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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Would you date someone with a diff. religion or lack there of?
Would you date someone with a diff. religion or lack there of?
2004-11-28, 9:33 AM #41
Originally posted by Mikus
Am one, will explain in latter part of post.

If you want to keep it mature, then why don't you edit out your little jab at me Captain High Horse.

First, I'm going to point out that it's unfair of me to laugh at you, because maybe you belong to different denominations (one of the sane ones) or perhaps your church has a priest who teaches the religion rather than the church's bull, so your view is likely to be quite different than mine.

However, from my experience in church (I have gone to 2 churches[sp?] of different denominations, at 5 different catholic churches, as well as having listened to many different priests who gave mass at my school, and the prejudiced, ignorant s**t that is spewed forth during those 1 hour sessions never failed to disgust me.

No where in Jesus' teachings (as known to us) is there any mention of people being as worthless and evil as these sermons describe them to be. Jesus celebrated life, not condemned it.

With respect to the topic, any female that believes this discriminatory tripe would have 0 respect in my eyes, and a relationship would be impossible.

Going to church and hearing hundreds of people recite a hate speech towards themselves (I am evil, only God is good, anything good I do is because of God, anything bad I do is because I'm a filthy piece of s**t, all good things come from God, all bad things come from me, I will give money to the Church) is a travesty.

If you could, please quote my 'jab'. I'd like to see how I came off as "Captain High Horse."

Please, please, please don't take every homily from every priest as what the Church officially teaches -- some 'Catholics' support abortion. Don't blanket-stereotype the entire Catholic Church from what you've seen in some churches. It's regrettable that you've had bad experiences, but that doesn't mean it's offical teaching.

Example..just because Rodney King was a victim of police brutality doesn't mean all cops brutalize people..etc.

2004-11-28, 9:35 AM #42
Originally posted by Elana14
and the proper term for you in the plurllel is y'all, not you all.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2004-11-28, 9:40 AM #43
Originally posted by Mikus
"You can never love someone too much..."
...unless they're "evil" or a non-believer.

It says nothing about love, it's about relationships. Don't turn this into a flame war. This isn't just directed at you, but at everyone.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2004-11-28, 9:47 AM #44
This thread is a wonderful example of why that warning is in the bible... just think arguments like this could be happening between you and your partner/wife... it would put some serrious stress on your relationship.
2004-11-28, 9:48 AM #45
Doesn't bother me any...

Just don't go and try to jesus/buddha/whatever up the relationship.

Seperation of church and my pants.
2004-11-28, 9:51 AM #46
This isn't in response to anyone specifically.

If someone judges my character and personality on the fact that I am an atheist, then I want nothing to do with a person of such low caliber. Judging someone "unfit" to date on the sole basis of what religion they affiliate with is just shallow discrimination and advocates such archaic beliefs as purity of the race(which would now be based upon religion) and only shows that the person discriminating doesn't have the capacity to compromise or just not care about the various and relatively insignificant nuances and "flaws" of the potential partner. An exception to this would be the muslim and christian avoiding the relationship not because they refuse to date a member of a different church, but because their families would go absolutely nuts if they did. In that case I blame the families.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-11-28, 9:53 AM #47
I personally don't think anyone actually judges on religion... except maybe the mormons. But that's irrelevant, I think religion really comes into play after you marry a person and you spend everyday with them... when you are dating religion doesn't even have to be mentioned. But it could be a conflict when faced with differing religious beliefs every single day.
2004-11-28, 9:56 AM #48
Using religion as an excuse not to marry is the easy way out. The person in question just doesn't want to deal or have to work through the complications it might bring, thus sacrificing any strong love he could have with someone of a different religion.

MechWarrior: I've heard horror stories of mormon outside of Utah, but most of the mormons I've met in-state are actually very accepting and embracing of other religions. Even the chruch preachers he acceptance of all. Our mormon and catholic population gets along very well.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-11-28, 9:58 AM #49
Guess I've been hearing alot of horror stories too... some saying being black means you are from hell because the fires of hell have burned your skin (yes I have heard that from a real creepy mormon I used to go to school with).
2004-11-28, 9:58 AM #50
Our mormon and catholic population gets along very well.

:) See? Not everybody hates everybody.

Originally posted by Kieran Horn
This isn't in response to anyone specifically.

