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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "Dave's not here man!"
"Dave's not here man!"
2010-11-03, 5:05 PM #81
In the spirit of where this thread is going...

I smoke cigs all the time... But I'm gonna be quitting in 11 days. I drink now and then... well... generally about once or twice a week... But I'm gonna be quitting that in 11 days as well. I drink coffee sometimes... I don't think I'll have to quit doing that, though.
>>untie shoes
2010-11-03, 5:44 PM #82
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
I believe the word your looking for is douchebag sir.

No, I'm telling you to have some tact, not to have some "douchebag".

Good god I hate that word.
2010-11-03, 6:03 PM #83
Originally posted by Spook:
However, I really dislike the effect that medication has on me, and I don't see why marijuana would be much different.

I understand this sentiment, but keep in mind: there are many different antidepressants that work in different manners. When I had depression (or rather symptoms of it, I suppose I always "have it") I was on a mess of them but I eventually found one that worked exceedingly well (venlafaxine) for me. Considering how chemically different marijuana is, there's no reason to think it would have the same effects.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-11-03, 6:07 PM #84
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
Just Chill.... Perhaps play the origie Super Mario with some strangers.

If it were really that easy, it wouldn't be a problem, would it? From what I know of Detty, he has a legitimate depression of sorts. Anyone who thinks it's a matter of "man up" is an idiot. Detty doesn't want his life to be like it is, and has probably tried his damn hardest to make it not be that way. But some people's brains are different (or even broken) and it's not so easy for them.

Detty, have you tried psychotherapy and/or medication? I feel as though you have but I can't remember when. If not, definitely look into it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-11-03, 6:25 PM #85
Originally posted by Detty:
I guess. I get extremely anxious about doing everyday things, like leaving my room whilst other people around. I can do it but I get a massive build up of adrenaline beforehand. Or I start thinking up reasons not to do something I would probably enjoy, basically as soon as someone asks me if I want to do it..

I, as well, also get extremely anxious about everyday things. If I see a cop on the road, taking tests, meeting up with peers (not my close close friends), having to talk on the phone with someone for an extended period of time, or even meeting new people, it'll all set me off. To be honest, marijuana does help that for me. Now I can't go overboard, but a lot of times just the smallest amount is enough to get my thinking about other things, and I don't really care what they are as long as it isn't about the things making me anxious. I end up talking a lot more to people I would otherwise not talk to. Also, for the record, my best friend went to a therapist for a long time about anxiety, and she would often recommend him continue to smoke weed (at the end of their sessions together she once even wanted to buy glass from him) because it was definitely the best at curing his anxiety.

I would definitley recommend it. Emon is right, MJ is very different compared to most of your other prescriptions, so it's premature to think that they will cause similar reactions. At the very least, there is pretty much zero harm done. Just don't get TOO high your first time or that will make you paranoid, but obviously nothing is lasting. Like said before, there isn't any downside really other than potentially a one-time probably 1-2hr period of paranoia, but I doubt that will happen if you are in a good environment.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2010-11-03, 7:59 PM #86
I wouldn't advice smoking weed if you suffer from anxieties. Weed chills you down if you're in a negative state of mind (angry, depressed).

It may also help you to loosen up, but it's also known to cause slight paranoia when getting too high (for some people).
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2010-11-03, 9:04 PM #87
I only smoke on occasion, but when I do it needs to be with very close friends or just myself doing whatever. I can't be high and go into public. I feel like everyone is watching me or that everyone knows that I'm stoned.

Sometimes I smoke with my girlfriend and it makes me extremely nervous. I somehow jump to the conclusion that I might say something wrong and she'll be mad or even leave me! It's ridiculous. Or because I'm stoned I'll kiss different or I act weird in bed. Blah. I'd rather just have a few beers/shots and chill out that way.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2010-11-03, 11:31 PM #88
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
I prefer it to everything. Most people I know drink 24-7 (not so surprising in college). Yet, I'm Not inclined to drink, especially excessively. Ive taken a fair amount of drugs, but I find the best thing to be Chronic. I am surprisingly able when I smoke and do everything with that slightly euphoric and nostalgic look in my eyes. Really though, I do not feel it affects me negatively. I'm not selling my **** for drugs, I'm not on the street giving black dudes head for some meth. I'm chilling with someone smoking and playing a game, watching a movie, going to a concert, eating with my family, going to the store, going to six flags, Reading Lord of the Rings, Reading Dune and Kevin j. Anderson's dune, or reading dark tower. I find it enhances my day to day life.

