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Let's play a forum game.
2013-10-14, 6:57 AM #241
Oooh, you guys are actually right about it's not rocket science being an idiom. Oops.
I guess score 1 for the home team.
I'm afraid my simile remains to be a simile all the same. ;)
2013-10-14, 6:58 AM #242
There are two native speakers ITT telling you it's not.
2013-10-14, 7:00 AM #243
It's like talking to a wall.
It's like getting blood out of a turnip.

We are beating a dead horse.
Koobie is a retard.
>>untie shoes
2013-10-14, 7:01 AM #244
I actually for a very brief time started to feel empathy for Koobie again, since I was convinced he was a native speaker right until he tried to use some serious edge case language features, and that implies some pretty hard work and serious study, but straight up ignoring what I've been saying about linguistics has successfully dispelled me of that.
2013-10-14, 7:01 AM #245
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You'd never talk to a donkey, legless or not, so you'd never compare talking to someone to talking to a donkey.

Quite arguable.
2013-10-14, 7:14 AM #246
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2013-10-14, 8:02 AM #247
Originally posted by Jon`C:
There are two native speakers ITT telling you it's not.

Riiight. Except that it is.

If it compares two things that share something in common and uses the word like then it is a simile.

Your argument: you don't talk to a donkey! Therefore, it's not a simile! It's a mixed metaphor!

This is a cool read as well btw (Grammar Girl FTW):
2013-10-14, 8:23 AM #248
Originally posted by Koobie:
Riiight. Except that it is.
It isn't. It has the basic structure of a simile but it is a meaningless statement. Calling it a simile is a like saying "beep boop beep boop beep boop beep boop beep boop" is in iambic pentameter.

(that was a simile)

If it compares two things that share something in common and uses the word like then it is a simile.
If I had to define it, a simile is a direct comparison between two things that are essentially different, but share some distinct property, as a way to emphasize that shared property. Of course in practice it's more complicated.

But, of course, I am greatly anticipating your reasoned defense of a definition you got off of an elementary school website.

Your argument: you don't talk to a donkey! Therefore, it's not a simile! It's a mixed metaphor!

This is a cool read as well btw (Grammar Girl FTW):
English has no phrase like 'mixed simile'. It also has no phrase meaning 'mixed idiom', which is unfortunate because most of her examples are actually idioms and not metaphors. In English, all of these things are simply called 'mixed metaphors'.
2013-10-14, 8:35 AM #249
This thread over-delivers and it should be ****ing closed already.

2013-10-14, 8:39 AM #250
I think the real question here is if you took said legless donkey and put it on a conveyor belt on an island full of squirrels would you win a vacation trip to Mexico?
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-10-14, 8:41 AM #251
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
I think the real question here is if you took said legless donkey and put it on a conveyor belt on an island full of squirrels would you win a vacation trip to Mexico?

You wouldn't win one trip to Mexico, but a 0.99999999999999999999999999....99 trip to Mehico :colbert:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2013-10-14, 8:42 AM #252
oh snap! :master:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-10-14, 11:01 AM #253
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-10-14, 12:50 PM #254
Jesus christ is this what I looked like years ago?!

im so, so sorry.
2013-10-14, 1:35 PM #255
Originally posted by saberopus:
This thread over-delivers and it should be ****ing closed already.


I agree lock it already. If only to save Koobie from himself. Please CM.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-10-14, 3:26 PM #256
I find it rather amusing how everyone (and by "everyone" I mean Antony & Tibby) thinks that the sentence Talking to you is like talking to a legless donkey is not a simile because Jon'C says so.

Jon'C, since arguing with you on the internet is a rather maddening exercise, I thought I'd ask some other native speakers on a different board just to be sure.
And yep.
It's a simile.
Surprise surprise.

And with that, I shall make like a ninja.
** POOF **
2013-10-14, 3:35 PM #257
you literally cross posted in order to "own" a man on a star wars message board
while simultaneously pointing out how arguing with this man never goes anywhere because, as you say, he's arrogant
who's really the fool here
2013-10-14, 3:39 PM #258
Originally posted by Koobie:
And with that, I shall make like a ninja.
** POOF **

yeah, don't feel rushed coming back
2013-10-14, 3:41 PM #259
Do Ninjas even need smoke bombs? Wouldn't they just like, murder you silently at a distance without anybody ever knowing?
2013-10-14, 3:42 PM #260
Originally posted by Tibby:
who's really the fool here

You, for starters. :D

2013-10-14, 3:50 PM #261
i have been owned
i hang my head in shame
you did it koobie, you Won The Internet Fight
2013-10-14, 4:01 PM #262
Dude, you've been owned the moment you were born; it's not exactly news.
Re: fight. No fight. Was genuinely wondering if I was perhaps wrong. I wasn't.

But yeah. I think my friend Nitro's right.
There's absolutely 0 value to posting on this forum.


A shout-out to goes out to saberopus, FGR, EAH_TRISCUIT & Thrawn[numbaz] who are the few people I actually more or less like here. I wish them the best of luck. ;)

Peace & love.
2013-10-14, 4:03 PM #263
so leave already jesus
cm can you toxx this *******?
2013-10-14, 4:08 PM #264
Originally posted by Koobie:
Dude, you've been owned the moment you were born; it's not exactly news.
Re: fight. No fight. Was genuinely wondering if I was perhaps wrong. I wasn't.

But yeah. I think my friend Nitro's right.
There's absolutely 0 value to posting on this forum.


A shout-out to goes out to saberopus, FGR, EAH_TRISCUIT & Thrawn[numbaz] who are the few people I actually more or less like here. I wish them the best of luck. ;)

Peace & love.


good luck hiring a publisher for your magnum opus.
2013-10-14, 4:12 PM #265
realtalk: when i have a draft I'm confident enough with, and have edited (poorly, with friends who are amateurs)
What then?
2013-10-14, 4:19 PM #266
2013-10-14, 4:22 PM #267
Originally posted by Tibby:
realtalk: when i have a draft I'm confident enough with, and have edited (poorly, with friends who are amateurs)
What then?

idk. post you are **** online, enter contests, submit it for publication in some niche magazine or digest. basically get your work out there. or you can try to be a rock star, and immediately hire a literary agent and try to get your novel published.

vanity publishing is a waste of time. you'll never even break even.
2013-10-14, 4:27 PM #268
Cool that basically matches my plan.
I.E sit on this larger work for a few years and get my name out with smaller stuff.
2013-10-14, 4:32 PM #269
or you can just do the big thing as some dumb weekly blog serial deal. bunch of authors got published because their throwaway short stories ended up being too popular. 50 shades of grey, for one.
2013-10-14, 5:19 PM #270
Well it is structured in such a way that each chapter could- for the most part- be read without the others in a way that would- for the most part- make sense.
I really want to perfect, or at least not totally suck at, writing before I release what I feel to be my MAGNUM OPUS to the masses. However.

CM please close this thread it's gone places.
2013-10-14, 5:28 PM #271
This thread must live.
>>untie shoes
2013-10-14, 5:44 PM #272
Democracy has spoken.
We need a new topic however.
2013-10-14, 7:09 PM #273
Oh, I know! "Beat the picture"!
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-10-14, 7:53 PM #274
Oh my god, I return after several months and see this.
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2013-10-14, 8:07 PM #275
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-10-14, 9:54 PM #276
How to burn all those Last Supper calories?

If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-10-14, 11:30 PM #277

"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-10-15, 1:33 AM #278
Cya Koobs, thx for voiceacting for Deus Ex: Nihilum.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2013-10-15, 3:41 AM #279
Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(
>>untie shoes
2013-10-15, 8:42 AM #280
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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