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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Let's play a forum game.
Let's play a forum game.
2013-10-13, 6:22 AM #161
I get to pick the loser's avatar.
>>untie shoes
2013-10-13, 6:38 AM #162
Originally posted by Antony:
I get to pick the loser's avatar.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2013-10-13, 9:15 AM #163
Originally posted by FastGamerr:

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2013-10-13, 10:26 AM #164
2013-10-13, 1:09 PM #165
Originally posted by Jon`C:
my primary function is reporting my primary function

Whoa there! you could damn well kill the interweb with thinking like that!
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-10-13, 3:32 PM #166
I will approve the Antony Amendment
We'll do this tuesday night, I'm busy until then.
2013-10-13, 3:38 PM #167
So this thread has gone...

"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2013-10-14, 12:07 AM #168
Sounds good. Antony picks loser's avatar.
Winner gets to pick Antony's avatar.
IMO: much more interesting. ;)
2013-10-14, 12:14 AM #169
winner gets to laugh as the loser has to leave for a week
don't forget that part
2013-10-14, 12:15 AM #170
I might lose intentionally just to see you institutionalized after laughing 1 week straight. :D
2013-10-14, 12:16 AM #171
In hell there are no koobies.
2013-10-14, 1:36 AM #172
Originally posted by Koobie:
Sounds good. Antony picks loser's avatar.
Winner gets to pick Antony's avatar.
IMO: much more interesting. ;)

I'm sure you're having a lot of fun pretending antony is your arch-nemesis and everything, but I promise you he doesn't care.
2013-10-14, 1:37 AM #173
isn't there a tv trope for that
i swear it was just posted days ago
2013-10-14, 2:10 AM #174
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I'm sure you're having a lot of fun pretending antony is your arch-nemesis and everything, but I promise you he doesn't care.

Em... I thought it was you who were pretending to be my arch-nemesis and everything?
2013-10-14, 2:18 AM #175
If you think Jon'C cares enough about all this bull**** to think he's your "nemesis" then buddy, you need to check yourself.
2013-10-14, 2:28 AM #176
Well, if he does then his work's cut out for him now that he has you to defend him. ;)
Also, I've no actual problems with Antony whatsoever. Jon'C I merely find annoying.
Kind of like you, just more articulate.
2013-10-14, 2:47 AM #177
Why don't you write a book about it, pay for someone to publish it, and pay for people to read it?
2013-10-14, 3:05 AM #178
Originally posted by Koobie:
Well, if he does then his work's cut out for him now that he has you to defend him. ;)
Also, I've no actual problems with Antony whatsoever. Jon'C I merely find annoying.
Kind of like you, just more articulate.

What is with you and you insistence on turning this into a moronic "Me vs them" deal?
This isn't a war, this isn't even really an argument. There's no "sides" because there's no goal- there's no victory to be had! You're just a ****ty poster! That's it!
I'm not defending anybody, I'm just saying your an idiot and really full of yourself!
2013-10-14, 3:21 AM #179
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Why don't you write a book about it, pay for someone to publish it, and pay for people to read it?

I don't think you need my help on writing a book about how annoying you are, you seem to have that pretty much covered. :D

Originally posted by Tibby:
You're just a ****ty poster! That's it!
I'm not defending anybody, I'm just saying your an idiot and really full of yourself!

You should have just posted this instead:

2013-10-14, 3:31 AM #180
>>What is with you and you insistence on turning this into a moronic "Me vs them" deal?

I was enjoying the forum game before Jon'C hijacked it. Just FYI.
2013-10-14, 3:37 AM #181
Originally posted by Koobie:

no it was you that threw the first """""""""""punch"""""""""""
2013-10-14, 3:46 AM #182
Originally posted by Koobie:
I don't think you need my help on writing a book about how annoying you are, you seem to have that pretty much covered. :D

Just to offer you a little perspective, the main reason anybody was irritated at tibby is because he used to spam the forums with garbage that nobody else cared about or was interested in reading. Something you have in common.

You keep calling me annoying, but I don't think that word means what you think it does. Maybe the word you're looking for is antagonistic? Not to correct a star author or anything.
2013-10-14, 4:03 AM #183
How does one pick an avatar for a person who already has an avatar?
>>untie shoes
2013-10-14, 4:06 AM #184
It's getting pretty ugly in this thread. The insults aren't seeming very playful, witty, or veiled anymore. Probably time to give it a lock since the game is dead.

