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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Would you date someone with a diff. religion or lack there of?
Would you date someone with a diff. religion or lack there of?
2004-11-27, 9:55 PM #1
Ok so this is randomn. I was having a discussion with a friend about the topic of religion, and people who do and do not believe in diff. things.

I know certain people will not do that, and also certain religions frown upon dating people of other religions, they are just strict like that.

Then again you cant help who you like, so it's a toughy. There's a guy I like named Rob who's from a diff. religion but he's a cool guy and I would date him cuz he's got a great personality. But his having diff. beliefs is something frowned upon by the Catholic church. Not that I'm a die hard catholic or anything, cuz I do disagree with some things in the church, but I know my Catholcisim plays a huge role in the decisions I do and dont make in my life, and it is something important to me.

Anyways what are you all's thoughts?
2004-11-27, 10:05 PM #2
It wouldnt bother me unless they tried to force their religion onto me.
2004-11-27, 10:06 PM #3
Originally posted by Overlord
It wouldnt bother me unless they tried to force their religion onto me.

I make jokes about the fact that I would have been mormon if I'd stayed wiht my dad's mom, but otherwise I'm the same. It doesn't matter to me what people choose to believe, as long as they leave me out of it.
Hazard a company one process.
2004-11-27, 10:21 PM #4
This is actually an interesting question. I myself am a Jehovah Witness... I tried dating someone outside my faith and it drove me crazy the diffrences... I completely lost myself and found I was making too many changes for her... I'm actually pretty messed up from the whole ordeal. So for me I don't think dating anyone else but another Jehovah Witness would make any sense cause I don't want to go thru emotional hell anymore... but if the religions are similar you might find you have more in common with each other than you thought you did. Just make sure they are close or you'll find one of you might have to make some changes you're not ready to make yet.
2004-11-27, 10:23 PM #5
I wouldn't have any problem with it, but I'm sure that it would probably cause a bit of a problem if the beliefs differ too much.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2004-11-27, 10:26 PM #6
Of course I would! Religion is simply irrelevant in marriage AFAIC. As long as my prospective spouse feels the same way, it's all good. Relgion should never come between a loving relationship. If it does, it's time to shed religion.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-11-27, 10:28 PM #7
The only part I think would make a difference is if your marrying the person, cause each religion has its own way of doing it.
2004-11-27, 11:23 PM #8
No, I wouldn't. A really religious person is too far from myself that I think it would be hard to "connect" with them. Ditto if they had really different political beliefs. It would just be a real cause for heaps of headaches.

At any rate, why would the religious person want to date me? If they really believe in heaven, they're gonna do their best to make me go to church, or become their religious, or whatever. "Respecting differences" is all well and good, but how much could they really respect my differences when they just KNOW I'm gonna be going to hell?
2004-11-27, 11:23 PM #9
Well, since the Bible makes it pretty clear that you should never date a non-believer and that coversion is not an option, my answer is obviously NO. There are plenty of sermans out there discussing this issue so it would take me too long to explain it in full here. Don't bother debating with me on this since I'm not about to contest what the Bible says. No Christian should contest it.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2004-11-27, 11:24 PM #10
I don't really care what the church says. The church is not the religion. What's important are the basic beliefs of the religion. Jesus wouldn't care if I married a Jew, as long as I loved her. Love is all you need.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2004-11-27, 11:43 PM #11
that's how i feel about my entire religion, chaz. sometimes i sit in church and think "there is no way god wanted it like this."
2004-11-28, 12:07 AM #12
Originally posted by SavageX378
Well, since the Bible makes it pretty clear that you should never date a non-believer and that coversion is not an option, my answer is obviously NO. There are plenty of sermans out there discussing this issue so it would take me too long to explain it in full here. Don't bother debating with me on this since I'm not about to contest what the Bible says. No Christian should contest it.

You.. are.. kidding......

"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-11-28, 12:14 AM #13
As long as the other person's religion isn't harmful or destructive to me, herself or others, I don't care. She could be satanic for all I care as long as she isn't sacrificing goats or anything.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-11-28, 12:15 AM #14
Why should he be kidding? That's exactly what the Christian faith teaches. There's a lot of common sense there. Two different religions causes a lot of stress. Many family members have married people of different religions and there have been nothing but problems in their marriages.

I wouldn't date someone with different religious views for that very reason. Too many problems. Shoot, I had problems with my last girlfriend because we didn't like the same CHURCH, even though it's the same religion. Things like faith are on the top of many people's priority list.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2004-11-28, 12:19 AM #15
are you kidding... i'd date an alien who worships a soda can if she was hot
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-11-28, 12:20 AM #16
Originally posted by Freelancer
Of course I would! Religion is simply irrelevant in marriage AFAIC. As long as my prospective spouse feels the same way, it's all good. Relgion should never come between a loving relationship. If it does, it's time to shed religion.

