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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
So, my ex-wife just got engaged ...
2014-01-13, 5:51 PM #161
You know what's really funny, Koobie? Not only can I teach writing better than you, but I can do your day job better than you can, too.

Feel free to express the stages of your outrage as a Gantt diagram.
2014-01-13, 5:57 PM #162
Originally posted by Jon`C:
...You think it takes me hours to write a couple of sentences of insults? You really think I'm as semi-literate as Koobie?

Well, you've been nursing this thread closely for over an hour today alone, so I don't think think you have much to stand on there.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
By the way, it is "an adult" and it is spelled "loser", not "looser". I think we get quite enough incompetent writing on this forum from Koobie, thank you.

Being pedantic about grammar and spelling is an excellent way to respond to an accusation that you spend your spare time being a petty looser on the internet.
2014-01-13, 5:59 PM #163
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Well, you've been nursing this thread closely for over an hour today alone, so I don't think think you have much to stand on there.
Because I am clearly incapable of posting while doing something else, like compiling code or running tests, or eating, or watching TV.

Hold on to your cheeto-dusted cargo jorts, Obi_Kwiet, I'm about to vacuum my upstairs floor... while nursing this thread! Jesus ****ing Christ I must be some sort of child of satan.
2014-01-13, 6:00 PM #164
sry for ruffling your utilikilt, Obi_Kwiet. I know you are speaking from genuine concern. :)
2014-01-13, 7:32 PM #165
But Jon—clearly it takes an exorbitant amount of effort to be literate. If you weren't such a try-hard, you'd be confusing homophones left and right.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2014-01-13, 10:08 PM #166
Try-hard is the most genuine insult ever conceived, really. I hate everyone who tries harder than me because they're more successful, so they obviously are ****ty people. It's the only explanation.
2014-01-14, 6:18 AM #167
what the ****
2014-01-14, 1:37 PM #168
Originally posted by Koobie:
Yeye, joncey. I post on Massassi for the 1-2 people who do read my stuff here. I post elsewhere for everyone else. ;)
I'm writing for fun & practice, so chill, dude ... no need to be so annoying all the time​, really, heh.

ITT: Irony. Or is it sarcasm? No no no, it's a simile. Metaphor? Oh I give up :suicide:
2014-01-14, 2:32 PM #169
It's a fact.
2014-01-14, 2:50 PM #170
I've missed angry Joncy. Can we unban Wookie already?
2014-01-14, 7:23 PM #171
And Sarn.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2014-01-14, 7:49 PM #172
do you guys know how to post videos to facebook
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-01-14, 8:09 PM #173
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Because I am clearly incapable of posting while doing something else, like compiling code or running tests, or eating, or watching TV.

Hold on to your cheeto-dusted cargo jorts, Obi_Kwiet, I'm about to vacuum my upstairs floor... while nursing this thread! Jesus ****ing Christ I must be some sort of child of satan.

That's not really the point. If someone's excuse for arguing with schizophrenic homeless people was that they only did it on the way home from work and it didn't actually take that much time, it doesn't exactly make it any better. The fact that you seem to derive satisfaction from being a really lame bully on a old internet forum isn't really mitigated by the fact that can multitask while you do it. The fact that you enjoy it at all and do it regularly still makes you a gigantic looser, probably more so than any of the people you make fun of, because you are more privileged and should know better. It's like trying to hang out with high school kids so you can put them down for having inferior social skills.
2014-01-14, 8:22 PM #174
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
If someone's excuse for arguing with schizophrenic homeless people was that they only did it on the way home from work and it didn't actually take that much time, it doesn't exactly make it any better.

I used to talk to homeless people when I was 17 or so because I was interested in their stories ...

Seven times out of ten, it was the same story.

Here's some music:
2014-01-14, 8:28 PM #175
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
The fact that you seem to derive satisfaction from being a really lame bully

Yawn. Koobie started it, and Koobie's the only one keeping it going by whining about me in every thread. The only reason you're *****ing at me instead of Koobie is because I'm better at it.

If Koobie ever wants to stop the fight he started, all he has to do is apologize for flipping his **** when I politely disagreed with his writing advice. And, you know, get rid of the sig. Until then I'm going to amuse myself however I want, and if you don't like it you can put me on ignore.

By the way, "lame" is a terribly crass word. I thought you were above using slurs against the handicapped, Obi_Kwiet, but I guess you just aren't a very good person.
2014-01-14, 9:00 PM #176
You're better at whining, I'll give you that. :)
2014-01-14, 10:10 PM #177
Originally posted by Koobie:
You're better at whining, I'll give you that. :)

I think that whining is generally categorized as ineffectual and pointless, but Jon`C has been the only reason I've cared enough to read this thread, so I think that discounts your classification. Since Massassi doesn't post CvE debates anymore, there has to be some schadenfreudian justification for coming to visit.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-01-14, 10:18 PM #178

2014-01-14, 10:25 PM #179

.... No. And now I officially feel old. Kids these days with their mary-ju-wanna rock music and vanity novel imprints.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-01-16, 3:30 PM #180
Snarky Dor is snarky. <3
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2014-01-16, 7:23 PM #181
Originally posted by Baconfish:
I've missed angry Joncy. Can we unban Wookie already?

Originally posted by Freelancer:
And Sarn.

Massassi should have a single day every year during which people that were permanently banned are invited back and allowed to post. It could be our version of 'The Purge'.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2014-01-17, 10:56 PM #182
Originally posted by Ford:
Snarky Dor is snarky. <3

2014-01-18, 10:30 AM #183
Originally posted by Jon`C:

Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-01-18, 2:01 PM #184
Originally posted by Jon`C:

A man with any degree of cleverness or literary ability would have posted a tangentially related high resolution image to go along with that.
>>untie shoes
2014-01-18, 9:46 PM #185
Originally posted by Antony:
A man with any degree of cleverness or literary ability would have posted a tangentially related high resolution image to go along with that.

What does literary ability have to do with images?
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-01-18, 11:21 PM #186
Originally posted by Dormouse:
What does literary ability have to do with images?

The joke is that Koobie, a man ostensibly of much greater cleverness and literary ability than Jon`C, would have posted a large, detailed, and only passingly related image, because that is what Koobie does.

Edit: Oh, sorry. I omitted an explanation of the punchline. The punchline is the ostensibly greater cleverness and literary ability of Koobie. The mechanic by which the joke functions is that it ends on a characteristic that identifies Koobie, and invites those who have made the identification to look back at the characteristics listed in the first part of the joke, and then laugh at the absurdity of those characteristics being attributed to Koobie. It is a sort of subtle misdirection.

-- guy who ruins jokes by explaining them
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-01-19, 11:33 AM #187
2014-01-19, 11:35 AM #188
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
The joke is that Koobie, a man ostensibly of much greater cleverness and literary ability than Jon`C, would have posted a large, detailed, and only passingly related image, because that is what Koobie does.

Edit: Oh, sorry. I omitted an explanation of the punchline. The punchline is the ostensibly greater cleverness and literary ability of Koobie. The mechanic by which the joke functions is that it ends on a characteristic that identifies Koobie, and invites those who have made the identification to look back at the characteristics listed in the first part of the joke, and then laugh at the absurdity of those characteristics being attributed to Koobie. It is a sort of subtle misdirection.

-- guy who ruins jokes by explaining them

Thank you for explaining that in detail. I get it now.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.

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