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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Let's play a forum game.
Let's play a forum game.
2013-10-12, 9:21 PM #121
Can we try to make this place less about one person (be it Wookie, Sarn, Tibby or whoever)?
2013-10-12, 9:23 PM #122
I thought this was about Koobie?
And then I sorta shoehorned myself in because I have a need for attention.
2013-10-12, 9:25 PM #123
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Aren't we already playing a game were everyone insults Tibby anytime he posts in any thread?

I forget when we first started playing and I never understood the scoring, but it's clear Jon'C is winning.

No, especially since he declared himself a "bad poster", he seems to have absolved himself of any responsibility to not provoke a good smackdown. Maybe Jon stopped this because it got old? I have no idea.
2013-10-12, 9:26 PM #124
Originally posted by Tibby:
I have a need for attention.

Originally posted by Tibby:
I have a need for attention.

Originally posted by Tibby:
I have a need for attention.

Originally posted by Tibby:
I have a need for attention.

Originally posted by Tibby:
I have a need for attention.

2013-10-12, 9:27 PM #125
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
a "bad poster"

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
a "bad poster"

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
a "bad poster"

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
a "bad poster"

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
a "bad poster"

2013-10-12, 9:30 PM #126
Speak for yourself. Didn't you already do so to this effect?
2013-10-12, 9:41 PM #127
There can be more then one bad poster.
Unless there's like some sort of Highlander rule where there can only be one. In which case I challenge Koobie to Quake 2 death match.
2013-10-12, 9:46 PM #128
Originally posted by Tibby:
Banned me for ****posting in a ****ty gimmick thread :v:

You posted brony videos in a Lowtax thread. What did you think was going to happen?
2013-10-12, 9:49 PM #129
You're right, I know that. I misunderstood the thread, stole a ****ty gimmick from an idiot, and then ran said gimmick into the ground in a bad and not funny way.
It was bad! I admit it! I'm guilty of bad posting!
Cost me ten dollars!
2013-10-12, 10:10 PM #130
Oh, I see how it works: you (Tibby) get to decide who is a bad poster.

(*) In Tibby's judgement, poster A is "bad" => poster A is "bad".

But, wait! Tibby has declared that poster Tibby is "bad"! We need a postulate:

"Statements predicated on the judgement of "bad" posters are meaningless."

But now, attempts to apply (*) to ANY poster are meaningless, since Tibby already applied (*) to himself, and so by the postulate, (*) is contradicted in general.

The question becomes, then: because we cannot attempt to discover whether or not Tibby is a "bad" poster by his own assertions since doing so necessarily leads to a contradiction, how will we ever know for certain that he is bad poster?

I think we need a second postulate:

"A poster is said to be "bad" when s/he continuously makes logical errors, even after s/he is aware of such mistakes".

Tibby says he is a bad poster. Therefore Tibby knows his posts are "bad". But Tibby continues to post, without first rectifying his habit of making "bad" posts. Therefore, by the second postulate, Tibby is a bad poster.

Okay, I've "proved" that you are a "bad" poster, and also disproved your previously supplied proof that I am a "bad" poster.

Care to try again?
2013-10-12, 10:16 PM #131
OTOH, there is a way out of the proof. If we assume that, in Tibby's mind, posting continuous garbage while being aware of this fact is not a logical contradiction, but in fact a desired outcome, we cannot conclude that Tibby is a "bad" poster (by the above definition of "bad" poster).

However, we now must conclude that Tibby is an "insincere" poster. And probably also fits the definition of a troll, a flamebaiter, or god knows what else.
2013-10-12, 10:18 PM #132
you're putting way too much thought and effort into refuting insults made on an internet forum by a man you insinuate is an idiot
2013-10-12, 10:20 PM #133
Trust me, that wasn't a great deal of effort compared to what I was doing before I opened this page. In fact, it was just more of the same, just much less straightforward.
2013-10-12, 10:22 PM #134
Originally posted by Tibby:
you're putting way too much thought and effort into refuting insults made on an internet forum by a man you insinuate is an idiot

By the way, it is arguable whether or not I actually insinuated that you are an idiot.

Freudian slip?
2013-10-12, 10:23 PM #135
tibby has justified true belief that koobie is a bad poster
2013-10-12, 10:25 PM #136
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Trust me, that wasn't a great deal of effort compared to what I was doing before I opened this page. In fact, it was just more of the same, just much less straightforward.

That's cool, I actually often put stupid amounts of effort into dumb things too, thus is free time.

