[edit] Note...I re-drafted this whole post to make it less confusing and a little more simplistic...or right to the point. I don't know if that paid off very well
Whelly, I hate to bug ya, but I disagree.
I mean, some people have researched this stuff and found nothing. Some people have researched it and found lots.
But I've heard of many people who have tried to attempt to prove Christianity wrong with facts, and in their failure they became Christians. I do believe that solely trusting what you feel is not going to prove anything. I could feel like a god is telling me to join the buddhist religion or the hindu religion, or some cult (essentially, to join or become a part of a particular group, which, for the sake of argument, will be random). Then I'll be a buddhist or a hindu. And all because it's because I felt it. I could feel like god is telling me to go to the beach. So based on a feeling I'll go to the beach. (I'm trying to do an extreme, and a not so extreme examples).
Or, I could research it, discover what I beleive to be more true.
Do you want to know why I "Believe" in Christianity? (if not...then...well. read on? I guess?)
It's because A: I was raised in being taught about it since a child.
B: I spent the majority of my life in Christian/Private school (save kindergarten, first grade, and high school, this far)
C: I've seen too much, and heard to much to persuade me that Christianity is false. And my faith in God I partially take separate in terms of proving Christianity. (IE: I don't let my feelings cloud my academic prooving of Christianity, so as to remain empirically sound...as best as I can) I have been taught too much in schools and discussions about truths of the bible, things that have been proven, or shown to be nearly, true, in the bible. I've been taught that the bible has more evidence to prove itself, as well as Christianity as a religion, than any other religious text in history.
An example is the connection between the new testament and the old testament, themes, things that seem to collaberate with jesus proof as God's returning to earth after the old Testament. I'm sure that many Jews might disagree with me here, or muslims or other groups for that matter, but there is lots of evidence to support it, and I learned that there are even hidden themes, between the bible and the new testament. Jesus died and was resurrected in three days, Jonah was swallowed in the belly of a fish and was stuck there for three days. It’s a symbolic theme that Jesus is the one people had been waiting for after the Old Testament (there are many more).
Plus, take in the fact that as I stated earlier, the bible is used as a historical document by archaeologists.
I just...there is enough evidence for me to believe that Christianity is not false, academically. And you kinda need to use academics when showing how groups that come after, or before another group, might be right or wrong. IE: The jews might use academics against the muslims, or something to this nature, because some groups only believe the first 5 books of the bible are true, that spawned…I think muslims? Some other group? The jews, however, believe in the entire old testament…which has another name I think. Anyway…
This is totally turning into a religious discussion now, but I'll just say that I think you should search for answers to prove things. I mean...Siddartha. The guy who started Buddhism. He stayed alone for years until he was "enlightened" and then started to explain to people the principles of Buddhism that he created in order to achieve Nirvana (enlightenment). He..."felt" what he believed was true.
Personally...I think he's full of crap. And alot of the buddhist principles, though full of great morals, are...not...very..valid? provable? I guess I"m saying that. Sure some of the statements they say are good, things like "don't catch a fish unless oyu have enough bait" (I made that up), but I don't think that the religion is very credible. I mean it's a huge religion, and many people love it, but academically, I don’t see why that is a great lifestyle.
I speak more like someone who has studied things than a political (everyone has equal rights) person. I'm not really talking in terms of equal rights. It's true that you have your opinion, but my point is I am talking in a more scientificly. I'm just saying that I've tried to study as to why Mormonism is right or wrong, true or not true, and I'm saying that “feeling” or “spirit” or “heart” aside, I don’t see a lot of truth in Mormonism.
You might say that God has given me insight into judging religions? He has helped me in judging this, or making my opinion, instead of stating openly. Perhaps, perhaps not. But God certainly didn’t simply state “Mormonism is wrong” to me. I looked for it. Just like I said earlier…
Just like I might believe president Kerry flip-flopped, it was based on what I saw. And I felt that made him less credible. I didn’t believe the remaining things he said were all that credible, so I didn’t vote for him.
And...it's good to have a spiritual relationship with God, in my opinion, or, more politically speaking, to have a non-academic role in your religion, or a more heartful role in a religion. It’s just that if there a reason or flaw might exist that disproves or discredit a religion…or something doesn’t quite seem right, it’s worth checking out before you dedicate yourself to it.
Blargh theres probably a lot of controversy in all that I just said so I think I might try to back off…again.
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