Ha I haven't read past the first half of the first page of this, but I can guess how it went. Everybody keeps pwning mormons and then somebody is like "THE BIBLE IS WHACK" but can't back it up at all. Then people pwn moronism some more. Back to the subject anyway, I've got two stories that pwn.
First off, when I was
really depressed, and it was really showing at school, my "mormon" "friend" decided to help. I say "mormon" because she's like most christians who claim some stuff and memorize some idea but don't live by it most of the time. I say "friend" cause she acts like a friend sometimes and then at others she PMSs on me and only me. Anyway she took a book of mormon, wrote on the first couple of pages a letter about "don't kill yourself, read this, I love you, you're so special, and then says to write down good things that happen each day." Then she sneaks it into my backpack. Later on I literally screamed when I opened my bag and saw the BOM(b) staring at me. She was trying to be nice, and it is sorta sweet, until you consider that she said to read this to be happy.
So I read it and it did indeed make me happy. Mainly from laughing so much
I found it interesting that the witnessess of the tablets were all ('cept for 2) from two families. One was the smith family, the other was of a family friend. I'll find it if you want...
So story number 2. We were moving down here to Florida when i was a youngin. We were packing stuff like mad. Anyhoo some mormons came along and asked if they could help (sensing a good way to gain some converts). So my dad says yes and works them like dogs for a few hours. Once we're finished he gives them some water and they start talking about mormonism. So my dad says "no thx" and closes the door on them. OWNED! ultimate free labor.
edit: and I managed to use some form of "owned" 3 or 4 times
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.