If I had god-like powers it would amuse me to teleport all you guy's into a large locked room and let things play out.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-10-14, 4:23 AM #185
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Just to offer you a little perspective, the main reason anybody was irritated at tibby is because he used to spam the forums with garbage that nobody else cared about or was interested in reading. Something you have in common.

You keep calling me annoying, but I don't think that word means what you think it does. Maybe the word you're looking for is antagonistic? Not to correct a star author or anything.

I had nothing against you until you've started posting gibberish in Tibby's writing thread trying to refute the advise I've offered him. You then apparently decided to embark on some sort of a personal vendetta that manifested itself at you trying to insult me at every opportunity (because of your hurt ego, I suppose). Antagonistic and annoying by no means mutually exclusive, but, sorry to say, I just find you annoying. :)
2013-10-14, 4:25 AM #186
Originally posted by Antony:
How does one pick an avatar for a person who already has an avatar?

Pick a different avatar! ;)
But tbh, I don't trust Tibby's sense of good taste should he win (which is possible, I suppose, since my Quake 2 skills are rather rusty and it was his game of choice), so maybe we should just stick to the original rules. :D
2013-10-14, 4:26 AM #187
Originally posted by Koobie:
I had nothing against you until you've started posting gibberish in Tibby's writing thread trying to refute the advise I've offered him. You then apparently decided to embark on some sort of a personal vendetta that manifested itself at you trying to insult me at every opportunity (because of your hurt ego, I suppose). Antagonistic and annoying by no means mutually exclusive, but, sorry to say, I just find you annoying. :)

You have this a little backwards, but cool story bro.
2013-10-14, 4:31 AM #188
Originally posted by Tibby:
no it was you that threw the first """""""""""punch"""""""""""

Antony posted a picture of a screw. Then Jon'C appeared from his dark corner of the net and started trying to be clever by throwing insults at me and using the same online "make a custom For Dummies book" web thing. After that you appeared trying to defend him. I mean, come on, people. :D :D :D

2013-10-14, 4:35 AM #189
Anybody else remember like a week ago in the chat, when I said something along the lines of: "I'm not really comfortable with all of the koobie hate. If you don't like his threads just don't read them, we can't keep chasing away everybody we find mildly annoying"?

Yeah, I take it back.

Koobie, **** off.
2013-10-14, 4:35 AM #190
CORRECTION: I posted a picture of a lag bolt.
>>untie shoes
2013-10-14, 4:38 AM #191
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You have this a little backwards, but cool story bro.

Man, you posted a link to a site that says that the Elements of Style is basically more hindrance than help. I mean, come on.

Originally posted by Jon'C:
Koobie, **** off.

art: "Zap Drone" by Cory Trego-Erdner

Dedicated to Jon'C
"I'm the Master
With my staff of alabaster
Can't you see?"

Like a wizard in a hat
He writes code for Jedi Knight
And before he goes to bed
Guides us writers t'wards the light

In a tone of baritone
He reads out his wicked mantra
Begging sinners to atone
To his educated tantra

"I write better,
I write faster,
This is why
I am the Master."

2013-10-14, 4:41 AM #192
Originally posted by Koobie:
Antony posted a picture of a screw. Then Jon'C appeared

You forgot the part in the middle. You know, where you deliberately made a custom image to take an infantile swipe at your imaginary enemy the first person on this forum to call you out for annoying spam.

Originally posted by Koobie:
Man, you posted a link to a site that says that the Elements of Style is basically more hindrance than help. I mean, come on.
I know you feel all proud of yourself for being a slavish devotee to the one textbook you half-heartedly paged through before abandoning higher education, but yes, it is a hindrance, and the authors of fiction responsible for it were not the masters of English grammar they are popularly held to be. Maybe if you valued other disciplines you might have learned something about, oh, I dunno, linguistics or English syntax before jerking off and smearing the result all over this website, but those of us who have bothered cracking a book that we didn't pay to get published are not impressed with you.
2013-10-14, 4:50 AM #193
Originally posted by Jon'C:
You forgot the part in the middle. You know, where you deliberately made a custom image to take an infantile swipe at your imaginary enemy the first person on this forum to call you out for annoying spam.