Interesting that you say religion is irrelevant in marriage. The idea of "marriage" has its roots in religion. Your view of what comes first (relationship then faith) is backwards from what most (as far as i know) faiths teach. Faith always comes before ANYTHING else. That simple difference means you'll never see things the way Savage and I do.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2004-11-28, 12:32 AM #17
Originally posted by SavageX378
Well, since the Bible makes it pretty clear that you should never date a non-believer and that coversion is not an option, my answer is obviously NO. There are plenty of sermans out there discussing this issue so it would take me too long to explain it in full here. Don't bother debating with me on this since I'm not about to contest what the Bible says. No Christian should contest it.

The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-11-28, 12:36 AM #18
Originally posted by Chaz Ghostle
I don't really care what the church says. The church is not the religion. What's important are the basic beliefs of the religion. Jesus wouldn't care if I married a Jew, as long as I loved her. Love is all you need.

Originally posted by Cazor
that's how i feel about my entire religion, chaz. sometimes i sit in church and think "there is no way god wanted it like this."

i love both of you now. Cazor, i agree with that so much. jsut a few weeks ago, we had a guest priest, and in his sermon he said that america was a theocracy and we had to make sure christianity was made into law. all i could think was "no... god, no..."

As far as the topic, i wouldn't mind dating someone of anouther religion. If we would start arguing over it, then sure, i'd cut it off, but one of my friends is a hindu, and half of our conversations we have, some of the best, are about our religions. And crimson and Savage, could you provide some abckup for this? i've never heard of it and would like to see where you got it.

[edit]Oh, and please, no sermon. Bible passages if possible.
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-11-28, 12:38 AM #19
Religion basically defines who you are. It defines your morals, your sense of right and wrong. Whether you are a strong Christian or Muslim or Athiest or "I don't care about religion" (those last two are really more like "religion alternatives", but they still count in this context) is going to have a major effect on your views of the world and what is important in life.

Dating and/or marriage are ways in which two humans pair up and function as a single unit, each compensating for their own weaknesses with the strengths of the other partner. The pair go through life as one, facing important life issues and such. If the two don't agree on the fundamental principles of how to go about living, a disaster will not be long in developing. It could only be made to work by comprimise, in which one or more of the partners alters their religion to be more compatible.

So no, I wouldn't date someone of a different religion. I'd rather have harmony in my relationships, not conflict.
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2004-11-28, 3:11 AM #20
Not dating someone because of their religion would be rather discriminating.

I myself am an atheist, and frankly, I can't say I care much about my girlfriend's religion. It makes her the way she is, why'd I want to not accept that?
2004-11-28, 4:14 AM #21
Originally posted by gothicX
Not dating someone because of their religion would be rather discriminating.

I don't agree. I have two friends who would be absolutely perfect for eachother, but she's muslim and he's christian. They've talked about it, and it would be great for them to be together right now, but they both know that it could never be permanent, because of the effect it would have on their families. Perhaps that is discrimination on the part of their families, but they believe what they believe and a union between the two would go against that.

My bf and I are both athiest, but we disagree with organised religion far more than the ideas behind it. It works well in that respect - two of his housemates are religious christians, and I'm someone he can escape to when they start getting a bit preachy.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-11-28, 4:28 AM #22
Religion is just a huge turnoff for me. I wouldn't have this problem because I'm simply not attracted to religious people at all. So far there's only one exception to that rule, and that's probably because she never mentions or talks about her religion at all.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-11-28, 4:48 AM #23
Religions disgust me.

Not all of the religious people, but I wouldn't date someone religious... unless they really want to date me :) Or something.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-11-28, 5:06 AM #24
i'd nail a christian
2004-11-28, 5:10 AM #25
My new girlfriend goes to church. I don't.


(No you can't Spe! ;))
2004-11-28, 5:27 AM #26
hey if jesus has a problem with it, he can address me about it personally!!!

i dont see why they put such dodgy rules on humping.... AND then they give you hormones.... silly god.

*goes to church on the pull*
2004-11-28, 5:28 AM #27
So long as there weren't any bizarre practises, conversion attempts or the like, I wouldn't care.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-11-28, 5:29 AM #28
Originally posted by Mr. Stafford

*goes to church on the pull*

Untapped resource!


2004-11-28, 6:51 AM #29
Originally posted by Freelancer
You.. are.. kidding......


Well the bible says Marry Only in the Lord... but itsn't a command it's a guild line which means it's to an advantage to follow it but it's hardly gonna spell death for you.
2004-11-28, 7:10 AM #30
I'm currently in a relationship involving different religions. My girlfriend is a Wiccan. I am nothing. It works just fine.

