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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
2013-12-23, 12:22 AM #81
Originally posted by Koobie:
Oh man, am I having fun.
You having fun? Strange. Usually everybody is miserable when Koobie is in the room. I guess I'm too much of an ignoramus to understand induction.
2013-12-23, 12:24 AM #82
If I wouldn't be having fun, I wouldn't post here, Jon'C. ;)
2013-12-23, 12:25 AM #83
Originally posted by Koobie:
If I wouldn't be having fun, I wouldn't post here, Jon'C. ;)

oh, you finished googling induction so fast? or did you just not bother?
2013-12-23, 12:28 AM #84
btw, don't forget to mention me having 10,300 less posts than you the next time you try to profile me ... otherwise, it just ain't fair. :D
2013-12-23, 12:28 AM #85
I'd love to stay up and continue this flamewar you desperately crave, but unlike some people I have to wake up early tomorrow to go to my grown-up engineering job.

but I'm sure sitting in your bathrobe until 6 PM writing porn is just as important and mentally taxing as whatever it is that I do.
2013-12-23, 12:31 AM #86
btw, most trisomies are not hereditary.... so at least there's something going right for you, koobie. ;)
2013-12-23, 12:32 AM #87
Wish I could say the same for you, mate, but alas ... Make sure you ride that imaginary horse to work safely, joncey. ;)
2013-12-23, 12:34 AM #88
Originally posted by Koobie:
Wish I could say the same for you, mate, but alas ... it's too late for that now, joncey. ;)

"I know you are but what am I?"

How devastatingly creative.

Such writing talent the world has never seen.
2013-12-23, 12:42 AM #89
That's what the Edit button is for.
I think the reason you're trying to insult me by attacking my writing is because you have a fragile ego which you try to compensate with your arrogance; you're projecting, which makes you assume that you telling me that my writing is **** is going to make me feel bad. How's that for an assumption?
You can have the last word. :D
2013-12-23, 3:03 AM #90
2013-12-23, 5:49 AM #91
This thread got boring fast.

I always like to remind people that language is in a constant state of flux. The rules you fight so hard to enforce today will be radically different in 100 years. Spelling and punctuation will change. New words are invented, old words are retired.

So maybe Koobie is a visionary. Maybe not.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-12-23, 8:12 AM #92
Originally posted by Koobie:
I think the reason you're trying to insult me by attacking my writing is because you have a fragile ego

No, I make fun of your writing because you are bad at it, and you are just ****ty, childish, and narcissistic enough to deserve the treatment.

You want to talk about actual projection? How about laughing at your ex-wife for marrying a dude who "only wants her for sex". Because after all, that was the only thing you used her for, so how could anybody possibly love her for real.

You're a ****ing horrible person Koobie.
2013-12-23, 8:35 AM #93
I'm somewhat impressed at how you managed to demean me, my ex-wife, her fiancé, and yourself all within the confines of a single post. ;)
Bravo, Maestro, Bravo. :D
2013-12-23, 8:49 AM #94
Originally posted by Koobie:
I'm somewhat impressed at how you managed to demean me, my ex-wife, her fiancé, and yourself all within the confines of a single post. ;)
Bravo, Maestro, Bravo. :D

Hey, you semi-literate chimp, the only person I was demeaning in that post was you.

For posting this thread.

You ****ing loser.
2013-12-23, 8:57 AM #95
Jon'C, always good for a LOL. ;)
I'm sitting here grinning, imagining you foaming at the mouth ... perhaps it is a bit childish of me, but we get our LOLs where we can find them. :D
Peace & love,
2013-12-23, 10:35 AM #96
2013-12-23, 11:10 AM #97
This thread is a train wreck... and someone keeps sending cars down the tracks, making an ever larger pile of DURRRRRRRRR.
2013-12-23, 12:19 PM #98
2013-12-23, 12:29 PM #99
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
This thread got boring fast.

I always like to remind people that language is in a constant state of flux. The rules you fight so hard to enforce today will be radically different in 100 years. Spelling and punctuation will change. New words are invented, old words are retired.

So maybe Koobie is a visionary. Maybe not.

I believe that you have to know the rules before you can break them, truth be told.

Wait... wait... What's that? A vision!

I've seen a vision.

It was a vision of joncey's angry post. ;)

**** it, maybe I am a visionary.

Jon'C, don't be angry. Everything's gonna be all right.
2013-12-23, 4:31 PM #100
Originally posted by Koobie:
I believe that you have to know the rules before you can break them, truth be told.

But that doesn't stop you.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-12-23, 4:49 PM #101
Originally posted by Koobie:
Jon'C, always good for a LOL. ;)
I'm sitting here grinning, imagining you foaming at the mouth ... perhaps it is a bit childish of me, but we get our LOLs where we can find them. :D
Peace & love,

"Ha ha, just kidding, I'm really trolling. I'm not actually a big annoying retard after all. No, really, I swear."
2013-12-23, 5:02 PM #102
Hey Koobie, quick q. about why you chose to start a bitter feud with the last person on this forum who didn't make fun of you behind your back.