When did Antony call me out for annoying spam? If he did, sorry I missed. ;) Nah, I was just responding to his image tbh.

Originally posted by Antony:
CORRECTION: I posted a picture of a lag bolt.

2013-10-14, 4:53 AM #194
It's cool. I'll post it again: God, Koobie is the worst.
>>untie shoes
2013-10-14, 4:55 AM #195
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You forgot the part in the middle. You know, where you deliberately made a custom image to take an infantile swipe at your imaginary enemy the first person on this forum to call you out for annoying spam.

I know you feel all proud of yourself for being a slavish devotee to the one textbook you half-heartedly paged through before abandoning higher education, but yes, it is a hindrance, and the authors of fiction responsible for it were not the masters of English grammar they are popularly held to be. Maybe if you valued other disciplines you might have learned something about, oh, I dunno, linguistics or English syntax before jerking off and smearing the result all over this website, but those of us who have bothered cracking a book that we didn't pay to get published are not impressed with you.

You assume again, I just think it's very useful. So do a bunch of other people. A bunch of best selling author people actually. The only claim to authority you've ever presented was, "I went to uni." Which is pretty weak, if you ask me.

Not to mention that my major was Russian Language & Literature, not English. It's also far from the only book on writing that I've read. Not sure what makes you think that it is.

By the way, WTF are you talking about when you say that I paid to get published? I haven't even published a book, lol. But cool story, bro.
2013-10-14, 4:59 AM #196
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Anybody else remember like a week ago in the chat, when I said something along the lines of: "I'm not really comfortable with all of the koobie hate. If you don't like his threads just don't read them, we can't keep chasing away everybody we find mildly annoying"?

Yeah, I take it back.

2013-10-14, 4:59 AM #197
You paid a guy to read your work and later he said your work was almost publishable, which I think you take as a higher praise than it actually is. If it was really almost publishable, it would be sent to an editor and published. The truth of the matter is the guy gave you what you paid him to give you.

I can pay a stripper to tell me I'm hot and interesting.
>>untie shoes
2013-10-14, 5:04 AM #198
Originally posted by Koobie:
You assume again, I just think it's very useful. So do a bunch of other people. A bunch of best selling author, people actually. The only claim of authority you've ever presented is, "I've went to uni." Which is pretty weak, if you ask me.
I cited an article written by Geoffrey K. Pullum, a professor of linguistics at the University of Edinburgh specializing in English syntax (grammar). The article contains a short breakdown of the problematic history of the text and the errors contained within it. I make no claim to authority, because I am not a grammarian, and neither are you, and neither are those best-selling authors you paid to compliment you, so even trying to apply authority in this case would be a logical fallacy anyway.

You know you're not smart, right?
2013-10-14, 5:10 AM #199
lol this tenured professor of grammar is such a dumbass, saying this grammar textbook I masturbate to has mistakes in it. I mean, come on, it's so popular.
2013-10-14, 5:18 AM #200
>>The article contains a short breakdown of the problematic history of the text and the errors contained within it. I make no claim to authority, because I am not a grammarian, and neither are you, and neither are those best-selling authors you paid to compliment you, so even trying to apply authority in this case would be a logical fallacy anyway.

I never paid anyone to compliment me. I paid him to criticize my stuff.

Re: authority, I'm talking about writers like Stephen King and the like. I really can't be bothered to start naming names of all the authors I read & respect who recommend The Elements of Style. Though maybe I've paid them all and the Time magazine to boot. Who knows.

>>You paid a guy to read your work and later he said your work was almost publishable, which I think you take as a higher praise than it actually is. If it was really almost publishable, it would be sent to an editor and published. The truth of the matter is the guy gave you what you paid him to give you.

Sure. I had sent other things to editors and got them published instead. I will write more things and publish them too. Just to spite Jon'C if anything else. ;) That one story wasn't really publishable, but yeah, I probably should've omitted the dude's feedback. Don't know. The only reason I posted it was because Jon'C said "zomg I had MASTERS look at my stuff & evaluate it" so it seemed fitting.

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