If someone judges my character and personality on the fact that I am an atheist, then I want nothing to do with a person of such low caliber. Judging someone "unfit" to date on the sole basis of what religion they affiliate with is just shallow discrimination and advocates such archaic beliefs as purity of the race(which would now be based upon religion) and only shows that the person discriminating doesn't have the capacity to compromise or just not care about the various and relatively insignificant nuances and "flaws" of the potential partner. An exception to this would be the muslim and christian avoiding the relationship not because they refuse to date a member of a different church, but because their families would go absolutely nuts if they did. In that case I blame the families.

Religion is incredibly significant to many, many people. How could it be an insignificant nuance?

Then again, if you were to marry a Catholic, whose religious beliefs stated that the children of the marriage should be educated in the Catholic faith -- and you didn't have a problem with it, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

A lot of the closeness of a marriage can come from mutual faith, though..then again, I hold marriage to a higher standard than many people in modern society do =)

Just to clarify against any insults I might pick up from this -- I'm not pointing fingers at anyone..just trying to help/clear things up a little.
2004-11-28, 10:04 AM #51
Just to clarify against any insults I might pick up from this -- I'm not pointing fingers at anyone..just trying to help/clear things up a little.
While it was not intended as insulting, I can see how it could be seen as insulting to some people. However, I will not sugar coat what I believe for anyone.

Guess I've been hearing alot of horror stories too... some saying being black means you are from hell because the fires of hell have burned your skin (yes I have heard that from a real creepy mormon I used to go to school with).
There's a Utahn joke about that kind of stuff. Bascially when a Utahn sees a black, they think it is a horribly burnt man. This joke comes from the fact that there is an extremely small black population here.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-11-28, 10:14 AM #52
I dunno, I'd marry anyone as long as they gave our kid a choice to see what they feel like believing. I'm an atheist, and while I wouldn't mind marrying anyone of a different religion, if they are gonna try and indoctrinate the children and give them no freedom of choice, that is unacceptable.

On a side note...

My parents are both atheists, but they sent me to a catholic private school with prayer and all that jazz. Never had much effect on me though...
2004-11-28, 11:01 AM #53
Originally posted by Lord Kuat
My parents are both atheists, but they sent me to a catholic private school with prayer and all that jazz. Never had much effect on me though...

Yeah, I went to a catholic primary school just because it was the best school in the area. I remember being about 8 and sitting in assembly, listening to the head teacher read some bible story or other. I looked around, and for the first time it hit me that everyone around me actually believed what he was saying. I'd always just thought of them as stories...

Originally posted by Rob
Seperation of church and my pants.

<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2004-11-28, 12:39 PM #54
Originally posted by Rob
Doesn't bother me any...

Just don't go and try to jesus/buddha/whatever up the relationship.

Seperation of church and my pants.

2004-11-28, 1:54 PM #55
Wow, well I'm impressed at all the responses this thread has caused, and the justifications within it, from all diff. viewpoints.

I guess dating isn't so bad, casual or whatever, but how I see it, is dating could possibly (not always) lead to love(granted farrrrr into it, but obviously it could happen). Lets say it does get serious, I'm sure in a healthy relationship people are willing to look past small differences and work through that. Only thing is that in the Catholic Church to get married to someone of a diff. faith or lack there of you have to agree to raise your child in the catholic faith, which could cause a prob. among the two.

Then again that's jumping veryyyy far ahead but yeah. Then again anything is possible if you really want to work things out, but I see how it could cause conflict as far as beliefs the same as diff. political viewpoints could cause stress in a relationship. Not saying it's something that couldnt be worked out, but yes it prob. would cause stress, being honest.

Hm just all interesting things, and things that need a lot of thought put into them. I would never not date someone because of religious beliefs, because frankly you cant help who you care about, feelings are feelings. I guess in the end it would depend on the effort of both parties to make things work out, and respect each others views

2004-11-28, 2:10 PM #56
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
It also tells you to not wear a rubber. AND THAT ISN'T VERY SAFE NOW IS IT?!

The bible is old, it's good for guidelines and morals and all, but not to be taken litteraly on every single point it has. Times have changed...alot. Some things said in the bible seem rather silly nowadays, some don't. You need to seperate the messages from the garbage.

Love thy neighbor*

*but not to much...It's a sin...
**and not if your neighbors gay
***and not if your neighbor isn't christian..
****Oh yeah and I forgot about...