Was it because you are so insecure that any amount of criticism drives you into a hatespiral?

Or are you intimidated by people who actually read textbooks instead of just worshipping them?
2013-12-23, 5:14 PM #103
Oh ho, sorry Koobie, I didn't mean to give you a false dichotomy there.

(Don't worry, I'll pause here to let you Google that term, too.)

(All done? Good)

Of course, it's not a dichotomy. There is a third option: That your sociopathic self-congratulation for aggressively pursuing the most low-investment creative skill in the entirety of the human experience has put your brain in such a decayed state that your fragile intellect is no longer physically capable of processing that there are many people in this world who are more intelligent and talented without even trying than you have the lifelong potential to ever be no matter how hard you work at it.

Here's a nickel, kid. Buy yourself a new one. And get a real hobby while you're at it.
2013-12-23, 9:05 PM #104
In the spirit of Christmas, I think Jon`C and Koobie should spread goodwill and foster peace on earth by resisting the urge to insult each other. Then resume their mutual hatred on 12/26. Sound good? or Bah humbug?
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-12-24, 7:55 AM #105
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
In the spirit of Christmas, I think Jon`C and Koobie should spread goodwill and foster peace on earth by resisting the urge to insult each other. Then resume their mutual hatred on 12/26. Sound good? or Bah humbug?

:D :D :D
(somewhat NSFW; Merry Christmas!)
2013-12-24, 10:32 AM #106

Wow, I didn't realize the image you linked was a photo until I read article. I thought it was a CG render at first. I like those tattoo's.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2013-12-24, 10:47 AM #107
You're right about one thing ... she's a model. :)
I'm not too big on tribal tattoos myself, but I like the photos.
I also don't think they glamorize war. For me, the photographs do the opposite, actually: make the soldiers seem more human.
War is nothing but organized murder.
2013-12-24, 10:50 AM #108
Which we now apparently have in South Sudan now.
My God.
2013-12-24, 11:03 AM #109
For God's sake Jon, give it a rest. It's Christmas.
2013-12-24, 11:13 AM #110
Who cares?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2013-12-24, 1:59 PM #111
Originally posted by Tracer:
For God's sake Jon, give it a rest. It's Christmas.

He was literally asking for it, but I'm glad to see that you haven't let that stop you from being a huge human bundle of Yule logs.
2013-12-24, 3:47 PM #112
it's a festivus miracle
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-12-24, 11:30 PM #113
This entire thread is a big goddamn waste. Guess what, Koobie: It doesn't matter if your ex-wife got engaged, and your obvious desire for schadenfreude probably stems from your own feelings of insecurity. This is what happens. I know you probably wish that your ex wife would be miserable for the rest of her life like you are, but life goes on for most people, and you'd be better off if you got on with yours. I don't know exactly why your marriage ended, but any kind of insistence on passing blame to your ex (and hoping for her misfortune) is very likely due to your inability to admit your own flaws (which is something we've seen often on this very forum).

I know for a fact that two of my long-term ex girlfriends are currently engaged, and a handful of my short-term flings are married with kids now. All of those relationships ended badly, and I went on at length for years about how crazy or awful all of those women were. It's really easy to blame everyone else in the world for problems that stem from your own flaws.

Here's how a reasonable adult would look at their ex getting engaged: You hope it works out for the best for her/him and move on with your life. If you're capable of looking at the world from a perspective other than one of self-satisfaction, you might find that your interpersonal relationships will be less apt to end in ways that result in you writing ****ty poetry and getting in fights on the internet that make you look like a spoiled child.

TLDR: There is a small list of people in this world who should care that your ex got engaged. You are not on that list. Worry about something more important and stop being an insufferable prick.
>>untie shoes
2013-12-25, 1:12 AM #114
I don't want anyone to be miserable.
I think you missed the point that I just think they should've lived together for some years first ... because last time I'd seen something similar it didn't end well.
Anyway man. Whatever.
2013-12-25, 1:37 AM #115
Originally posted by Koobie:
the real reason im here is im procrastinating writing a story, of course.
(it's so awesome that i'm afraid if i'll continue, reality would collapse on itself)

It's time to do Part 3 ... and I'm back in this thread again. :D
2013-12-25, 7:38 AM #116
Yeah, because all relationships that share a common trait end up the same way...
>>untie shoes
2013-12-25, 7:45 AM #117
Originally posted by Antony:
Yeah, because all relationships that share a common trait end up the same way...

Well all gay relationships lead to hell. /s
2013-12-25, 7:59 AM #118
Originally posted by Koobie:
I think you missed the point that I just think they should've lived together for some years first ... because last time I'd seen something similar it didn't end well.

I wouldn't worry about it. Like, literally.

Merry Christmas.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-12-25, 8:57 AM #119
Originally posted by Jon`C:
He was literally asking for it, but I'm glad to see that you haven't let that stop you from being a huge human bundle of Yule logs.

Okay, whatever. :rolleyes: I have grown-up things to do in grown-up land. Bye bye.
2013-12-26, 3:48 PM #120
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Like, literally.

But which version of literally do you mean? :psyduck:

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