assure you that is not the case. I am just overwhelmed with people in my life whom look down so harshly upon that, yet they are the one's getting blind-drunk, breaking their ****, crashing their car, knocking up stupid *****es, and the puking out their lungs and ****ting out their heart the next morning... Yet those people swear that weed will ruin your life, as they blow the breathalyzer to start their car. If there is a certain aggression or angst in my text, its for that reason alone.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-03, 2:41 PM #62
your doing it again
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-11-03, 2:52 PM #63
Originally posted by zanardi:

I guess. I get extremely anxious about doing everyday things, like leaving my room whilst other people around. I can do it but I get a massive build up of adrenaline beforehand. Or I start thinking up reasons not to do something I would probably enjoy, basically as soon as someone asks me if I want to do it.

I realise I could react badly to weed and actually get more anxious. But basically I need help in learning to chill the **** out around people.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2010-11-03, 2:57 PM #64
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:

Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
look at me

If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2010-11-03, 3:01 PM #65
Smoke wee erry day.

I've slowed down some, but it's still a regular thing that I don't really pay much mind to any more. Can't smoke cigars anymore though, as nicotine causes throat constriction and was causing me problems.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-11-03, 3:20 PM #66
Originally posted by Detty:
I guess. I get extremely anxious about doing everyday things, like leaving my room whilst other people around. I can do it but I get a massive build up of adrenaline beforehand. Or I start thinking up reasons not to do something I would probably enjoy, basically as soon as someone asks me if I want to do it.

I realise I could react badly to weed and actually get more anxious. But basically I need help in learning to chill the **** out around people.

I too have these problems. I just get worked up over social interactions that I know are of little consequence. I concoct the most ridiculous situations and dangers.

I have heard that they do in fact prescribe medical marijuana for PTSD (which is allegedly the cause of me being a neurotic ****) but I feel like if I don't want to take their pills because they make me feel odd, why would their grass make me feel any better at all?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-11-03, 3:32 PM #67
Originally posted by Spook:
their pills

"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-11-03, 3:39 PM #68
Originally posted by Spook:
I too have these problems. I just get worked up over social interactions that I know are of little consequence. I concoct the most ridiculous situations and dangers.

Worked up or basically paralysed from having a life? I'm 26 and had my first kiss less than 2 months ago. I'm now in a situation where I really need to deal with my issues or risk ****ing everything up. I don't get close to people easily, the girl I'm seeing is the only exception in at least the last 8 years. She knows what's going on but I don't want to put this burden on her. She correctly describes me as coming across as aloof when around people. I need to figure out how to fix this.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2010-11-03, 3:42 PM #69
Well before you light up make sure she is OK with it, but like Emon said you have nothing to lose really. I know a lot of people who smoke to deal with anxiety
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-11-03, 3:45 PM #70
Well, I know she wouldn't have a problem with it unless it starting messing me up properly.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2010-11-03, 3:53 PM #71
Originally posted by Detty:
blah blah 40 year old virgin blah blah.

Dude, wow...

I'm not sure that wacky tobacky would help, but I would say its your best shot. Get so high you don't even remember you have a weird social-awkward-disorder... Just Chill.... Perhaps play the origie Super Mario with some strangers.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-03, 4:02 PM #72
Thanks for summarising my problems so succinctly, there's no risk of being a 40 year old virgin though.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2010-11-03, 4:03 PM #73
You really don't understand the concept of good advice, do you?

Also just because you don't see high-driving accidents doesn't mean they don't happen. Last week I was driving behind a group of guys smoking in their car on a main road. They were swerving between lanes and randomly slowing down because they were more concerned with where they were going to pull over to smoke and eat sun chips.

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-11-03, 4:06 PM #74
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
usual moronic gibberish

Wow, for someone so clearly suffering from extreme brain trauma you are surprisingly intolerant of people with panic disorders.
2010-11-03, 4:07 PM #75
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
Dude, wow...

I'm not sure that wacky tobacky would help, but I would say its your best shot. Get so high you don't even remember you have a weird social-awkward-disorder... Just Chill.... Perhaps play the origie Super Mario with some strangers.
2010-11-03, 4:12 PM #76
Originally posted by Detty:
Worked up or basically paralysed from having a life? I'm 26 and had my first kiss less than 2 months ago. I'm now in a situation where I really need to deal with my issues or risk ****ing everything up. I don't get close to people easily, the girl I'm seeing is the only exception in at least the last 8 years. She knows what's going on but I don't want to put this burden on her. She correctly describes me as coming across as aloof when around people. I need to figure out how to fix this.

That and anger issues are seriously getting in the way of my life right now. But we're obviously very different, and I'm certainly not going to try and score our respective oddities.

However, those are the qualities many people use to describe me. I apply a huge amount of mental and emotional effort to make myself extroverted and it often backfires. When I revert to my, not normal, but more common self, I'm told I seem like a snob who doesn't want to get to know anyone. I definitely see what you mean. However, I really dislike the effect that medication has on me, and I don't see why marijuana would be much different.

However, you may react completely differently to medications and, who knows, maybe we would both benefit from casual marijuana use. If you're not in the middle of a social structure that is going to make it a pillar of your world, and you have people who can keep you from sucking yourself into a hotbox for the next 20 years, why not try it?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-11-03, 4:21 PM #77
Originally posted by mb:

Also just because you don't see high-driving accidents doesn't mean ...

Thats a valid point, ind i know that the media is inclined to show you more drunk driving nowadays. But really, do you honestly think that driving high is that bad? I mean do you honestly trust a drunk person over a high person? You said yourself that the people smoking were more worried about pulling over and eating, whats so bad about that? What do you have against it?

Oh, I know, it must be all those marijuana related deaths....
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-03, 4:25 PM #78
Originally posted by Baconfish:

I believe the word your looking for is douchebag sir.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-03, 4:26 PM #79
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
Thats a valid point, ind i know that the media is inclined to show you more drunk driving nowadays. But really, do you honestly think that driving high is that bad? I mean do you honestly trust a drunk person over a high person? You said yourself that the people smoking were more worried about pulling over and eating, whats so bad about that? What do you have against it?

Oh, I know, it must be all those marijuana related deaths....

Everything I just said went flying high (lolirony) over your head.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2010-11-03, 5:01 PM #80
personally never smoked anything...but I've been around enough people who do smoke weed, tobacco and anything that burns to probably fill one of those definitions.

Thing is for me, weed and tobacco give me really really bad head aches, it makes me nauseous to the extend I have to go outside and get fresh air or I throw up. At uni I had to block the gap underneath my door to stop smoke getting in from my flatmates and waking up the following morning feeling like crap.

Got no problem with people smoking whatever the hell they like, its just that at some point I'll have to leave the room, get some fresh air for 5-10 minutes before I come back in. Effects wise...I know it has all been secondary smoke but I don't recall any of it having a noticable effect on me.

alcohol on the other hand....jesh....never take me near stuff that has the slightlest possibility of being climbed when I'm drunk....if it looks like it can be climbed I'll have a go, nearly got arrested in geneva for climbing a bus signpost and doing a karate-kid impression on top.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.


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