You're very confused. Show me in the Bible where it says anything about not wearing a rubber. I'll bet my feet you can't. Your love thy neighbor example is pretty ignorant also. Loving thy neighbor doesn't mean screw them. You ARE supposed to love people who are gay, but you shouldn't accept their sexual preferences (according to the Christian doctrine, don't flame me). Same goes for people that aren't Christians. The idea behind that is that you love the person, but not their sins. That goes for Christians and non-Christians alike, no holier-than-thou crap.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2004-11-28, 2:11 PM #57
It's not the Bible telling people not to wear condoms, it's the Church.
2004-11-28, 2:26 PM #58
But what does the church always use to back up it's decisions?
2004-11-28, 2:35 PM #59
I would never ever ever date a girl who was christian, jewish or muslim.

I dont need that persecuted guilty bull.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2004-11-28, 2:57 PM #60
Originally posted by clan ruthervain
I would never ever ever date a girl who was christian, jewish or muslim.

I dont need that persecuted guilty bull.

I've dated all three, as well as wiccans and satanists. Guess what? All of them were great people.
2004-11-28, 2:59 PM #61
I don't remember the exact quote or where I heard it, but it's something like:
An atheist finds a burnt out lightbulb, changes it, and moves on with his life. A Catholic sits in the dark and wonders "What did I do wrong?"
2004-11-28, 3:02 PM #62
Originally posted by Elana14
and the proper term for you in the plurllel is y'all, not you all.

Highlight. Right click. Copy. Alt-tab. Paste. Enjoyment.
"The moral of the story? No means no, especially when it comes to the English language. It's not into the kinky stuff you want it to do, and therefore you should not force it." - Darko
2004-11-28, 3:59 PM #63
Originally posted by Kieran Horn
There's a Utahn joke about that kind of stuff. Bascially when a Utahn sees a black, they think it is a horribly burnt man. This joke comes from the fact that there is an extremely small black population here.

How come I've never heard this joke and I live in Utah? :p
Life is beautiful.
2004-11-28, 4:04 PM #64
I wouldn't date anyone who's not Christian. Judging by the posts in this thread, it seems like the majority of you think we pretend to believe in God rather than actually believe in Him. It's a big part of my life, and if a big part of my life doesn't match up with a big part of a girl's life, a relationship cannot successfully exist.

If someone is willing to push aside their faith for a relationship, there are only a few conclusions to reach. Most likely, that person's faith is weak because they compensate and compromise what they supposedly believe. When you alter your belief system, it's no longer genuine.
[edit: I mean no offense by this, but I do not retract it.]

Now, to attempt to clear up the usual misconceptions:
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
It also tells you to not wear a rubber.
Where did you ever conceive such an absurd idea? Do a little research on when contraceptives were developed. I don't think there were condoms in biblical days.
The bible is old, it's good for guidelines and morals and all, but not to be taken litteraly on every single point it has. Times have changed...alot.
Yes they have. I'm sure God didn't quite see that coming, now did He? :p
Originally posted by Rob
But what does the church always use to back up it's decisions?
Assuming you mean the Catholic Church, their doctrines are based on their belief that they continue to receive revelation from God, which in turn is based on an unproven assumption that the Catholic Church was the original church founded by Christ through the apostle Peter. As you can see, it's very wishy-washy.
Originally posted by Elana14
and the proper term for you in the plurllel is y'all, not you all.
Gold. :D

"Y'all" and "you all" are not proper terms. Period. "You" is either singular or plural. I shall again proclaim my hate for the English language by pointing out how other languages have singular and plural forms for the word.
Originally posted by Flexor
Religion is just a huge turnoff for me.
I used to be exactly the same way.
Originally posted by GothicX
Not dating someone because of their religion would be rather discriminating.
Oh please. Everyone looks for particular qualities in a partner. This is no different.


I'm always surprised at how many people think Christianity is a bunch of rules and regulations. The binding of the Old Testament died at the foot of the cross. It shows what would've been. It gives examples of worship. Song of Solomon shows how love and sex are interconnected. Any actual rules (unless otherwise mentioned in the NT) are dead.
I don't mean to preach, but that's the whole point of the New Testament. Well... and love.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-11-28, 4:24 PM #65
Originally posted by UltimatePotato
2 Corinthians 6:14= don't get into a relationship with non-believers. Don't see how that proves what I said wrong...

