Firstly, Flexor, I admire your level of control over your fear and your very laudable scruples. It's the presence of people like you that stops me from losing all hope for humanity. Keep on trucking vis-a-vis your fears, they are beatable. I too was arachnophobic due to my aforementioned childhood conditioning, but I beat it. Picking them up is no problem once you have the knowledge. They even do courses in it.
Let me put it this way: As to your first point, the spider has no concept of YOUR home. It's too large a place and an idea for a spider. Allowances must therefore be made. One can expect another HUMAN to know about boundaries of property, but you cannot apply the same defensive mentality so prevalent in today's society to non-human species.
Secondly, the risk of being harmed by a spider is INFINITESSIMAL. There is as much risk of your being beaten to death by a maniac wielding a very heavy inflatable woman as there is of your being killed by a spider. So since these two risks are so tiny, why are people so irrationally afraid of them, and why do they take their fear out on the many harmless breeds of spider and other creepy crawlies? People afraid of dogs do not feel justified in killing dogs. Dogs are alive. They are vaguely stupid. Spiders are alive and also vaguely stupid. There is no difference. You may THINK there is, but you cannot prove it logically and that is all that counts.
Point A: You are not the president my friend. There is not a secret cadre of fanatical suicide-bomber-spiders hiding around every corner waiting to get you.
The president is protected from attack because he is in REAL danger. You are not in real danger from spiders. The chance of you coming to harm at the eight hands of a spider are too small to call it a real danger. It's a freak possibility.
Point B: I don't kill the bees or wasps that come into my house, even though they are statistically more likely to do me harm than just about any other insect. Why? Because I know that I am several thousand times bigger than the small creature, and the small creature has next to no chance of defeating me in mortal combat. Call it mercy if you will, but I do not... I call it reasonable force.
Many people in your camp in this thread have made mention of the laws that allow one to use deadly force even on humans in certain circumstances... Let me use one of my own here. Reasonable force. The law allows one to use a REASONABLE level of force to defend oneself against threat from humans. But since there is no threat of harm from most arthropods in most countries, surely the reasonable level of force to use against them is ZERO. Humans are very dangerous to other humans regularly. But spiders? Well more people are murdered by other people. More people die of bee stings. So why aren't more people horribly phobic of other people and/or bees, when a HUGE number of people are irrationally afraid of spiders? Why? Because people are irrational.
They shouldn't be. Irrationality has caused most of history's problems. We each have a responsibility to change, and that is one point that simply cannot be argued.
You did say what I quoted, ("Killing about 50 to 100 of 'em is nothing.") *I* was the one who referred to other species as an analogy, because spiders ARE a type of animal, and abusing them is animal abuse as surely as abuse of any other species is. THINKING that something will do you harm IRRATIONALLY is no excuse for killing it, many people are irrationally terrified of coming to harm at the hands of ethnic minorities after all.
And I'm glad you agree with me on the last point. It's the key one.
You could say "prove it is", but the burden of proof is on those who wish to ABUSE animals, not those who wish to spare them. And oh, so all the people who haven't won a nobel prize aren't sentient? Intelligence is a rarified concept and has no relationship to sentience which is a pseudo-religious concept that people have been using to justify various forms of torture visited upon not just OTHER species, but members of our own, for centuries in one form or another. Sentience is modern dogma: in olden times the word would have been "soul". "That creature doesn't have a soul, so we can do what we like to it". "That creature isn't self aware, so we can do what we like to it".
Why, are you Jerry Springer? Ergh, maybe you're Judge Judy.
What do you mean "in the sense"? Of course they're alive, in EVERY sense. Duh. And as far as I'm aware, our nutritional requirements are still too complicated for a "total" vitamin and mineral supplement to be devised. If they made it, I'd take it. Mealtimes are social death by increments.
Oh if you're allergic to wasps, that is, if a wasp could kill you with one or two stings, then it would pose a huge risk.
The spiders Jin slaughtered did not pose such a huge risk.
You just met the man who cares. And your first sentence in that paragraph doesn't make ANY sense. Listen, you obviously only care about getting away with things, you're obviously not concerned with being a MORAL man. That's fine. Such people are a pestilence upon the world, but that's just the way you are. MY input into this thread was meant for the eyes of people who wish to be moral. If you don't wish to be moral, a debate between us is pointless, isn't it. Good day.
