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2012-05-24, 6:37 AM #201
The problem with having the cooler in the back is that it will now be pulling hot air from in the case to push through the radiator before leaving the case.

If it is installed in the top of the case (as it totally should be), then it can pull in cool air directly to the radiator.

Additionally, the case comes with a rear fan where the H60 is currently installed, which is used for exhaust. I have no idea what they did with that fan, but that's why it's normally set up in this manner.

Generally, the only time people put radiators in the back of the case is when they don't have other options.
2012-05-24, 7:20 AM #202
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
I would check to see if it's setup as intake or exhaust.
I think it is exhaust - that is they way I want it. Those fans don't push/pull much air so it is hard to feel. If only I had a small smoke machine.
Basically with Windows 7 Rating system- you need a SSD as your OS drive to score better than 5.9.
Noted. My wife has been asking me about 'what I want for my birthday' - I now have a perfect answer :).
You should be able to rotate the CPU waterblock 90 degrees without an issues
Noted re not stressing liquid tubes and reapplying thermal paste.
2012-05-24, 2:48 PM #203
Basically with Windows 7 Rating system- you need a SSD as your OS drive to score better than 5.9

I have 2xVelociRaptor, shows 6.1 score in Disk data transfer rate[/COLOR]
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2012-05-24, 4:52 PM #204
Originally posted by zanardi:
I have 2xVelociRaptor, shows 6.1 score in Disk data transfer rate

Apparently you are the exception to the rule.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-24, 7:05 PM #205
Originally posted by zanardi:
I have 2xVelociRaptor, shows 6.1 score in Disk data transfer rate[/COLOR]

2012-05-24, 9:40 PM #206
Yeah but he wasted money on high speed hard disks, so who's really laughing?
2012-05-24, 10:37 PM #207
Originally posted by Tibby:
Yeah but he wasted money on high speed hard disks, so who's really laughing?

I owned the 600gb Velociraptor briefly, it was decently fast. You could definitely feel that it had a performance edge on 7200rpm drives, but it wasn't instantaneous like a SSD. I ended up giving it away. :)
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-25, 6:14 AM #208
I'm 0.1 shy of a full 7.9 on that damn test. Processor is the only 7.8. Needs more overclocking I guess.
2012-05-25, 7:35 AM #209
Originally posted by Darth:
I'm 0.1 shy of a full 7.9 on that damn test. Processor is the only 7.8. Needs more overclocking I guess.

Microsoft's benchmark is extremely flawed and it's tough to tell who's faking WEI scores. If some of the 7.9 scores are to be believed then either Microsoft has revised the WEI scoring system since Win7 launch or it's favoring certain configurations.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-25, 7:39 AM #210
The whole thing is stupid. It insists on doing it's goddamn testing at 1am on a weekend. Yeah, that's all fine and dandy except when I'm doing some late-night gaming and all of the sudden BA-DOOP and Aero turns off, the system lags, and my video game freaks out.

Seriously, why the HELL would you make it run the test when the computer isn't idle?!
2012-05-25, 8:54 AM #211
...what? I've never seen that happen.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-25, 8:58 AM #212
Originally posted by Emon:
...what? I've never seen that happen.

Yeah, I've only ever had it run manually when I want it to.
2012-05-25, 11:02 AM #213
Originally posted by Emon:
...what? I've never seen that happen.

It's scheduled for Sunday at 1AM. You can see for yourself in Task Scheduler, I finally got tired of it and disabled the task. See if it happens to you next time.

Note that it will only actually do this test if it determines your score is "out of date" (check in the score window). But when it does, it does it regardless of what you're doing.
2012-05-25, 11:15 AM #214
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
It's scheduled for Sunday at 1AM. You can see for yourself in Task Scheduler, I finally got tired of it and disabled the task. See if it happens to you next time.

Note that it will only actually do this test if it determines your score is "out of date" (check in the score window). But when it does, it does it regardless of what you're doing.

