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2004-10-03, 3:41 PM #1
An asylum, or a Laboratory... you decide...

2004-10-03, 3:45 PM #2
Dear Lord, JK can DISPLAY those kind of textures?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-10-03, 3:45 PM #3
Spiral owns me..

DAMN! those are nice textures.
2004-10-03, 3:51 PM #4
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2004-10-03, 4:49 PM #5
2004-10-03, 5:16 PM #6
Oh. My. God.

Reminds me of Painkillers Asylum level.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2004-10-03, 5:32 PM #7
I'm really not seeing what's so great about it, except for the not-too-exciting textures...
2004-10-03, 5:43 PM #8
What's it look like when you view it at an angle that doesn't make the textures look pretty?
2004-10-03, 5:50 PM #9
Originally posted by Gebohq
Dear Lord, JK can DISPLAY those kind of textures?

Where've you been? Get Mat16
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.
2004-10-03, 6:13 PM #10
Ooh pretty! :D

Originally posted by Ace1
Where've you been?

He's been on the ISB, duh. :p

2004-10-03, 6:42 PM #11
Very good use of the MP texture pack.

Happy SotD!
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-03, 6:53 PM #12
Originally posted by -Monoxide-
I'm really not seeing what's so great about it, except for the not-too-exciting textures...

Isn't it irritiating how people critisize things that they coudn't do themselves. :rolleyes:
2004-10-03, 6:55 PM #13
Nice attempt at wit, but you're wrong. I won't bother explaining, I'll just let you discover it on your own. Maybe it'll be around the same time the ball drops in Times Square.

Be nice! -Vinny
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-10-03, 6:59 PM #14
maybe part of laboratory pt.2?

tofu sucks
2004-10-03, 7:14 PM #15
It's an MP level... I'm gonna try not to put 16-bit mats in Lab volume 2.. just as I did for volume 1
2004-10-03, 7:15 PM #16
Emon speaks much truth.

We criticise a lot of things we ourselves couldn't do... does that make our judgement and eyes moot? No. As long as you know about rooms with flaking paint, you can comment on these screenshots.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-03, 7:19 PM #17
JediKirby, what is the MP texture pack and where can I get it? These textures arn't from it, but I'd like to get it, so I could add more similar textures to the level.
2004-10-03, 7:21 PM #18
frightening scene of... beauty? This didn't look good when you IMed to to me, and it isn't good now.

And Obi, I could do this. So Spiral, you can do much better.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2004-10-03, 8:23 PM #19
Some boxes with photorapes on them? You could do that in JKEdit. I'm disappointed in you, Spiral.
2004-10-03, 8:35 PM #20
Nice textures, nice lights. Even JK can handle more complex architecture than that though.
2004-10-03, 8:37 PM #21
Photo + Box = This

I don't get it.
Think while it's still legal.
2004-10-03, 8:53 PM #22
2004-10-03, 9:33 PM #23
To be honest its just good textures in a box. However the lighting is quite good.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet
Isn't it irritiating how people critisize things that they coudn't do themselves. :rolleyes:

Its not that hard.
Spoting an error in post will result in a $100 reward.
Offer expires on 6/6/06. Valid one per customer, per day.

2004-10-03, 10:16 PM #24
Even if the archi is simple, it looks good. The textures and the lighting are nice. It pleases my eyes. Good.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-10-03, 10:38 PM #25
People, stop being jerks. And as for you Grismath, understand that your credibility is hovering around zero until you FINISH KYLE KATARN FISH ADVENTURE LEVEL.
2004-10-03, 11:13 PM #26
Everyone leave everyone alone.. lord knows there were too many fights about Lab.. if you don't like it.. you are welcome to say so.. if you do.. say so too.. but please don't comment on other people's comments.. that only starts fights...

and now.. some updated shots...

2004-10-03, 11:18 PM #27
I do not understand the notion that something has to be intricate to be good. If I can write a word on a sheet of paper and it's the most profound thing that's ever been written, who cares how long it took me?

I think it looks great precisely because it's so simple. Most hallways and rooms are *not* in fact covered with beams, trim and other extraneous detail.
A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.

A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.

2004-10-03, 11:21 PM #28
Yeah, but that doesn't make it spectacular either, and I'm not saying it's either.

Although in the case of simple hallways, try making 2D details 3D, such as that electrical conduit.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-10-03, 11:34 PM #29
So it's simple. It still looks great
Pissed Off?
2004-10-04, 12:27 AM #30
While everyone is focusing on the textures, I'd like to take a moment to mention that the lighting is very smooth and impressive. Nice work for JK.
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2004-10-04, 12:51 AM #31
I upped the contrast in this pic so you can make out the cell doors..

2004-10-04, 1:20 AM #32
2004-10-04, 3:52 AM #33
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2004-10-04, 5:33 AM #34
He's showing off the textures- not the arcitechture.
2004-10-04, 5:51 AM #35
Ok, Spiral? The contrast shot looks AMAZING. Very sharp. Here's my suggestion: Try upping the contrast like that on the textures, increase the lighting slightly and see how it looks. It really gives it an 'AAAAH I'M CRAZY' look.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2004-10-04, 6:15 AM #36
tofu sucks
2004-10-04, 6:47 AM #37
I like the lighting, however I must say the rest is nothing too great.
2004-10-04, 9:00 AM #38
Superb. As always, you've done a great job with the atmosphere despite the overall simplicity.

And does it really bother you guys that much that people think this looks good? I'm quite happy with the fact that Spiral is still editing for JK, myself.
2004-10-04, 9:34 AM #39
Just basing off of those screens, 10 to 1 says that those screens don't do justice to what that looks like in-game.
2004-10-04, 10:20 AM #40
Reminds me of some of the better N64 games... Simplistic and realistic arcitecture, transformed into amazing artwork with excelent textures (an example of this is Zelda 64, if you've bothered to notice most rooms are perfectly squarish)... I don't care what the others say about arcitecture... High polygon detail does not a good looking level make. I can show screenies of my work; quite possibly the highest detail level without using 3DOs, but it looks like crap, pertially because I'm currently using the 8-bit LEC textures.

My only real suggestion: replace that floor texture with something less pristine. It doesn't do the rest of the (highly atmospheric) textures justice.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...

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