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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
2013-12-26, 4:42 PM #121
Originally posted by Recusant:
But which version of literally do you mean? :psyduck:

Oh, don't get me started. I heard about this a few weeks ago and I'm still pissed. **** the OED.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-12-29, 12:37 AM #122
The **** ... that just isn't right.

In other news, I'd finished that 3rd part of the 6 part story ... it was the part where Sherlock Holmes, the narrator, and another character meet The Doctor. It was probably the most challenging one to write so far, but it was also the most AWESOME. Hehe. Mmm. Right. Not that anyone cares ...

Though if somebody does (I see you, lurkers reading my stories in Showcase and never posting ... don't know who you are, but I know you EXIST, hehe), you can check it out here:

Read Chapter 1 Part 1 here:
Read Chapter 1 Part 2 here:
Read Chapter 2 Part 1 here:

... these links are to standalone posts on my G+ stream, just FYI.
2013-12-29, 7:44 AM #123
I skimmed the story real quick to see what you were doing with the plot, I gotta think that two Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Moriarty's daughter, and The Doctor working together on the same 'team' is massive overkill for any problem. The Doctor alone saves existence on a regular weekly basis. I'll be interested to see how you tie-in Star Wars, although at this point I don't think you should. Anyway the Empire alone isn't a massive enough enemy for the tag-team of heroes you have, you better have the Empire team up with the Daleks.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-12-29, 9:48 AM #124
Originally posted by Koobie:
Sherlock Holmes, the narrator, and another character meet Doctor Who

just The Doctor
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-12-29, 2:21 PM #125
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
just The Doctor

yep, just The Doctor ... sorry. what was I thinking. :)
2013-12-29, 2:22 PM #126
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
I skimmed the story real quick to see what you were doing with the plot, I gotta think that two Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Moriarty's daughter, and The Doctor working together on the same 'team' is massive overkill for any problem. The Doctor alone saves existence on a regular weekly basis. I'll be interested to see how you tie-in Star Wars, although at this point I don't think you should. Anyway the Empire alone isn't a massive enough enemy for the tag-team of heroes you have, you better have the Empire team up with the Daleks.

They're not all working on the same team (as per Part 3). :)

... tying Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who universes in a manner I'd thought plausible was challenge enough, and I've no idea how I'm going to bring Star Wars into this yet, but I'm curious to find out, hehe.
2013-12-30, 4:09 PM #127
I hope the new Doctor is good. I watch the show because my wife likes it, but I'd have probably given up during Matt Smith. Doctor Who requires a very particular tension between seriousness and absurdity to work, and while I think they managed to achieve that with some degree of consistency, I felt that the Matt Smith era was just to self referential and cutesie. I think the show would also be a bit better if it could capture a scene of the Doctor making his own rules rather than being an idiot and relying on the Deus Ex Machima de jure for everything to work out.
2013-12-30, 9:36 PM #128
2014-01-04, 7:04 PM #129
Peter Capaldi is a badass and I have high hopes for his tenure.
2014-01-10, 11:01 AM #130
Wow, I just read through the whole thread... best parts are when Jon'C verbally took a **** on Koobie's face. Loooooved it. Koobie, you are one sad and depressed SOB, but with the way you act, I just can't get myself to feel sorry for you.
2014-01-10, 6:09 PM #131
You should try ****city dot com
2014-01-12, 3:31 PM #132
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
I skimmed the story real quick to see what you were doing with the plot, I gotta think that two Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Moriarty's daughter, and The Doctor working together on the same 'team' is massive overkill for any problem. The Doctor alone saves existence on a regular weekly basis. I'll be interested to see how you tie-in Star Wars, although at this point I don't think you should. Anyway the Empire alone isn't a massive enough enemy for the tag-team of heroes you have, you better have the Empire team up with the Daleks.

This is part of why I love Massassi! This is totally off topic but it is like a side conversation going on in the middle of a party. Gave me a good laugh.

Anyway, Koobie, I feel for you man. I haven't been married ( yet ) but still feel for you man.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2014-01-12, 3:37 PM #133
Thx. My life is more than turbulent right now ... but like somebody pointed it out, I just make it this way. Haah. ;)
But ye ... also met a cool girl. Very cool.
Not gonna make a thread.
Gotta get back to writing that last chapter of Crimson Tide, which is

Chapter 3: Sherlock Holmes Goes to War


PS. Some sexy music:
2014-01-12, 5:39 PM #134
The show must go on!


The Doctor
2014-01-12, 10:22 PM #135
Hmm, nobody is interested in reading my stories, but I know what to do!