2 Corinthians 6:15-17= Good and evil have nothing in common. Stay clean. Still doesn't contradict anything...

Deuteronomy 7:3-4= don't marry a non-believer.

So I'm failing to see how I prove the opposite of what I just said, or how what I said was stupid. It's the truth. Seriously think about what you people say. Have some common sense.

I was rather under the impression that the two books of Corinthians were intended to be a warning about how things can go wrong and to enforce the idea of what love is and it's importance in a relationship. This leads me to believe that those two quotes are rather in the context of "this is what went wrong in Corinth" rather than "this is what went wrong in Corinth so it will go wrong if you try to do the same". I think that if the bond between two people is strong enough and they are both tolerant, then a relationship between two people of differing religions can work.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2004-11-28, 4:45 PM #66
Detty speaks truth. And moreover, as i recall [given that we had a long discussion about this topic on a retreat i went on, where we could not find any solid things saying don't date/marry non-Christians right out at least] those first two quotations are from passages talking qutie clearly about things like false teachers, spreaders of misinformation or bad doctrine and so forth.

Then the third one is more or less irellevant to your argument given that it was about the ancient Hebrews, long before there were Christians /or/ non-Christians. It was part of the whole them being a chosen people and a people apart and so forth, which are further symbolized in the don't inetrweave two fabrics sorts of regulations people seem to think make great arguments about how irellevant the Bible is.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2004-11-28, 5:19 PM #67
Never mind.
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2004-11-28, 5:26 PM #68
Originally posted by DogSRoOL

I heart you.
2004-11-28, 7:13 PM #69
I'd just like to add to Zecks comment... I don't think me being Wiccan has anything to do with our relationship really....and it shouldn't....the only thing that ever causes problems is our difference in morality...the fact that he has very strong morals....and my moral standing is laying down........but I'd just like to say that I think a lot of you are WAY to serious about this....let everyone live like they one deserves to have any religion shoved down their throat....
2004-11-28, 7:40 PM #70
While I don't rule out anyone simply because of a difference in religion, I question how well it could work out if the beliefs are too much in conflict with one another.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-11-28, 8:03 PM #71
I agree with Wolfy. As long as the values are similar, it should work itself out.
Pissed Off?
2004-11-28, 8:26 PM #72
Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ
I was rather under the impression that the two books of Corinthians were intended to be a warning about how things can go wrong and to enforce the idea of what love is and it's importance in a relationship. This leads me to believe that those two quotes are rather in the context of "this is what went wrong in Corinth" rather than "this is what went wrong in Corinth so it will go wrong if you try to do the same". I think that if the bond between two people is strong enough and they are both tolerant, then a relationship between two people of differing religions can work.

Much of the Bible are letters to churches about problems they had. They were intended to give guidance to that church and were included in the Bible to give ALL others guidance as well. These letters are just as meaningfull today as they were when they were written.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2004-11-28, 8:30 PM #73
Originally posted by spider_rose
I'd just like to add to Zecks comment... I don't think me being Wiccan has anything to do with our relationship really....and it shouldn't....the only thing that ever causes problems is our difference in morality...the fact that he has very strong morals....and my moral standing is laying down........but I'd just like to say that I think a lot of you are WAY to serious about this....let everyone live like they one deserves to have any religion shoved down their throat....

No one here is shoving religion anywhere. We're doing VERY well so far :) Please, keep lack of flames going!
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2004-11-28, 8:52 PM #74
/me shoves religion into his boxers.

[Kool-aid] Oooooh yeaaaaaah [/Kool-aid]
2004-11-28, 9:22 PM #75
Assuming you mean the Catholic Church, their doctrines are based on their belief that they continue to receive revelation from God, which in turn is based on an unproven assumption that the Catholic Church was the original church founded by Christ through the apostle Peter. As you can see, it's very wishy-washy.

I don't think you have a clear understanding of the Catholic Church.

You're saying the 2000 years of history in the Catholic Church is an 'unproven assumption'? The Popes can be traced back to the Apostle Peter. It's much less wishy-washy than the thousands (yes, thousands) of protestant denominations that have sprang up in the last few hundred years. The Bible itself says to 'hold fast to the traditions from your forefathers', and that "the pillar and foundation of Truth is the Church." What other Church was around at the time? I can't name much else..

