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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Mods
2003-12-06, 11:07 AM #41
Great []
I'll try to post some screenshots tommorrow

Still , how can we place the spawn points for the bots? I dont want the bots spawning on info_player_deathmatch
2003-12-07, 9:01 AM #42

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 21, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited January 05, 2004).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-07, 9:11 AM #43
Why JO and not JA?

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

[This message has been edited by Emon (edited December 07, 2003).]
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2003-12-07, 9:38 AM #44
Why not JO? Both me and Alienized only have JO (I think). Plus I'm more familair with the JO code than the JA. I might (no promises) be releasing the source code to this mod, then any coder out there just make it into a JA mod then.

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-07, 9:46 AM #45
Just wondered, because JA already has a lot of AI, and a much more complete MP engine, it's much more feasible to make a complete AI then. And the code's basically the same anyway.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2003-12-07, 9:53 AM #46
I'm doing the coding part of the mod so there's not much visually to see but I'll post these screenshots anyway.

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 19, 2003).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-07, 1:15 PM #47
I would mod for JA. I have the source code and everything. But it's kind of hard to mod for a game you don't own (yet). I still rely on a PCI card so I can't quite upgrade to JA until then. So for now I'll just continue making JO mods. []

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-08, 1:23 AM #48
Wow , very nice job Freyr!!
Yeah I think that background is great []
Nice screenshots of the sabers and all , seems like were making big progress , im gonna post screenshots later tonight or tommorrow afternoon , of the first map for the mod
2003-12-08, 1:26 AM #49
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by AlieNiZeD:
the first map for the mod</font>

Here is a simple description of the map
The Players start outside
The action will only begin when the Players enter the building
The mission is to kill 3 Evil Jedis
But to do that ull have to make use of secrets and all that , so it wont be easy to get to the end []
Wich makes the map more exciting
2003-12-08, 2:47 AM #50
Freyr, looks good []! Only thing, that the dual bladed saber's saber parts are not aligned with the handle...
There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-12-08, 6:23 AM #51
That might be because of the screens
Also i want the Dual Bladed Saber hold with 2 hands if that is possible []
Also is it possible to make gravity very low? so even if players play without force they can jump high?
Because they'll need it sometimes

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 08, 2003).]
2003-12-08, 8:54 AM #52
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by AlieNiZeD:
Also is it possible to make gravity very low? so even if players play without force they can jump high?
Because they'll need it sometimes

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 08, 2003).]

Thats what the mapper can do...

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2003-12-08, 9:01 AM #53
Thanks for all the compliments.
OK, to answer all your questions:

Crooked Saber:
This is a rare problem. It only looks funny if you use Count Dooku's saber and set it as a dualblade. I really didn't feel like spening another 2 hours writing code that calculates the angle the saber fires at for a single hilt. So I hope you can all live with it. []

Two Handed Double Saber:
I check to see if theres an two-handed anim I could use for one of the stances. If there is I can do it in 30 sec. If theres not, It's near impossible to my knowledge (unless your an great 3D animator and own a copy of SoftImage [] ) I'll get back to you on that.

Modifying Gravity
To my knowledge there are two types of gravity: serverside gravity (defined in Radient and g_gravity) and clientside gravity (only used in jumping C++ code). I think there are two ways to give everyone free jump. Set their clientside gravity to something low or just give them Level 3 force jump on spawn. I'll experiment.

End Game Trigger
How do you want to end the game and/or switch maps? I was under the impression that you wanted to switch maps when all bots were killed.

Also, I've been adding some other stuff into the code just for fun. You can tell me what you don't like in beta testing. Here's some hints until them.

*New Gametype
*Movie Like Sabers
*A Few Admin Commands?

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-08, 10:10 AM #54
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Also is it possible to make gravity very low? so even if players play without force they can jump high?
Because they'll need it sometimes</font>

OK, try setting your g_gravity to somewhere between 300-400. Any lower and you start to get some strange physics. If that doesn't work I can write an "anti-gravity" function that you can bind to a key. But everyone will have that (including those with force jump) so I'll leave that as a last resort.

Also are you making the Sith skins?

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-08, 10:17 AM #55
In the worldspawn: "gravity" "0". Thank you.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged
2003-12-08, 10:27 AM #56
I don't think we want no gravity, just less of it. So anyone can do a force jump. Isn't g_gravity defaulted to the worldspawn gravity?

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-08, 12:20 PM #57
OK, my life now completely revolves around this mod now. [] I did some more work. I made the sith personality now. I made them hard and they use only dark side powers. I tried to make them as realistic to the movies as possible. All I have to do is point it to a model. So far there are two siths: Sith and Sith Master (a nightmare version of the first).