As to its "coolness", I do not think it makes me cool. I simply see it as my "beer", or "gambling", or whatever vice you like to say. Some people do there pills. Though Ive dabbled in them in my youth, I find its not my scene. Most of the time I end up taking too much and puking anyway. The norcos i mentioned earlier were a pretty high dose (in the 800's i think). I was young and dumb, and learned my lesson. If not the first time, than sometime later. Adderall is pretty good if you want to talk non stop for a day, but I do not condone it. Especially seeing as its similar to coke, so I'm told, and **** coke. M.J. is my woman, through thick and thin. I too often times see people expressing their feelings for buddha with the most passion and love Ive ever seen of anyone. Their frequent refrain? I love it.

I'm sure most (if not all of you) drink, and I ask you how is it different? I don't see to many "high driving" accidents. I don't see stoners puking Thieu guts out after a night of smoking, with a hangover to throw the gods in dismay. No, I see people, eating and being generally lazy. Something Americans do without the aid of ganja.

Are you just assuming that everyone who doesn't smoke weed drinks?
2010-11-03, 11:38 PM #89
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
Weed chills you down if you're in a negative state of mind (angry, depressed).

Personally if I'm feeling depressed pot makes it even worse.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-11-04, 5:16 AM #90
Yeah pot always made me seriously introspective.
>>untie shoes
2010-11-04, 6:06 AM #91
It really depends on the person, I guess.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2010-11-04, 7:32 AM #92
Every week, usually. I broke my elbow in kickboxing a few months ago which put me in a cast for a week (I was very very very lucky I healed so fast, usually it takes 3 to 4). It also hurt like a mother****er and I couldn't go to training, so that sort of increased my consumption for a while.

Obviously never before I have anything important (work, other stuff) to do, of course, only when I had time to chill.

Like with drinking, if you do it responsibly, you should be fine.
2010-11-04, 3:15 PM #93
I found this and moreso the drug section of this to contain much information that is usually only learned through terrible experience.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-11-04, 3:34 PM #94
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I found this and moreso the drug section of this to contain much information that is usually only learned through terrible experience.

That second link was like the handbook for retards. I'm not going to do coke or heroin or meth or any of that ****, and I know how to not get raped... The End. Plus I wake and bake every morning and do not seem to have any problems with class or any of my other activities.

The first link had a point about the dreams. I havent had dreams in a long time, and the few times i do they are so erratic and crazy that i can barely remember them. Either that or it was one of these dreams that seem soo real that you forget your sleeping until your alarm rudely awakens you.:hist101:
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-04, 4:42 PM #95
Beer & Bourbon. I quit smoking almost a year ago but I'll still have the occasional cigarette. I smoked a lot of weed as a teenager (my father grew the stuff) but since then I've only done it a few times. I'm all for it but it's not really my thing these days. I get high on life alone.
? :)
2010-11-04, 9:16 PM #96
So while we're talking weed.. has any of you ever smoked New York Diesel Haze?

I mean any Diesel is great, good sour taste. But THIS was the sweetest thing ever... tasted like pure grapefruit. A fantastic mix of sweet and sour with an incredible stomach high that only kicks in after a good ten minutes. It's like a freaking time bomb.

Here in Holland we can't get it anymore, because apparently the one guy that was growing it finally got busted. I heard it's a strain that was imported from the US though. It's a crossbreed of Afghan Citral, Lavender Haze and some specific Mexican Sativa.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2010-11-04, 9:30 PM #97
Never had that specific strain but my faves have all been Diesel variants. Lovely stuff.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2010-11-04, 9:36 PM #98
Haze's are Amsterdam's specialty, and man they were delicious. ORJ_JoS, I believe I actually tried some at a shop under that very name back in December. It could have been only New York Diesel though, not sure, my mind was hazy :)

Diesel is one of the rare strains that is so damn identifiable. Once you've smoked a genuine diesel variety, you will always know when you are smoking it. LA Confidential x Sour Diesel has been absolutely wrecking people that have tried it, such a powerful taste.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2010-11-04, 9:41 PM #99
Sounds effing awesome.

