NOTE: If anyone thinks I'm being overly harsh on Jin, think about how you'd feel if a massassian slit a cat's belly open, then came onto the forums and BOASTED about it. I've already proven that there's no logical moral difference between such an act and what Jin did, so unless you can argue with simple logic, I'd sit back and enjoy if I were you.
Evil is a human concept. Going out of your way to take the life of something that isn't a threat to you might qualify.
dry gear the frog:
You have no idea.
Spiders don't know that your house is off-limits. So until you learn to write spider and leave some warning signs up, I'd advise you to show some respect to what is another living organism simply trying to make its way in the world... and is no threat to you.
Well thank you for suggesting that and saving me time. It's not only paranoid, it's laughable. Oh, you admitted that too. I don't see you going around drowning baseball players on the offchance that you get hit by a stray baseball one day. Which is more likely to happen.
Spiders don't like wet, moving and LIVING places. You have more chance of being struck by lightning than you have of being even mildly disturbed by a spider in the face. It's idiotic. You have just admitted that your whole reason for disliking spiders in your home is idiotic.
And how exactly can you call your own reasoning "laughable" and in the same sentence quite happily imply that it's not "stupid"? If an idea is laughable it's usually because it's laughably stupid, as in this case.
KICK it out? Literally? I would hope not. That would probably be illegal. I know you don't care whether it's amoral or not.
No that's not the question. The question is why are you more comfortable with a dog in your home than a spider if you've JUST ADMITTED THAT A DOG COULD DO YOU MORE HARM? Yet more proof that you're irrational.
lol, carrying the bloody PC outside sounds like a solid start to me. Now you're claiming ignorance? ignorance is no excuse for slaughtering things.
The amount of time and energy you spent running around screaming like a girlie girl, and painstakingly torturing small harmless spiders to death could have been better spent. Carry the PC outside, put it on a table. Leave it in your porch. Leave it in your basement. Your attic. Get a neigbor to help, if you're too weak and wobbly to carry a PC. You'll save energy. I don't give a crap whether there are spiders in my house. I only ever have to remove them because of squeamish visitors. I live a happy and carefree life. I don't hide behind a pillow every night with a can of bugspray shivering because some little harmless creature might look sideways at me.
I'm happier than you.
I look at the world I live in, and I see what is a hazard to me and what is not. You seem to feel the need to MANUFACTURE hazards IN YOUR HEAD. Isn't life hard enough? Apparently not. Maybe you're just bored.
There's no need to kill spiders either. Kthxbye, don't kill any more.
Thank you for admitting your hypocrisy and irrationality. Now change your ways.
WHAT? How silly. Wonder what it takes to get through... Sigh. Okay, let's start again. You cannot argue that you have as much chance of specifically being run over by a taxi cab as you do of being killed by a venomous spider. You are not, I presume, afraid of the sight of taxi cabs as a rule? No? Once again I've proved that you're irrational.
Your idea of choking on a spider is nonsense, by the way. It's something you've fixated on, and there's more chance of Michael Jackson abseiling through your roof and throwing a fatal custard pie at you. No doubt the idea of that occurance doesn't fill you with fear? Then stop obsessing over eight-legged asphyxiation and rejoin us on planet Earth.
Thank you for admitting that your fear is irrational. It's your responsibility to change it, being rational is the least one can ask of a person. As for the "country's ecosystem," you think that makes what you did
right? Murdering people doesn't affect the country's ecosystem. Child molestation doesn't affect the country's ecosystem. Stabbing a dog in the eyes to see what colour the fluids inside are doesn't affect the country's ecosystem. Are ANY OF THOSE THREE THINGS RIGHT? No. Of COURSE they're not. So how you can sit there and claim that what you did wasn't wrong, is beyond me. Maybe you're just as irrational in your opinions as you are in your fears.
Oh read properly. I've already proven that it's BOTH irrational AND morally reprehensible by common standards, standards which you seem to happily accept in all other respects except that relating to spiders.
Umm, I don't know if they went through this at school, but mentioning something you consider to be WORSE doesn't absolve you of responsibility for your OWN amoral act.
Burglar is brought up in front of the judge: "How do you plead, burglar?" "I plead not guilty by reason that some people MURDER OTHER PEOPLE your honour! Now isn't that worse?" lol
You feel you have the right to kill something because you have taken an IRRATIONAL (and you admitted this) dislike to it. Where the heck do you get off. It's dispicable.
Asked and answered, read above please.
It's a Jedi Outcast paraphrase, have you played the game? Pfft.
And if you took a dislike to the way I moved, and you could GET AWAY WITH IT, you'd kill me, and you can't defend that. We can both manufacture silly and unrealistic comparisons, can't we. I wouldn't though, if I were you, I can obviously think of better ones than you.
Can you even read your own text? "Oh yeah, I hang cats up by a hook embedded in their genitals. Stop? Why? They haven't asked me yet."
It's high time that people like you realised that just because something's legal doesn't make it acceptable. Rape and murder of ethnic minorities wasn't illegal, not so long ago. Was it right, when it was legal? Of course not, it was always wrong. It's high time you started serving the MORALS that the laws STEMMED from, instead of looking for ways you can be a SADIST that the law won't punish you for. Be better people. There's no difference between what Jin did and what the man who beats his pet dog to death or microwaves his kitten does.
Just about everything else in your post is repetitive of previous posts Jin.
You've admitted that:
- Your fear of spiders is irrational.
- You could have dealt with the situation in a less sadistic fashion
And I have proven that:
- what you did was unnecessary animal cruelty
- It was amoral by most accepted moral standards
So QED really. I'm looking forward to seeing whether you can come up with something new, not that there's any argument you could give.
As I've said before though, I'm putting forward the obvious truth. I don't expect it to reach anyone who is hopelessly inured to the suffering of other lifeforms, I expect to reach people who aren't quite there yet. Athankyou.
/me takes a bow.
Spider AL