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Still , how can we place the spawn points for the bots? I dont want the bots spawning on info_player_deathmatch?</font>

OK, my knowledge of mapping is limited but in the code I saw a modifier to info_player_deathmatch. It was something like "botsonly" and it only allowed bots to spawn at a spawn point. Also there was a human spawn too. gothicX probally knows way more about this than me so I'll hope he'll respond before I do.

Human Saber Handeling
NPC Weapon Handeling
NPC Ai Modifications (co-op)
Sith and Stormtrooper Personalities

Not Completed:
Disable Human Friendly Fire
Map Switching
Possibly more AI changes?

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-08, 10:55 PM #58
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Freyr:
I don't think we want no gravity, just less of it. So anyone can do a force jump. Isn't g_gravity defaulted to the worldspawn gravity?

So you set "gravity" to "100" in worldspawn.

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged
2003-12-09, 12:29 AM #59
Great freyr
Hmmm will the bots auto spawn in the map? or do we need to use a autoexec.cfg?

Yeah i fixed the jumps for the map

Done :
Co-Op map 1
Co-Op map 2

Not Done :
Duel of Fates
Co-op Map 3
Co-op Map 4
Co-op Map 5
Co-op Map 6
Co-op Map 7
Co-op Map 8
Co-op Map 9
Co-op Map 10
(maybe more co-op maps coming)
As u can see im also making Duel of Fates , it'll be a bonus map to the mod []

Yeah we should use new Game Types , and maybe remove the old ones , because they wont have anything to do with the mod
Gametype 1 : Co-Operative
i can't think of any other game types for the moment , ill think of some later , or think some u want in it freyr

Also if u got any ideas or any body else has ideas for maps then tell me []
Then i could make maps the way peopple want it

Yeah Maybe u could code the mod , so it'll switch map when all the bots died

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 09, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 09, 2003).]
2003-12-09, 8:54 AM #60
This, trying to work in 2 different time zones is tough. [] By the time I get home in the afternoon, I think it's like 9:00 PM in Belgium. And when you post it's like 2:00 in the morning for me. So I guess we just post alternating days. Try to be really complete in your post because I can't ask you a question until the next day.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Hmmm will the bots auto spawn in the map? or do we need to use a autoexec.cfg?</font>

Right now I just have them spawned on command "addbot Sith". If you set up a bunch of bot spawn points then you could just have as many bots as you want on the map.

Quite a task your taking on, 10 Maps. [] I've made like 4 JO maps in my lifetime.

OK, adding new gametypes is TOUGH. Right now I'm just having a cvar (mod_botcoop) that when set to 1 runs all the new AI and saber stuff. So you just set the gametype to FFA and mod_botcoop = 1. I also did another gametype called SnipeWar. Everyone spawns with a sniper rifle and unlimited ammo and 1 shot kills. There are other mods that have this in it but I just wanted to include it (mod_snipewar).

And I'm trying to code it so that when all bots are dead the map changes. Then you can spawn as many bots as you want and play again on the new map.

And for the maps I'd love to see a good outdoor map but i'd like it to be on a Star Wars planet (naboo, sith,...). Or maybe a Sith Temple map.

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-09, 10:05 AM #61
THe First map will be involved with switches , u will need to find switches to remove the Red Shields in the map , to get to the final battle
Kinda small (well every map i ever played is to small for me) , but bit cool with alot of stormtroopers []
Hey freyr make sure the stormtroopers dont use lightsabers ( lol )
Ill be posting screens when ive done the Light part in the map
(sry for the delay of the screenshots)

Ive got exams , thats why they're getting delayed
My exams end next week tuesday , then we'll see alot of the mod []

Ill make a The Tatooine desert
Where Qui Gon fights Maul , I wont be able to make the town Tatooine though ( would take like weeks and we dont want to delay the mod for 3 or more weeks)
The Tatooine Desert map will be as followed :
U get off the Airship ( like in Episode One)
Then u'll get in the Tatooine desert
U'll end up fighting alot of tusken raiders []
At the end u'll have to duel Maul []

Also freyr , i want realistic attacks like in sw movies i mean , if someone gets hit by a saber he directly dies []
But im sure that can be happened []

Duel of Fates is one of my head projects
I have high hopes for this map

I'll also be making a Naboo Map , i only need to know a exact area , so i know how u want this naboo map freyr []

Im also gonna make Mini Games [](not 100% sure if mini games will be included)
So that would be a good gametype to

Im also gonna make the Space Place ( or whatever) That Anakin Blows up in Episode 1
I have high expections for these maps

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 09, 2003).]
2003-12-09, 1:08 PM #62
Sounds like you've got some great ideas for maps. I made sure that stormtroopers don't use sabers. []

I understand that you've got exams. Don't feel pressured to work on the maps until afterwards. I'll still be cranking out code though.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">But im sure that can be happened</font>

More realistic saber can be done in the JO just by changing some cvars already in the game like more damaging sabers and ghoul2 hit detection. Nice grammer there too. []

This is a MP mod, right, I don't know how mini-games will fit in but I'm open to ideas.