You must have been at De Dampkring, because that's the only place I know in Amsterdam that sold it. In Rotterdam, several shops had it for a while.

De Dampkring is that shop with the orange interior and all the sixties-seventies round shapes. Brad Pitt and George Clooney are known to come there. A guy I know who works there says Clooney smokes the Waterworks, the most expensive Dutch hash that goes for €60 per gram. Also, a scene in Ocean's Twelve (was it twelve?) was shot at De Dampkring.


This is what it looks like inside:

ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2010-11-05, 6:44 AM #100
Is that a ice cream sundae?
2010-11-05, 9:45 AM #101
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I found this and moreso the drug section of this to contain much information that is usually only learned through terrible experience.

You ****ing hipster
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-11-05, 6:30 PM #102
That's probably a fruit shake with cream. Or a huge latte with cream, but I don't think so. Although I wouldn't put a wafer on a fruit shake...

ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2010-11-05, 7:23 PM #103
Guys, guys!

<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2010-11-05, 10:30 PM #104
Originally posted by Emon:
Also poll options suck. No option between yearly and monthly.

I was thinking the same thing. I probably find myself toking....3-4 times a year?
2010-11-06, 8:43 AM #105
I really don't get why a lot of Potheads think Hash is different from Marijuana. It isn't. It's only different in the look of it, it's a brick rather than a plant. That's the only difference next to the THC content. It's the exact same drug.

It's funny how people think they know so much about Weed just becasue they smoke it every day or quite often.

Sour Diesel is Meh. Super-Bubba Kush is ****ing amazing tasting and the high... wow. Whenever my friend goes to his medical shop I just pull up the menu and ask him for whatever kind I want that they have, I've tried too many kinds to even remember what they all tasted like or how the high was. I prefer a nice Sativa/Indica crossbreed strain rather than a straight up Indica or Sativa, so I always try to go for those.
2010-11-06, 9:47 AM #106
you think you're better than us??
2010-11-06, 10:18 AM #107
Are you kidding? I'm ****ing amazing. Kanye West stole his ego from me.

I will admit though, yes, I do think my experience/knowledge of Marijuana does surpass the vast majority of Massassi. Not trying to sound like a dick. There are few people here, at least even indicated by the poll, that seem to be as knowledgeable about Marijuana in many aspects aside from just one or two (i.e some people know more about the health aspects, some know about the chemical makeup, etc, while others have grown, sold, worked in stores, or otherwise just reasearched a ****ton on the subject/plant). I'm fairly certain Mscbuck is someone with the same amount of knowledge. If you're only a casual smoker, you're probably not going to grow it, or sell it, or really find the need/interest in researching different aspects of the plant in its entirety. Strains, makeup, process of growing, the entire process of the plant, each part, how to cure properly, how to make hash, howt o make oil, how to properly trim a plant, how to properly feed a plant, different types and indications of plant sickness, etc. Unless you're someone that LOVES weed, or someone that's an extreme proponent of it, you would probably have more interesting things to do.
2010-11-06, 10:19 AM #108
Calling out "names" doesn't mean you know anything about marijuana. I haven't seen anything that suggests you know anything about it.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-11-06, 10:22 AM #109
That is probably due to the lack of a search function that can go all the way back to the prior threads on Marijuana where different arguments have been brought up than have been thus far in this particular discussion. :)

Nothing of worth has been posted so far in this thread to rebute or debate, or discuss. No questions have been asked aside from "has anyone ever tried sour diesel?". There is nothing to answer or add to. I'm not going to start posting Wall O Texts that don't pertain to anything anyone has said, yet. :)

Don't think there's anything wrong with saying I know a significant amount about this subject, some people just happen to have done all those things, and unfortunately, just long time smoking doesn't teach you nearly anything. I think it's safe to say JLee knows more about Law Enforcement than most of us, Thrawn knows more about producing rap, and Happydud knows a ****ton more about Parkour. What is wrong with one of them stating, in answer to a question, "Yes, I do think that because of my experience I am a fair bit more knowledgeable on this subject".