I never realized that. It's sorta funny because WEI scores are useless yet MS still wants to be sure it's always updated.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-25, 12:00 PM #215
They're somewhat useful, I used them as a guide for benchmarking when I was buying a laptop a year ago.
An extra point, same price, same specs? Eh whatever sold.
2012-05-25, 3:46 PM #216
Originally posted by Cool Matty:

**** off I was just stating a that you can get more than 5.9 out of a hdd. Yeah I'm so ****ing cool along with a million other people that own this hard drive.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2012-05-25, 3:56 PM #217
Originally posted by zanardi:
**** off I was just stating a that you can get more than 5.9 out of a hdd. Yeah I'm so ****ing cool along with a million other people that own this hard drive.

Originally posted by Cool Matty:

It's relevant again.
2012-05-25, 3:57 PM #218
Originally posted by zanardi:
I have 2xVelociRaptor, shows 6.1 score in Disk data transfer rate[/COLOR]

Higher capacity and sequential access throughput than a single SSD at the same price. Not my preference but it's perfectly fine if your workload calls for it.

idk what the problem is.
2012-05-25, 4:04 PM #219
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Higher capacity and sequential access throughput than a single SSD at the same price. Not my preference but it's perfectly fine if your workload calls for it.

idk what the problem is.

"Honey, you got real ugly."
2012-05-25, 4:10 PM #220
I'm back ... with some updated pics of my own rewiring as well as some close up pics of the stressed GPU ... I see that some people have been having some fun :).

I'm trying to post little pics that are linked to bigger versions ...





Some comments on the last one ...
  • the yellow insert is a pic that I took when I first got the PC
  • the purple blow out shows the end of the GPU against a thingo on the mobo
  • the other picture of the GPU is from today - after I reseated it
  • the green blow out shows the endof theGPU against the same thingo on the mobo

You can clearly see that the old GPU position was much higher than the new position ... 3, maybe 4 mm. And parallax error is actually working the other way ... the angle on the old picture would lower the apparent position of the GPU against the thingo ... so it is actually higher than it appears.
2012-05-25, 4:19 PM #221
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Higher capacity and sequential access throughput than a single SSD at the same price. Not my preference but it's perfectly fine if your workload calls for it.

idk what the problem is.

Higher capacity sure, obviously. But sequential speeds don't even come close, with the average SSD coming in at over 2x the speed in Anandtech's benchmarks. And I'm talking only like a 128GB. Half the capacity for twice the speed is a decision most workloads would make in a second (for SSDs).

And of course that's just sequential. If it even remotely becomes random, SSDs will just blow it out of the water.
2012-05-25, 4:32 PM #222
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
But sequential speeds don't even come close, with the average SSD coming in at over 2x the speed in Anandtech's benchmarks.

You mean like this one?
2012-05-25, 5:29 PM #223
BTW Zan, I wasn't posting that to make fun of your velociraptors, I was making fun of the whopping 0.2 point difference :P

Anyway, after talking to Jon`C, summary:

Velociraptors in RAID0 only make sense if you absolutely need more than 512GB of storage (based on current pricing for a 1TB Velociraptor and 512GB Samsung SSD). Just for the curious.
2012-05-25, 7:14 PM #224
Shame it's tough to find benchmarks comparing Intel SRT SSD Caching vs Velociraptors Raid.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-26, 7:14 AM #225
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Shame it's tough to find benchmarks comparing Intel SRT SSD Caching vs Velociraptors Raid.

I've got SRT caching my 2x2 TB RAID 0 array. It's pretty nice. Sequential writes top out around 500 MB/S (reading from an SSD doing the tests). It's a little harder to test reads without really knowing what's in the cache, but I never saw it dip below 300 MB/S in any I tried with large files that shouldn't be cached.
2012-05-26, 7:36 AM #226
Originally posted by Darth:
I've got SRT caching my 2x2 TB RAID 0 array. It's pretty nice. Sequential writes top out around 500 MB/S (reading from an SSD doing the tests). It's a little harder to test reads without really knowing what's in the cache, but I never saw it dip below 300 MB/S in any I tried with large files that shouldn't be cached.

