Originally posted by Freelancer
Shintock, it did not start after Smith's death. Smith was a polygamist, but even worse, he was a polyandrist (marrying someone else's wife). His youngest wife was fourteen years old. If you don't believe me, you can look it up on the Mormons' own geneology website. Of course, it wasn't an accepted practice in the religion at the time, so he tried to keep it secret. Most Mormons believe he was martyred, but he was actually involved in a gunfight during which he fired a number of shots himself, after trying to illegally shut down a newspaper which published an expository on Smith's questionable practices.
Shintock, it did not start after Smith's death. Smith was a polygamist, but even worse, he was a polyandrist (marrying someone else's wife). His youngest wife was fourteen years old. If you don't believe me, you can look it up on the Mormons' own geneology website. Of course, it wasn't an accepted practice in the religion at the time, so he tried to keep it secret. Most Mormons believe he was martyred, but he was actually involved in a gunfight during which he fired a number of shots himself, after trying to illegally shut down a newspaper which published an expository on Smith's questionable practices.
Im with Freelancer on this one. And that lady calling was just creepy. I dont like when anyone tries to push anything.
Oh and the telemormons comment was priceless haha
Well, this topic sounds *dum de dum dum dum..*
You guys need to watch South Park every once in a while, that episode on being Mormon.=
You guys need to watch South Park every once in a while, that episode on being Mormon.=
haha I saw that episode! my friend johnny and steve were always quoting that about my ex boss. That was a great episode, then again which south park isnt hilarious:)
There is nothing wrong with questioning or disagreeing(as I've already said) but attacking a religion tactlessly is nothing more than an act of pompous self-righteousness. Someone who does that doesn't want to make a point, they want to feel superior.
Kieran does make a great pt. there, but as far as the information Freelancer has provided regarding his practices and marrying a 14 or 15 year old, that's just wrong. Again I cant be one to judge, but I do personally find that practice odd and wrong. Although I'm sure in some places that isnt seen as bad, and even in oldddd days women were supposed to marry young, but now a days, an older man marrying a girl that young just seems like he's taking advantage of her, I dunno that's just my opinon though