I gotta say your logic is pretty well done, but you have to consider the dual minded "Tibby" and "tibby"
Tibby posts with proper punctuation (Or what he thinks is such) and makes good posts*.
yospos bithc

well arguably good

not really
2013-10-12, 10:27 PM #137
By the way, Tibby, I don't have anything personally against you. You seem like a decent guy. I just find your posts really, really annoying.
2013-10-12, 10:27 PM #138
I have achieved operational victory.

I don't think anybodies a bad person based solely on their posting on an internet forum, that would be incredibly foolish.
2013-10-12, 10:31 PM #139
my primary function is reporting my primary function
2013-10-12, 10:31 PM #140
Originally posted by Tibby:
I don't think anybodies a bad person based solely on their posting on an internet forum, that would be incredibly foolish.

I was writing in a relative sense.
2013-10-12, 10:33 PM #141
Has anybody else noticed how weird this thread is?
it's weird
2013-10-12, 10:34 PM #142
These are the end times, my friend. All the grownups have gone home, and Massassi can only survive by the dying gasps of those too insane to leave.

Of course, I wouldn't presume to speak for (most) others.
2013-10-12, 10:42 PM #143
Oh don't worry I'm totally insane.
and i love it
2013-10-12, 10:43 PM #144
Well, I'm pretty sure most can already see that what you're saying is true, in some sense.

Although, I do have faint hope that you will one day resolve to mostly make serious posts. At least, it would be a lot more fun to read. Honestly, I just skim non-sense. It does nothing for me.
2013-10-12, 10:51 PM #145
I've made plenty of serious posts in the last couple weeks, they just got buried under the avalanche of... whatever the **** this thread is.
2013-10-12, 10:52 PM #146
Really, I think the problem comes down to the fact that everybody's voice in an internet forum is equally loud. (Wrote this before your last post.)
2013-10-12, 10:53 PM #147
Originally posted by Tibby:
I've made plenty of serious posts in the last couple weeks, they just got buried under the avalanche of... whatever the **** this thread is.

That's like saying, "Oh, why am I gaining weight? I put tons of spinach on my ice cream, but they didn't cancel out the calories!"
2013-10-12, 10:54 PM #148
Although, maybe the post before my last is germane after all. I guess you're saying that the moment you stop acting immature, somebody else like Koobie takes your place?

(And because of your "need for attention", you swoop in to try to stop him from succeeding.)
2013-10-12, 10:55 PM #149
I made this thread entirely for actually having a fun gimmick thread but then Koobie **** all over it and made it his personal playhouse.
which he covered in ****, like i said.
2013-10-12, 10:56 PM #150
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:

(And because of your "need for attention", you swoop in to try to stop him from succeeding.)

I go where the fun is. If I'm laughing, then I'm posting.
2013-10-12, 10:57 PM #151
I think you post too much. Goodnight.
2013-10-12, 10:59 PM #152
I don't post ENOUGH.
2013-10-12, 11:42 PM #153
Originally posted by Antony:

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2013-10-13, 1:35 AM #154
2013-10-13, 1:43 AM #155
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Oh, I see how it works: you (Tibby) get to decide who is a bad poster.

(*) In Tibby's judgement, poster A is "bad" => poster A is "bad".

But, wait! Tibby has declared that poster Tibby is "bad"! We need a postulate:

"Statements predicated on the judgement of "bad" posters are meaningless."

ie., I'd own Tibby at Quake 2.

Originally posted by Jon'C:
tibby has justified true belief that koobie is a bad poster

And I've justified belief that you're an annoying prick. ;)
2013-10-13, 2:08 AM #156
lol, he mad
2013-10-13, 2:19 AM #157
Originally posted by Koobie:
ie., I'd own Tibby at Quake 2.

Prove it you ****lord, loser leaves for a week.
2013-10-13, 2:34 AM #158
I don't actually own Quake 2 and haven't played it for years. But I suppose I can download it here:
I will DL the client and test it tomorrow, then we can setup a match. I'm in a GMT+1 time zone. Could be fun.
2013-10-13, 2:44 AM #159
Originally posted by Tibby:
Prove it you ****lord, loser leaves for a week.

I don't care if you don't post for a week. I don't care if I don't post for a week either, so these aren't exactly high stakes.
Hmm. Any other suggestions?
2013-10-13, 3:07 AM #160
I Dunno how about CM gives one of us a stupid avatar? IDGAF

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