Wow that's a sweet setup. Yeah that's probably why there aren't more comparison benchmarks the dynamic nature of what's in the SSD cache is going to make it tough to get consistent results.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-26, 7:54 AM #227
This server/media center is the only thing approaching a PC that I have left these days. Got a pair of RAID-1 500gig drives in hot-swappable drive trays that I can pop out by swinging the front fan open.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2012-05-26, 8:18 AM #228
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Wow that's a sweet setup. Yeah that's probably why there aren't more comparison benchmarks the dynamic nature of what's in the SSD cache is going to make it tough to get consistent results.

It works out well. I wanted something to add a performance bump to my mass storage drives that I'm mostly using for photo editing. Raw files up around 30 MB a piece take up too much space to want to stick them on my main SSD. With this I can be editing files in Lightroom or Photoshop and once they're loaded the first time, I pretty much never have to wait at all until they're flushed out of the cache, which doesn't happen very often with that big cache. Any write operation of course is really quick in this situation too.
2012-05-26, 2:26 PM #229
I've got the same blu-ray drive.
We're brothers.
2012-06-06, 9:00 AM #230
Yeah but he wasted money on high speed hard disks, so who's really laughing?

Hey Tibby, these drives are at least 3 years old. At least I have money to spend on useless ****.. Did you finally get you're financial independence yet? Who's really laughing now? ****ing tool..

Higher capacity and sequential access throughput than a single SSD at the same price. Not my preference but it's perfectly fine if your workload calls for it.

idk what the problem is.

There is no problem so why would you think there is? Just stating a useless fact.

BTW Zan, I wasn't posting that to make fun of your velociraptors

No prob CM!
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2012-06-06, 5:14 PM #231
Oh you brought up an old thread, oh no I have been defeated.
2012-06-06, 6:01 PM #232
CM, I think something is weird with the default style theme and making the font white or something.. (I use it at work because it looks more "professional" and makes it look like I'm not browsing a cult site)

Originally posted by Tibby:
Oh you brought up an old thread, oh no I have been defeated.

You aren't worth my time.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2012-06-06, 6:54 PM #233
Good to know you didn't waste any then.
2012-08-02, 9:35 AM #234
I have a hp pavilion 6557c case
with Azus M5A78L-M LX series mother board
8GBS DDR3 Vengeance rams sticks
PNY XLR8 GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1024MB GDDR5
AMD athlon x2 220 2.8GHZ stock overclocked 3.7GHZ
and thats it its and hp on steriods
2012-08-02, 10:01 AM #235
Originally posted by jonatharivera:
I have a hp pavilion 6557c case
with Azus M5A78L-M LX series mother board
8GBS DDR3 Vengeance rams sticks
PNY XLR8 GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1024MB GDDR5
AMD athlon x2 220 2.8GHZ stock overclocked 3.7GHZ
and thats it its and hp on steriods

Interesting 1st post. Welcome. I've upgraded a lot of HP's like this to make them gaming rigs, I'm working on one now that looks very similar.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-08-02, 10:49 AM #236
Pretty brave to be letting that PSU power it.
2012-08-02, 11:10 AM #237
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Pretty brave to be letting that PSU power it.

I don't think that's the standard HP PSU, since it has blue LED's. I would guess that's an older OCZ unit.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-08-02, 11:11 AM #238
I don't think it's stock. That's why it has a huge fan and is glowing blue.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-08-02, 11:28 AM #239
I just finished building this yesterday. First PC I ever put together. Everything seems to be working really well. The only thing I haven't done yet is overclock because I don't know how to and I'm afraid I might break something.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2012-08-02, 11:38 AM #240
Originally posted by Emon:
I don't think it's stock. That's why it has a huge fan and is glowing blue.

Haha, I was looking at it backwards. I was looking at the top left corner.

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