Originally posted by Alan:
I feel the same way about this as I felt about 9/11 at the time: "Wait, what happened? Oh. Well, okay."
It's not that I don't care, even though I probably don't care as much as everyone else. It's just that even in the big picture, this doesn't really effect me directly.
It's not that I don't care, even though I probably don't care as much as everyone else. It's just that even in the big picture, this doesn't really effect me directly.
This is wrong.
If you think 9/11 had no effect on you, then you need to take a look at your gasoline bill for the past ten years, and wonder where your neighbor with the US Marines flag out front has gone, and consider why flight security is such a ***** these days.
People who assume things going on elsewhere in the world have no affect on them are fools. You're a fool, Alan. Someone told me that the Japanese earthquake didn't matter because it happened so far away, and that it wouldn't affect them or me. But it did. It affected me personally. My checking account was almost overdrawn because a package coming out of Japan got split into two shipments (one for the day of, one for a nebulous ~afterward~ that turned out to be a couple days later), meaning two shipping charges. Luckily, I shifted a bit from my savings to make up the difference, or otherwise an earthquake in Asia would have meant me losing 32 dollars in overdraft fees.
The entire world is tightly woven together, intertwined in ways that even the biggest budgeted crime movie can't properly illustrate. Rebels blow up the largest oil refinery in Libya, the price of gas goes up in Washington. Drug cartel violence increases in Mexico, American jobs are gobbled up by Mexicans fleeing the violence. The head and rallying figure of the most powerful terrorist organization in the world is killed by American soldiers... that's gonna have repercussions, and we're gonna be feeling it for another ten years.
-[sub] How was that, cool? I've been watching a lot of Doctor Who, I think I really nailed the delivery, what do you think? [/sub]