I'll bog them down with a cornucopia of characters from, like, three totally different genres. That way there'll be something for everyone in my story, and ipso facto everyone will read them! That's, like, a trillion people! And then in Chapter 5 I'll write in Hermione Granger being gang-raped by Edward and Jacob, so then I'll even get the Harry Potter pervs and both Twilight teams. And then I'll totally be raking in that phat erotica fanfic cash just like E. L. James and all of those other successful people who have dabbled in crossover fan fiction whose names escape both me and Google for some odd reason!

The only way my plan could fail is if there is some other reason people don't want to read my stories, like if they are shoddily written, boring, thoroughly derivative pedestrian trash. But that's just a stupid idea! Yes, my plan to use copyright infringement as an alternative to creativity will succeed, and writing triple-franchise crossover fan fiction is a perfectly normal behavior for a divorced father in his 30s.
2014-01-12, 10:24 PM #136
(Nobody here gives a ****, Koobie. And when EAH_TRISCUIT, a.k.a. one of the friendliest human beings in the world is politely dissing your work as an absolute abortion of plot, you should probably take it as a hint.)
2014-01-12, 10:32 PM #137
To be perfectly honest, when you said you were writing Dr. Who/Sherlock/Star Wars fanfiction I thought you were being sarcastic:smith:
2014-01-13, 12:01 AM #138
Yeye, joncey. I post on Massassi for the 1-2 people who do read my stuff here. I post elsewhere for everyone else. ;)
I'm writing for fun & practice, so chill, dude ... no need to be so annoying all the time​, really, heh.
2014-01-13, 3:21 AM #139
Originally posted by Koobie:
I'm writing for fun & practice

And attention most of all. Yet the only way you can get it is by spamming unsuspecting audiences with your indiscriminate strings of words.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2014-01-13, 3:46 AM #140
Yep, my search for fame via posting my writings on Massassi is going on year 14 soon. :D :D :D
2014-01-13, 4:09 AM #141
Originally posted by Cr0wb4r:
This is part of why I love Massassi! This is totally off topic but it is like a side conversation going on in the middle of a party. Gave me a good laugh.

Hah, I guess I could have PM'd him. I actually like to keep a thread on topic but, to be fair, I was commenting on something the OP said.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2014-01-13, 4:10 AM #142
Originally posted by Jon`C:
And when EAH_TRISCUIT, a.k.a. one of the friendliest human beings in the world

It's only a matter of time before people discover I'm a serial killer and cannibal.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2014-01-13, 8:11 AM #143
Originally posted by Koobie:
I'm writing for fun & practice, so chill, dude ...
Practice without accepting criticism is masturbatory.

Masturbate in private, Koobie.
2014-01-13, 4:13 PM #144
Yep, probably exactly why I've been posting / asking for crits from people who actually know something about writing for the past decade or so. ;)
Lay off the fleshlight and go get a life, joncey. For ****'s sake, really dude, there is something seriously wrong with you.
2014-01-13, 4:34 PM #145
Originally posted by Koobie:
For ****'s sake, really dude, there is something seriously wrong with you.

You're what's wrong with me, ****stain.

You chose to start **** with me. Now I'm just serving it back at you. Just like everything else in your pathetic, empty life, all of this is entirely your fault.

Kill yourself.
2014-01-13, 4:37 PM #146
Wah I just don't understand why jonc won't fellate my obvious overabundance of skill, he's so annoying and such an ignoramus.

*posts about it constantly for months*

*acts surprised when jonc fights back*

waaah you are so annoying jonc, there is something wrong with you.
2014-01-13, 4:46 PM #147
Well I don't know about the rest of you, but as a happily-married professional software engineer with first-class honours in Honors Computer Science and Honors Mathematics, I am incredibly interested to hear the opinion of a Hungarian high school drop-out, half-wit stoner burnout, underemployed divorced sociopath fan fic author w.r.t. my intelligence, skill, and mental condition.

I guess the Dunning-Kruger Effect applies to life skills, too.
2014-01-13, 4:53 PM #148
Must be very tough being so awesome, joncey. ;)
2014-01-13, 4:57 PM #149
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Wah I just don't understand why jonc won't fellate my obvious overabundance of skill, he's so annoying and such an ignoramus.

My problem with you started when you tried posting writing advise for Tibby and pretended to know what you're talking about ... pretty much.

Didn't know you were married. All the more reason to lay off the fleshlight. :D
2014-01-13, 5:06 PM #150


2014-01-13, 5:20 PM #151
Originally posted by Koobie:
Must be very tough being so awesome, joncey. ;)
Well, there are a lot of things I'll never understand. Like how it feels to be above criticism because of subjective taste and/or the *mumble mumble* unspecified/unfalsifiable inadequacies of others' credentials, or what it's like to settle for a profession I don't really enjoy, just because it's the one thing my crippling mental retardation hasn't physically prevented me from doing.