No, sentences are self-contained linguistic units. Each contains an idea. If I were to split UP sentences, that would be quoting out of context.
Well when I see a creature that could cause me pain, note, not HARM me seriously, but only cause me pain, I remove the creature from my place of repose. In other words, if I'd been you, I would have put the spider in a box, taken it outside and shaken it onto the grass. There is no need to kill it BEFORE it bites you, and what would be the point in killing it AFTER it has bitten you? Killing it won't heal the bite. Pointless vengeance, anyone? I thought that "eye-for-an-eye" justice went out with rednecks and check shirts.
Their high rate of reproduction is to protect their population from natural predators of which there are MANY. They hardly need us wandering around butchering their young on a whim AS WELL.
In short, yes. Spiders are notoriously intelligent when it comes to finding a good habitat. And there are stories of spiders finding prey even when sealed inside double-glazed windows. So there.
Those webs help to protect people against disease-carrying mosquitoes. Therefore I find their presence comforting. Besides Jon, the issue isn't whether the spiders should be left in the PC, is it. The issue is whether one should kill them all, or merely remove them without killing them.
Jin took the trouble to take the front panel off and throw it into the bath, killing the THIRTY TO FORTY spiders on it. Jin could have JUST as easily taken the front panel outside and shaken the spiders off. That is an example of the detrimental effects of irrational and self-indulgent fears of harmless creatures. Poor things...
Spider crawled into my shirt once. I took off the shirt, and took the spider outside, releasing him. Yes, he bit me, but because I have KNOWLEDGE, I knew he wasn't venomous. So no I didn't go insane and kill him. There was no need.
Truly, you must be an irrational person to sit there and KNOW that your fears are irrational, but seemingly having no desire to CHANGE that. You don't HAVE to be afraid for god's sake! You have control over your OWN MIND... guh.
As previously mentioned, I don't quote people out of context, EVER. Good day to that. Secondly, I always find it amusing when someone puts the phrase "free speech" and the slightly less pleasant phrase "shut up" in the same sentence. Heheheh. I mean, do you know what free speech is? It means you CAN'T shut people up. It means you're not ALLOWED to shut people up. In fact the concept of free speech means that the only people who should shut up, are the people who wish to shut up others. QED. If you don't like it, go away. Nobody forced you to read my posts.
And don't even start with that "free speech means I'm free to tell you to shut up" nonsense, because that's like saying "free trade means I'm free to deny you trade." It doesn't make any sense.
Well Jin killed a bunch of other lifeforms and then came onto this forum to boast about how clever he/she was for doing so... I don't think it's a huge logical leap, hmm?
And actually sadism is defined on as "extreme cruelty", not merely pleasure-deriving cruelty. So do YOU know what sadism is? Obviously not...
Still don't get it, do you. Your fear is irrational. That means your actions have no morality in them. Okay, you've scared yourself to death over nothing, okay... That DOESN'T give you the right to commit cruel acts of the type Jin did and you seem to admit to doing. It doesn't matter HOW scared you make yourself over spiders, no amount of fear makes killing a harmless creature a moral act.
YOU have the choice, because you are informed and hopefully, intelligent. The spider does not, because of its comparitive lack of reasoning power. That doesn't make the spider worthless, only different. So you shoulder the moral burden. SORRY!
First, I'd make sure my titanium-reinforced chastity belt was on and locked...
You have no such moral right. You can't GIVE yourself such moral rights. You have the moral right to defend yourself against DANGER, not IMAGINED danger. Grow up.
Grim Zombie:
Mate, your analogy doesn't take into account the fact that spiders are easy to remove from one's house. Dogs might not be. Secondly dogs are MUCH more dangerous than spiders, but beloved by most. So god, pick a better comparison. The dog comparison has always served MY argument, not yours.
Bounty Hunter 4 hire:
I admire your extremely even-handed approach to the argument, but this is far from rational... spiders aren't dirty. And if a spider got into your food, the spider would be in trouble, not you, and well, I allow all sorts of spiders everywhere in my house, and they've never come near my food. Plus I value their presence as they hunt genuinely (though only slightly) harmful species like mosquitoes and weevils, roaches, wasps that might sting me etc. Now I'd be worried about one of THOSE getting into my food. Spiders do little but help us as a species. I think it's important that everyone realises that fear of these creatures is very irrational. And gosh, most of the spiders Jin slaughtered were young, so EVEN MORE HARMLESS. It's too harsh.
Spider AL