Har, I've been here for over four years as an almost lurker, so maybe I can say something about the evolution.
What I think everyone can agree on was that Jedi Knight's prime was this site's hight. Jedi Outcast was meh as far as editing, just the sheer variety wasn't there.
I think I can compare this to populations... we need the "food" of content to "reproduce" (i.e. bring in new blood) to make up for the "deaths" (people leaving), and prosper ect ect. I hate this word but this site needs to diversify.
Things are getting downright stale overhere. It's the same 15-30 or so people posting all the time. There is really now more "wow" content as like before, hell, I haven't visited the main page in ages.
So what can you do with this site? Maybe general star wars editing, but if the food is only starwars games... who knows. Heh, in another comparison to populations, we need to find a niche that isn't occupied. I think also this place is being killed by competetive exclusion. I think the main focus is how to we remove the stale from this community, first and foremost. But this place has a devoted community, or hell, at least a semi loyal one. I think that is a great base for future projects, whatever that may be.
Lots and lots of "group projects" as said earlier. Having a point always helps things move forward. Wether it be, as said before, something like JK arena or what have you. Maybe for a popular game.
Here's a well intentioned but ultimately stupid idea: A star wars mod for Half Life two. I just wanted to say that. Hey, but think about it. It WILL be a popular game, and it IS Star Wars. And this place started as a FPS mod place... in any case...
Maybe as a link hub to general Star Wars editing resouces. Something, anything...
More to come, I assure you.
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