As far as religion defining your morals... I disagree. Even if you don't have a religion doesn't mean you can't be a moralistic person. I have my morals, yet I'm not religious.
2004-11-28, 7:12 AM #31
Originally posted by DrkJedi82
i'd date an alien who worships a soda can if she was hot
or he in my case.

and the proper term for you in the plurllel is y'all, not you all.
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2004-11-28, 7:58 AM #32
Well, since the Bible makes it pretty clear that you should never date a non-believer and that coversion is not an option, my answer is obviously NO. There are plenty of sermans out there discussing this issue so it would take me too long to explain it in full here. Don't bother debating with me on this since I'm not about to contest what the Bible says. No Christian should contest it.

It also tells you to not wear a rubber. AND THAT ISN'T VERY SAFE NOW IS IT?!

The bible is old, it's good for guidelines and morals and all, but not to be taken litteraly on every single point it has. Times have changed...alot. Some things said in the bible seem rather silly nowadays, some don't. You need to seperate the messages from the garbage.

Love thy neighbor*

*but not to much...It's a sin...
**and not if your neighbors gay
***and not if your neighbor isn't christian..
****Oh yeah and I forgot about...

Think while it's still legal.
2004-11-28, 8:16 AM #33
Originally posted by BoricuaDelight
Ok so this is randomn. I was having a discussion with a friend about the topic of religion, and people who do and do not believe in diff. things.

I know certain people will not do that, and also certain religions frown upon dating people of other religions, they are just strict like that.

Then again you cant help who you like, so it's a toughy. There's a guy I like named Rob who's from a diff. religion but he's a cool guy and I would date him cuz he's got a great personality. But his having diff. beliefs is something frowned upon by the Catholic church. Not that I'm a die hard catholic or anything, cuz I do disagree with some things in the church, but I know my Catholcisim plays a huge role in the decisions I do and dont make in my life, and it is something important to me.

Anyways what are you all's thoughts?

I'm Catholic as well -- die hard,

I'm not sure that dating someone of a different religion is frowned upon in and of itself, but it can cause conflict in a relationship. The question of religious education for children comes up -- as a Catholic parent, it is your responsibility to educate your children in the Catholic faith; if your spouse won't help you, you might have issues. I think that's one of the main reasons that it's not preferred.

If I may ask, what do you disagree with in the Church? I might be able to help you out.. cdtlee84 (at) =)

Originally posted by SAJN_Master
It also tells you to not wear a rubber. AND THAT ISN'T VERY SAFE NOW IS IT?!

The bible is old, it's good for guidelines and morals and all, but not to be taken litteraly on every single point it has. Times have changed...alot. Some things said in the bible seem rather silly nowadays, some don't. You need to seperate the messages from the garbage.

Love thy neighbor*

*but not to much...It's a sin...
**and not if your neighbors gay
***and not if your neighbor isn't christian..
****Oh yeah and I forgot about...


Last I checked, the Bible said: "The pillar and foundation of Truth is the church." That's clear enough, IMHO.

Not sure if your ':p' was to indicate sarcasm, but my Church teaches love and acceptance, both of homosexuals, non-Christians, etc...even those who hold religious beliefs that lead them to murder others.
2004-11-28, 8:35 AM #34
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
It also tells you to not wear a rubber. AND THAT ISN'T VERY SAFE NOW IS IT?!

The bible is old, it's good for guidelines and morals and all, but not to be taken litteraly on every single point it has. Times have changed...alot. Some things said in the bible seem rather silly nowadays, some don't. You need to seperate the messages from the garbage.

Love thy neighbor*

*but not to much...It's a sin...
**and not if your neighbors gay
***and not if your neighbor isn't christian..
****Oh yeah and I forgot about...


No, you're wrong. Stop. Don't make up stuff about the Bible when you have no idea about it. It doesn't say not to wear a rubber. Show me where and I'll believe you. It never says not to love non-christian, never says not to love gays. It says to love the sinner but hate the sin. It never says that loving them "too much" is a sin. Quite the opposite. It says that you can't love someone too much.
Originally posted by Freelancer
You.. are.. kidding......

"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"-2 Corinthians 6:14

"What harmony is there between Christ and Belial ? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."-2 Corinthians 6:15-17

"Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord's anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you."-Deuteronomy 7:3-4
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2004-11-28, 8:48 AM #35
Originally posted by CadetLee
Not sure if your ':p' was to indicate sarcasm, but my Church teaches love and acceptance, both of homosexuals, non-Christians, etc...even those who hold religious beliefs that lead them to murder others.