(How's your game design job hunt going, by the way? HR departments pinning you for a loser just like everyone else in your life, I take it?)

So yeah, I'd say it's pretty hard.

Originally posted by Koobie:
My problem with you started when you tried posting writing advise and pretended to know what you're talking about ... pretty much.
Oh, so you have a problem with people posting writing advice and pretending to know what they're talking about? So why haven't you opened an artery yet, defect?

Seriously, an ESL porn fan fic author pretending to have any credibility. ****in lol.

Didn't know you were married. All the more reason to lay off the fleshlight. :D
Oh look, calling you a chronic masturbator seems to have touched a nerve! Is that why you got divorced? Or maybe you have a touch of the limpdick from all of the pot you smoke to fuel that similarly withered and useless thing you call your creativity?

Seriously Koobie, you should lay off the drugs and booze. You don't have the brain matter to spare.
2014-01-13, 5:26 PM #152
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You're what's wrong with me, ****stain.

You chose to start **** with me. Now I'm just serving it back at you. Just like everything else in your pathetic, empty life, all of this is entirely your fault.

Kill yourself.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Well I don't know about the rest of you, but as a happily-married professional software engineer with first-class honours in Honors Computer Science and Honors Mathematics, I am incredibly interested to hear the opinion of a Hungarian high school drop-out, half-wit stoner burnout, underemployed divorced sociopath fan fic author w.r.t. my intelligence, skill, and mental condition.

I guess the Dunning-Kruger Effect applies to life skills, too.

You, as a adult, have nothing better to do with your time than spend hours in pissing contests on a tiny forum with every looser who gives you the opportunity.


I would be highly interested to meet your wife.
2014-01-13, 5:27 PM #153
Originally posted by Koobie:
My problem with you started when you tried posting writing advise for Tibby

Oh, and a lil recap of my advice:

- Take criticism seriously, just like they teach you in art school.
- Amateurs do not give good advice or critiques because they are not yet skilled enough to be truly conscious and introspective about their art, just like they teach you in art school.
- The best grammarian in the world says Koobie's grammar textbook is a bad book.

All of which is clearly unreasonable gibberish I pulled from my butt and fully deserving of months of harassment from a ****ing retard whose sole contribution to humanity was forgetting to wrap his **** a couple of times.
2014-01-13, 5:28 PM #154
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
You, as a adult, have nothing better to do with your time than spend hours in pissing contests on a tiny forum with every looser who gives you the opportunity.


I would be highly interested to meet your wife.

...You think it takes me hours to write a couple of sentences of insults? You really think I'm as semi-literate as Koobie?
2014-01-13, 5:29 PM #155
>>Oh, so you have a problem with people posting writing advice and pretending to know what they're talking about? So why haven't you opened an artery yet, defect?

It wasn't directed at me, it was for Tibby, and it was harmful advise. I believe in the importance of doing good ... and I don't mind being mellow while I'm at it. :)

Talking about which, time to go to sleep.

As amusing as you are with your "ZOMG KOOBIE YOU SUCK," there are more important things in life than you, my friend.

Peace & love.
2014-01-13, 5:30 PM #156
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
You, as a adult, have nothing better to do with your time than spend hours in pissing contests on a tiny forum with every looser who gives you the opportunity.

By the way, it is "an adult" and it is spelled "loser", not "looser". I think we get quite enough incompetent writing on this forum from Koobie, thank you.
2014-01-13, 5:32 PM #157
Originally posted by Koobie:
Talking about which, time to go to sleep.
Why? It's only 2:30 AM. Do you have to wake up early for your total vacuum of a life?
2014-01-13, 5:41 PM #158
Originally posted by Koobie:
It wasn't directed at me, it was for Tibby, and it was harmful advise.
You aren't a writer. You're an unskilled office clerk who dabbles in erotic fiction. In what possible ****ing universe are you remotely qualified to give advice to anyone, let alone discount the advice from someone with actual experience teaching an art?

What astronomical arrogance.

This is exactly why I told Tibby to ignore everything you said. You're the amateur I was talking about, Koobie.
2014-01-13, 5:43 PM #159
[EDIT: ya k fakkit sleep time is n0w]
2014-01-13, 5:49 PM #160
Originally posted by Koobie:
[EDIT: ya k fakkit sleep time is n0w]

Translation: too blitzed to think of a reason.

one weird pedagogical trick discovered by an east european schedule janitor.

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