I think it hit rock bottom from the moment you started seeking sympathy for being FORCED to destroy a whole bunch of animals who weren't going to harm you, because they were CREEPY!!!111
So from the very start then.
Hmm. Ask yourself three questions: Is Spider AL a halfwit? Second, could Spider AL possibly take such a self-obsessed person as Jin totally seriously at all times, and third... Does my bum look big in this?
I only quote fully formed sentences. You said it, don't come crying to me if it comes back to bite you in the buttocks.
Hah, no. I really shouldn't expect you to get this, but here you go... The question of self-awareness and the ramifications thereof have confounded not only scientists who are notorious- like Jin- for stating their opinions as if they were fact, in lieu of actual logical argument, but also philosophers, for generations. How does one know whether another human is self-aware or not? They tell you that they think they are. But what does it actually MEAN that they think they are self-aware?
Let me put it this way. You can record yourself stating "I am self aware". When played back, does the sound signify that the tape recorder has achieved self-awareness? Of course not.
Likewise one could teach a parrot to repeat those words. Does that prove that the parrot is self-aware? No? Why not? What is that you say, the words have no intrinsic meaning for a parrot? Okay.
Let's take a stupid person. A really stupid person. A stupid person cannot articulate that he or she is self aware. Such words would have no meaning for the stupid person. Obviously however, the stupid person is the same as us, but if they cannot vocalise the state of their ego in the same way that we can. So how are we to prove that they are self-aware?
We can't. In point of fact, I can't prove that you're self-aware. It's the old response to stimuli question. Is what the person says indicative of their internal psychological state, or is it merely by rote repetition of what the examiner wishes to hear? In other words, parroted sounds?
What about the old "get the creature to look in a mirror, and if it recognises itself, it's self aware." What tosh. If your parents/foster parents/friends/guardians had never taught you WHAT a mirror is, how would you know? How would you interpret the reflection. Would you even have any INTEREST in your own image? Feral children, as human as you and I certainly have trouble with concepts like this and language too. Are they not self-aware then? Is not self-awareness innate to humanity?
In any case, scientists have never even been able to prove the existence of self-awareness as a concrete actuality.
What am I? I'm a human, sitting here typing things into a computer. But does my ability to DESCRIBE myself as
others see me mean that I have some innate internal understanding of myself and my ego that other animals do not possess, or am I merely describing myself by rote? Am I parroting? You can't prove so, or otherwise. Please try, you'll amuse us further.
You say:
Well that's a fundamental error right there, when you call the dog's name, he might think "That's me!" Or he might merely come to you on reflex since the last time you called him, you gave him a sausage. One cannot prove either.
Now, you have admitted to being disgusted at the idea of killing kittens, puppies whatever. You have FAILED to provide logical proof of the difference between killing a group of baby cats and killing a group of baby spiders. Therefore logically you should be ashamed of yourself, recognising yourself to be a hypocrite, and one which has committed a sadistic act. QED.
Ah well it was obvious in implication, but I suppose I'll have to sound out the vowels... Spiders don't survive in water. So why would a spider seek out the shower? The answer is, he wouldn't seek out the shower. So why is he there? Accident. Spiders end up in baths. Why? Accident. They don't say "I'm gonna have a bath!" do they now? Be serious Jin. You really do believe they're out to get you, don't you. lol
Oh you do. Whether you shoulder it or not, you have a responsibility to learn about the creatures you've decided to arbitrarily exterminate.
Once again you make yourself appear to be a village idiot. I have not stated that you have done anything to animals except killing a large number of defenceless, harmless spiders, because that is all I can prove, it is all you have admitted. Clear?
I didn't compare the act of molesting children to the act of killing spiders. Show us where I did, and I shall show you your glaring mistake. Good day.
Sorry, you're wrong again. Tch. Show me where I said that spiders are as important as humans please?
lol, sometimes people make it all too easy...
Ooh, class prejudice
. Ignorance: The gift that keeps on giving. lol
Some people are of the opinion that when a woman says no, she must mean yes. I don't think anyone here would admit publically that they are "tolerant" of such an opinion.
Likewise I will not tolerate your damaging, ignorant opinion, I will fight it publically.