This is regarding the Pope's infallability. As far as revelations from God go, many people have seen (or believe to have seen..whatever you wish to believe) apparitions of Mary, Christ, etc, and many also have been healed without any medical explanation (link). Still, belief divine revelation is not mandatory! You can be a perfectly good Catholic and not believe in praying the Rosary, or that any apparitions ever happened.

No other organization has been around as long as the Catholic Church..if there has, please let me know.

One final question..where did the Protestant Bible come from? ;)
2004-11-28, 9:24 PM #76
and the proper term for you in the plurllel is y'all, not you all.


Actually, "you" is already the plural. The plural accusative, to be precise. "ye" being the plural nominative, and "thou" and "thee" the singular nominative and accusative, respectively. Unfortunately, people, in their infinite idiocy, ditched all of the forms except for "you", so now we have to use it in all four cases. However, this does not legitimise "you all" or "y'all", two abominations of words eclipsed only by the nameless terror that is "youse".

Additionally, "y'all" and "you all" are effectively the same word. It's like quibbling over whether "it is" or "it's" is correct in a given situation.

2004-11-28, 10:10 PM #77
I have all the Grammar Man comics. Personally autographed too. Well, except for the issue where he battles Vowel Gone Evil, but that was during the mid-90's vaguely homo-erotic phase with Captain Comma.

I can do without it.
2004-11-28, 10:12 PM #78
Originally posted by CadetLee
You're saying the 2000 years of history in the Catholic Church is an 'unproven assumption'? The Popes can be traced back to the Apostle Peter.
I've yet to see solid proof that Peter was the first pope. Considering the location the Catholic Church sprung up, it's unlikely it was the foundation.

The Bible itself says to 'hold fast to the traditions from your forefathers'...
It also says the traditions of man will make void the word of God. I see that verse fulfilled all over the majority of Christianity, which is sad.

...and that "the pillar and foundation of Truth is the Church." What other Church was around at the time? I can't name much else.
Just because "Catholic" was the first name of a church to spring up doesn't make it the first. Even if it was, it's now nothing like it was then.

Maybe you should study the history of Catholic doctrine and see just how "infallable" the pope really is. The alleged Assumption of Mary would be a good place to start. Or you might try questioning how she supposedly was a virgin all her life (although I'm not sure if that's doctrine or not).

Heck, that site teaches (under the Assumption of Mary link) that she was born without sin, quite a contradiction to the Bible that ALL have sinned. Pretty much shows my point.

No other organization has been around as long as the Catholic Church..if there has, please let me know.
How about that proof? You'd be the first to provide it. Moreover, if you could provide unbiased evidence (i.e. not exclusively from a Catholic site or other reference), I'd be rather impressed.

One final question..where did the Protestant Bible come from? ;) [/B]
Never heard of such a thing. The seperate books of the Bible weren't compiled into a single binding until somewhere around the 3rd century. ANd yes, by Catholics. But again, if you study the history of Catholicism, you'll uncover some interesting changes in the Church between the third and fifth centuries.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-11-28, 10:39 PM #79
I have all the Grammar Man comics. Personally autographed too. Well, except for the issue where he battles Vowel Gone Evil, but that was during the mid-90's vaguely homo-erotic phase with Captain Comma.

I can do without it.

Are you sure you have the early stuff, before the "Split Infinity Crisis" start-over? Because some of that stuff was really cool. Dr. Phonics's hook was fantastic.
2004-11-28, 11:05 PM #80
Originally posted by Crimson
Interesting that you say religion is irrelevant in marriage. The idea of "marriage" has its roots in religion. Your view of what comes first (relationship then faith) is backwards from what most (as far as i know) faiths teach. Faith always comes before ANYTHING else. That simple difference means you'll never see things the way Savage and I do.

I love you so much. That is exactly how I feel. I would prefer if my partner and I could come to an amicable understanding of each other's beliefs. I cannot understand why someone would let a church dictate who and who they cannot marry, and furthermore, I cannot fathom why anyone would let religion come between a loving relationship. In the end I guess it's just my priorities at play. I value a loving relationship SO MUCH more than religion, since a loving relationship is far rarer. I guess I'm going to have to find somone with similar priorities who wouldn't mind shedding their religion for the sake of a relationship.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009

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