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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
2013-12-16, 8:50 AM #41
Originally posted by Koobie:
she ****s good (or at least, she used to) ... which was the main reason i married her in the first place.

Speaking of sociopathic behavior..

Edit: Okay, okay, maybe not sociopathic.. but definitely inconsiderate and, well, daft. Of course, with her goals, she doesn't deserve any better. So it's a wash.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-12-16, 10:52 AM #42
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Speaking of sociopathic behavior..Edit: Okay, okay, maybe not sociopathic.. but definitely inconsiderate and, well, daft. Of course, with her goals, she doesn't deserve any better. So it's a wash.

I suspect that he married young & that his affection for her had a lot to do with their sexual chemistry. I'm guessing that he came to realize after the relationship that there merely wasn't much more than that between them. I say this because I once had a similar relationship with a girl when I was quite young & when she left me, I was quite upset & mistook those emotions for love, when in fact it had more to do with losing a great sexual partner--there really wasn't much else that we did together to justify those feelings. I probably would've married her for all the wrong reasons & only one right one, had we stayed together. If he was at all like I was at that age (early twenties), he was probably just ignorant & naive & not necessarily a terrible human being. Then again, I don't know him personally, so...
? :)
2013-12-16, 1:25 PM #43
Okay guys, time to stop piling on Koobie here.
2013-12-16, 1:51 PM #44
Originally posted by Tracer:
Okay guys, time to stop piling on Koobie here.

Well the only one here who isn't going on top of Koobie is his ex-wife.
2013-12-16, 1:53 PM #45
2013-12-16, 1:55 PM #46
2013-12-17, 3:24 AM #47
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Speaking of sociopathic behavior..

Edit: Okay, okay, maybe not sociopathic.. but definitely inconsiderate and, well, daft. Of course, with her goals, she doesn't deserve any better. So it's a wash.

Pretty much what Mentat said.
I was madly "in love" at the time; or so I thought. So much that I completely ignored the good advise of my family & friends. Not sociopathic, just young & stupid.
Also, she lied about her contraception and got pregnant, so there was that, too.
2013-12-17, 3:28 AM #48
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Well the only one here who isn't going on top of Koobie is his ex-wife.

i'd rather stick my dick in a potato at this point tbfh
2013-12-17, 4:52 AM #49
make sure you boil it 1st.
2013-12-17, 7:19 AM #50
nothing like a boiled potato in the morning

2013-12-17, 7:26 AM #51
goes well with a SCHNITZEL
2013-12-17, 7:58 AM #52
even better with a WURST.
2013-12-17, 11:03 AM #53
Or Pie.
2013-12-21, 12:41 PM #54
I'm looking forward to Koobie posting about dating a 20 year old college girl, and they just fool around but don't have sex. And also she's real mature gize
I had a blog. It sucked.
2013-12-22, 1:29 AM #55
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I'm looking forward to Koobie posting about dating a 20 year old college girl, and they just fool around but don't have sex. And also she's real mature gize

What do we need two Al Ciaos for? Is the original a non-sustainable resource?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-12-22, 9:30 AM #56
Communication through the written language is not difficult. The nuances of irony and sarcasm, ideas that rely on inflection for understanding, sure. There is nothing hard to understand about text unless you're one of those people taking remedial English courses at university.
2013-12-22, 7:22 PM #57
2013-12-22, 7:28 PM #58
It's only poor communication if your goal is to impart understanding to as many people as possible. Usually, sarcasm is intended to exclude the dimwitted.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-12-22, 7:28 PM #59
2013-12-22, 7:30 PM #60
2013-12-22, 7:40 PM #61
2013-12-22, 7:59 PM #62
... understanding irony has nothing to do with your upbringing. It has everything to do with knowing what the word means.

To use your own example, if an atheist replies, "Let's abolish the separation of church and state!" to "God's laws are the only ones we need," do you think they'd really mean it?

/waits for Jon'C, the English language SME. ;)
2013-12-22, 8:07 PM #63
2013-12-22, 8:15 PM #64
I've no problem with how Jon'C says what he says ... I've a problem with what.
Heck, he's the one member I still have on Ignore because it's easier to not click the Show Message button should a conversation ever stray into the field of writing advise than to read them and get pissed off at what I perceive as arrogant ignorance.
2013-12-22, 8:19 PM #65

Otherwise, I like you fine, Jon'C. ;) Merry Christmas.
2013-12-22, 8:26 PM #66
2013-12-22, 8:35 PM #67
Thing is, that's this kind of attitude that can make a person arrogant -- and it is my belief that arrogance ultimately leads to ignorance. Also, every argument can only go so far.

Anyway, I think it's somewhat impolite to discuss another forum member as if he's not there ... so ...

/waits for Jon'C, the English language SME. ;)
2013-12-22, 8:57 PM #68
inb4 sarcasm isn't irony
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2013-12-22, 9:16 PM #69
Sure it is.

2013-12-22, 10:30 PM #70
a robot's dream
on a Christmas night

why can't i fix myself
beyond the basic programming
to rearrange my mind
to value what i had

the smell of food
in kindergarden
the rain on dusty roads
my grandma's love

my passions, interests
a life so simple
so sublime
i'd like to take the zeroes

and change them into ones

no rhymes, no schemes
just plain old verse
to human world from me,
a robot

on a Christmas night
2013-12-22, 10:34 PM #71
Originally posted by Koobie:
arrogant ignorance

"arrogant ignorance", NP., a term used by an amateur ESL porn author to insult someone for sharing an opinion about grammar texts with a tenured grammarian at the world's top university for English linguistics.
2013-12-22, 10:36 PM #72
note that 'arrogance' means an exaggerated opinion of self-worth, in part. ignorance of ones own self-worth, and as such you are unlikely to see this phrase used by native speakers.
2013-12-22, 10:46 PM #73
Originally posted by Freelancer:
It's only poor communication if your goal is to impart understanding to as many people as possible. Usually, sarcasm is intended to exclude the dimwitted.
Jonathan Swift was blessed with the distinct advantage of living in a time when anybody too stupid to understand him was also too poorly educated to read.

Just a little food for thought.
2013-12-23, 12:05 AM #74
See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. ;)
The problem with the Ignore feature, though, is that it's practically useless unless you're constantly logged in (which I am not). ;)
Time for breakfast!
Peace & love.
2013-12-23, 12:08 AM #75
"writing advise"... hehe.
2013-12-23, 12:09 AM #76
PS. After our esteemed English language SME's remark, I'd Googled the phrase "arrogant ignorance" and was not at all surprised... :D
2013-12-23, 12:12 AM #77
2013-12-23, 12:17 AM #78
Originally posted by Koobie:
The problem with the Ignore feature, though, is that

Koobie, there sure seem to be a lot of problems with things in your life.

Your ex-wife who married you so she wouldn't have to work.
Your ex-wife who forced you to get her pregnant.
Companies not paying you the amount of money you deserve.
Clueless people criticising your writing.
Ignorant, arrogant people warning others away from your good advice.
Petty, forgotten forum battles that keep getting brought up in every thread.
People posting for pages about a person you find annoying in an effort to get him to post in your threads.
Ignore features that don't work because someone keeps clicking on the 'show post' link.

May I suggest there is a common element here?

That common element being a delusional, self-obsessed talentless dweeb?
2013-12-23, 12:19 AM #79
I'm talking about you, by the way, Koobie. Sorry if that went over your head. I know you aren't very intelligent.
2013-12-23, 12:20 AM #80
When the arrogant ignoramus is made to face his ignorance, disaster strikes.
Oh man, am I having fun. :D :D :D

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