Uh, barring an allergy, it'd have to jump down your throat for that to happen. And as you yourself have admitted, that's not going to happen. Thank you once again for confirming that your fears are irrational, QED.
Oh, and I was under the impression that you were in the US! Gosh, silly me. G'day cobber!
On a serious note, first tell us what spider IS this australian ne'er do well, then realise that this is one small reason why you have the responsibility to learn about spiders. To learn the differences between venomous and non-venomous breeds, so that you won't have to run around in a state of irrational fear, clomping innocent creatures all the time. And don't start with the "I wouldn't have time to look properly," because if you WEREN'T losing your head like a girlie girl, you'd HAVE time.
Oh I'm laughing at you Jin, not with you. Animal abusers aren't normally innately funny, but you manage it somehow. See you on here tomorrow night!
Finally: I'm glad you're so mature. But wait...
They're not out of your home. They're lurking around. You can't get rid of them all, they'll come back... come back... hiding... scuttling! They're watching you... watching you...
heh heh.
Prove it. Oh wait, you can't. Bye then.
Things die in nature, but we have a choice. That's our gift. You want to abuse it that power? Fine. But that makes you immoral.
... That's moronic. Huntsman are not venomous. They rarely bite. What IS your problem? Duh.
Umm, some of the largest animals have the largest global populations... We're fairly prolific in ourselves. And we do significant damage to the ecosystem of the planet... so you think it's okay to kill humans then? It won't have any effect, after all...
And you're biased in favour of humans.
/me scratches his head
Sorry, was what you said supposed to be earth-shattering? Maybe I missed something. Yes, I like spiders. No, I do not prefer spiders to humans, and I try to be even-handed and open-minded, which is something Jin and yourself cannot claim.
The difference is, sonneh, (and I've already explained this at least twice, please read more thoroughly) that killing something for food or clothing has a REASON behind it. If you kill something for no reason, it is mere sadism. QED. You have NO logical argument against that, it's intractible. Ciao.
Kill enough and they'd go extinct. So how many to kill then? hmm let me think... let me dip in the well of logic... OH YES! Let's only kill as many as we NEED to. Jin didn't need to. QED.
I'm not interested in Jin. You prove that you have failed to read ANY of my posts properly, for I have said in EACH of them: I doubt I'll convince Jin, who is too stuck in the mud. I'm here to debate publically so that more open minds will have the benefit of a balanced view.
GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? I thought not. Siddown.
You are not qualified to tell us what spiders were "CREATED" to do, or where they were "CREATED" to live. I sense a god complex.
Well you're right on the first two counts, I certainly did thwart your argument if one can call it that, your closed-minded little camp won't give in, I never expected them to, but I see no reason to stop. I'm accomplishing my goal, that of providing this petty, self-absorbed excuse for a thread with some public balance.
That IS preferential treatment, mate. As I've stated before you're more likely to die by bee than by spider, and people fear spiders more. IRRATIONALLY. QED.
majority perhaps, but That's not the issue, the issue is that there are sufficient spiders around our houses in both the day and the night for the difference to be inconsequential . Your point is therefore void.
since I tap a flying bee away with a newspaper and it flees. Simple.
If it builds its nest nearby, your house will be swarming with bees. And as stated before, most spiders are territorial. So you're wrong again.
WRONG, DING DING! the phrase "spiders tend to be" implies that MOST spiders are. That's what you said, that's what was wrong.
Ahahaha "Bub". You're wrong... the female black widows are the most dangerous, and they are territorial, they build webs, they are not what you would call NOMADIC. And yes, you happen to live near some of the very FEW dangerous spiders. So what?
Ahehehe. Listen to this and listen close, "kiddo," Jin didn't kill dangerous spiders, but harmless ones. And I've read a LOT of books on spiders. And by a lot, I mean EVERY book I could get my greasy little hands on. And I know, just as any amateur arachnologist knows, that species venomous to humans make up a TINY handful of the total breeds. Since you seem to think otherwise, you're either misinformed, stupid or just lying. Badaaaaaa. Pick one.
Ehgchc. Pfftcch... Listen sonneh, it's very simple... remove the PC to somewhere else, and brush the spiders away. I've done similar things with similarly intricate objects many times, it's easy and there are no spider fatalities. What are you even arguing for? You have no case. It's laughable.
Spider AL