*deep breath*


Oh... *gasp* Oh my.... *gasp* Good one.

Originally posted by UltimatePotato
No, you're wrong. Stop. Don't make up stuff about the Bible when you have no idea about it. It doesn't say not to wear a rubber. Show me where and I'll believe you. It never says not to love non-christian, never says not to love gays. It says to love the sinner but hate the sin. It never says that loving them "too much" is a sin. Quite the opposite. It says that you can't love someone too much.

"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"-2 Corinthians 6:14

"What harmony is there between Christ and Belial ? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."-2 Corinthians 6:15-17

"Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord's anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you."-Deuteronomy 7:3-4

Why would you say something stupid, then post 3 quotes that prove the opposite of what you said? (You're right, the bible doesn't say anything about prophylactics[sp?] that was our beloved walking-zombie-needs-to-die-and-be-replaced-with-someone-younger-than-a-million pope).

Anyways, I would probably have a hard time going out with someone of the SAME religion, seeing as my views are that the religion is leet but the institution is terrible. I would be able to be with any female who:
-Isn't religious
-Is Christian but follows the bible, not the church
-Is non-Christian, but follows their own holy book, or teachings, rather than any institution because other religions have problems to (omg allah says blow yourself up :rolleyes: WRONG. Allah says love everyone dumbarse)
2004-11-28, 9:03 AM #36
Why would you say something stupid, then post 3 quotes that prove the opposite of what you said?

It's not the opposite at all. To love someone doesn't mean to go out with/marry. I love my parents. That doesn't mean that I'm attracted to them and have a romantic relationship with them.

2 Corinthians 6:14= don't get into a relationship with non-believers. Don't see how that proves what I said wrong...

2 Corinthians 6:15-17= Good and evil have nothing in common. Stay clean. Still doesn't contradict anything...

Deuteronomy 7:3-4= don't marry a non-believer.

So I'm failing to see how I prove the opposite of what I just said, or how what I said was stupid. It's the truth. Seriously think about what you people say. Have some common sense.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2004-11-28, 9:11 AM #37
Originally posted by Mikus

*deep breath*


Oh... *gasp* Oh my.... *gasp* Good one.

A lot of you have horribly distorted conceptions about Christians.
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2004-11-28, 9:11 AM #38
Originally posted by Mikus

*deep breath*


Oh... *gasp* Oh my.... *gasp* Good one.

Believe it or not, I'd actually prefer you to articulate why you disagree with me instead of posting the worthless babble you just did.

I'm trying to keep this to a mature discussion -- apparently you aren't?
2004-11-28, 9:19 AM #39
Originally posted by UltimatePotato
It's not the opposite at all. To love someone doesn't mean to go out with/marry. I love my parents. That doesn't mean that I'm attracted to them and have a romantic relationship with them.

2 Corinthians 6:14= don't get into a relationship with non-believers. Don't see how that proves what I said wrong...

2 Corinthians 6:15-17= Good and evil have nothing in common. Stay clean. Still doesn't contradict anything...

Deuteronomy 7:3-4= don't marry a non-believer.

So I'm failing to see how I prove the opposite of what I just said, or how what I said was stupid. It's the truth. Seriously think about what you people say. Have some common sense.

"You can never love someone too much..."
...unless they're "evil" or a non-believer.
2004-11-28, 9:27 AM #40
Originally posted by BV
A lot of you have horribly distorted conceptions about Christians.

Am one, will explain in latter part of post.

Originally posted by CadetLee
Believe it or not, I'd actually prefer you to articulate why you disagree with me instead of posting the worthless babble you just did.

I'm trying to keep this to a mature discussion -- apparently you aren't?

If you want to keep it mature, then why don't you edit out your little jab at me Captain High Horse.

First, I'm going to point out that it's unfair of me to laugh at you, because maybe you belong to different denominations (one of the sane ones) or perhaps your church has a priest who teaches the religion rather than the church's bull, so your view is likely to be quite different than mine.

However, from my experience in church (I have gone to 2 churches[sp?] of different denominations, at 5 different catholic churches, as well as having listened to many different priests who gave mass at my school, and the prejudiced, ignorant s**t that is spewed forth during those 1 hour sessions never failed to disgust me.

No where in Jesus' teachings (as known to us) is there any mention of people being as worthless and evil as these sermons describe them to be. Jesus celebrated life, not condemned it.

With respect to the topic, any female that believes this discriminatory tripe would have 0 respect in my eyes, and a relationship would be impossible.

Going to church and hearing hundreds of people recite a hate speech towards themselves (I am evil, only God is good, anything good I do is because of God, anything bad I do is because I'm a filthy piece of s**t, all good things come from God, all bad things come from me, I will give money to the Church) is a travesty.

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