For a Naboo map, how about the city Plaza area that the fight is in at the beggining.

Another question how are we going to get/make Tuskan Raider, Sith, Darth Maul,... skins for this mod?

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-09, 2:15 PM #63
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Freyr:
Nice grammer there too. []

Nice [grammar] there[,] too.


There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Matrix Unplugged|The Valley of the Jedi Tower|Smaug's Lair
2003-12-09, 3:21 PM #64
ummm..I don't think there needs to be a comma after "there." The sentence was not an independent clause. []

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)

[This message has been edited by Echoman (edited December 09, 2003).]
2003-12-10, 12:19 AM #65
Thx for understanding Freyr

Cazor this grammer thing ur talking about has nothing to do with this mod
Then why post it here?

Hmm Freyr ,City plaza
Could u send me some pics of a City Plaza to make me inspired for it []

Yeah mini games wont really fit in
Well I hope u can think of some game types []

Freyr as soon as the map is finished i'll send it to you (post ur email in ur next post)
Then tell me what you think of it , It's ok to give ur honest opinion of it []

Hmm , im not sure how to include those bots in the map , btw how will the bots know where to spawn?
And i dont like to have a sith spawn instead of a stormtrooper []

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 10, 2003).]
2003-12-10, 10:21 AM #66

Cazor, the "Nice Grammar" remark was supposed to be a joke. []

Here's some inspirational photos:




My email is

I can give an honest review. []

How to get the bots to spawn (it might change later though). You load your map turn on our cvar. You'll have already put some info_player_deathmathc spawn points in the map. The humans spawn points will have the key value nobots. The places you want only bots to spawn at you put a nohumans key. Then at this point you can just use the addbot Sith (Stormtrooper) command. And you've got a map full of Siths. []

Can't wait to see your maps.

If you haven't visited this thread yet do so. []

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-10, 4:13 PM #67
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Freyr:
Cazor, the "Nice Grammar" remark was supposed to be a joke. []


Suuuuure... Lies! []

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Matrix Unplugged|The Valley of the Jedi Tower|Smaug's Lair
2003-12-11, 11:16 PM #68
I bought Jedi Academy , pretty cool game []

Yeah the map testing is almost done , ill send it when its 100 % []
2003-12-12, 1:32 AM #69
I haven't bought it yet. But soon. []

Cazor, if you want to debate grammar, then start a new thread.

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-12, 3:21 AM #70

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 19, 2003).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-12, 4:45 AM #71
Ownage ! GJ!

Ill try to finish the maps as fast as i can
Sorry for the huge delay , U've shown ur work and I haven't shown anything yet
2003-12-12, 7:53 AM #72
You've got exams so don't stress out about the maps. I can wait. [] I'd like to see some of your previous work though. If you could give me a URL.

I've kind of seperated from the main ideas temporarily and I'm working on something new. It's looking really cool. But I'm not going to show anyone until beta testing. []

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-12, 3:19 PM #73
Umm...did you bring over the animations for the sabers as well. It looks as if he is in the "one saber stance."

And, it seems he is stabing himself in the leg...

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2003-12-13, 1:10 AM #74
No, I haven't brough over the anims from JA. Maybe you could explain what file the anims are stored in (_humanoid.glm?). The saber only appears to be through the leg when you look at it from the front. (cg_thirdPersonAngle 180). Right now I'm just using the JediMod 1.2 source for saber handeling.

Does anyone here know how to copy the animations?

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 13, 2003).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-13, 4:08 AM #75
That saber trough leg thing reminds me of JA... When you turn off your double bladed saber, it cut's trough your leg...
There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-12-13, 6:40 AM #76
I can send u files of JA , but i dont know wich ones :s
2003-12-13, 6:50 AM #77
Thanks Alienized. I need the _humanoid.gla file and the animation.cfg file. They should be in the base/models/players/_humanoid . I'm on a T1 connection at my company so it doesn't matter how big they are as long as you can email or upload them somewhere.

My email is

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 13, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 19, 2003).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2003-12-13, 8:42 AM #78
Check ur E-mail now ( or soon)
I'm sending it right now
I'm T10 / Cable
So the upload won't take that long

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 13, 2003).]
2003-12-13, 9:28 AM #79
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by AlieNiZeD:
Check ur E-mail now ( or soon)
I'm sending it right now
I'm T10 / Cable
So the upload won't take that long


Sorry do u have another email??
I cant send over 10 megs to hotmail
I tried it but it gives error cuz the server doesn't allow the size i was gonna send u
please give another e-mail []

[This message has been edited by AlieNiZeD (edited December 13, 2003).]
2003-12-13, 9:32 AM #80

I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging.

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 19, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Freyr (edited December 20, 2003).]
Free your mind, use Open Source.

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