I think anyone that's dedicated a certain part of their life to working in or investigating a certain subject/job/certain something, they are going to be a ton more knowledgeable about it than people that don't do that. Pretty sure that's not a bad or offensive thing to conclude. :)
2010-11-06, 10:28 AM #110
True, true. On that note, I will light up this pipe. (Happens to be sour diesel... which I like btw)
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-11-06, 10:31 AM #111
Smoke weed every day.
2010-11-07, 2:45 PM #112
Originally posted by Temperamental:
Smoke weed every day.

EDIT : Ery Day...
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2010-11-07, 2:51 PM #113
Originally posted by Temperamental:
I think it's safe to say JLee knows more about Law Enforcement than most of us, Thrawn knows more about producing rap, and Happydud knows a ****ton more about Parkour. MB knows a lot about being a total dickface. What is wrong with one of them stating, in answer to a question, "Yes, I do think that because of my experience I am a fair bit more knowledgeable on this subject".

>>untie shoes
2010-11-07, 2:56 PM #114
Originally posted by Temperamental:
I think it's safe to say JLee knows more about Law Enforcement than most of us, Thrawn knows more about producing rap, and Happydud knows a ****ton more about Parkour. What is wrong with one of them stating, in answer to a question, "Yes, I do think that because of my experience I am a fair bit more knowledgeable on this subject".

Are you trying to tell us that smoking pot is your vocation?
2010-11-07, 7:39 PM #115
Originally posted by Temperamental:
I really don't get why a lot of Potheads think Hash is different from Marijuana. It isn't.

You know, I"ve always wondered that too. I remember some girl absolutely protesting us smoking hash because she had "never done it before", even though we had just smoked a Tulip J about 15 minutes prior. Although, hash definitley DOES smoke differently. Much more velvety smooth going down, but that definite burn on the way out (in a good way though). I mean, it is concentrated THC, it's gonna have more of a burn on the way out.

Also, don't knock Sour Diesel fool! Most of my favorite strains are usually crosses with Diesels, but often the Diesel does overpower some of the other tastes. ChemDawg Diesel 91, LA Conf x Diesel, Diesel x SSH x master K, Blueberry x Diesel, all of those are om nom nom delicious! I'm down with hybrids (currently AK47 is a great mix), but I usually always prefer the extremes. Currently I have Blue Dream which is 80% Sativa / 20% indica, and I find that is a good ratio for me. Good body, but not completely useless :)
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2010-11-07, 7:47 PM #116
If pot were legal the breeds would have names like "West Virginian Spotted" and "Thistled Lillipudlian."
2010-11-07, 7:52 PM #117
Sour Diesel is great but it's a long shot from the grapefruity deliciousness that NY Diesel Haze is.

I'm more of a Sativa guy. The high is better due to the low concentration of cannabinoids in strains with a long flower cycle. In other words, the THC is more pure. Indicas tend to make me more paranoid and give more of a head rush. But, there are many good hybrids out there. To be honest, a really pure Sativa is actually rare.

For that same reason I love smoking Thai. People never think much of it, but it has that delicious sweet taste, it's a pure sativa, and the THC concentration in it is one of the highest on the planet. The high tends to last a bit shorter than normal but that's probably because it's grown in the jungle, so lots of buds have been fertilized and contain seeds. Fresh Thai, that is to say, not pressed or dried on sticks like the export quality you'll find anywhere outside of Thailand is said to be one of the most mind blowing things out there.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2010-11-07, 9:57 PM #118
Originally posted by Jon`C:
If pot were legal the breeds would have names like "West Virginian Spotted" and "Thistled Lillipudlian."

I would prefer this.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-11-08, 12:01 PM #119
2010-11-08, 12:08 PM #120

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