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ForumsDiscussion Forum → They should have a death penalty for speeders
They should have a death penalty for speeders
2005-04-05, 6:23 PM #41
I go about 20 over usually. Most roads in Orlando (where I live) are big and open and the speed limits are left from before they were widened. That = traffic moving too slow.

Oh, and if anybody wishes death upon me go right ahead. I'll care even less than Page. Like someone else said, I don't run stop signs, that's just asking for trouble.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-04-05, 6:23 PM #42
Originally posted by EL3CTRO
hell it wouldn't kill you to drive 10MPH less would it?

It might, you'd be surprised at the number of accidents cause by slow people rather than speeders.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-04-05, 6:25 PM #43
I still completely and utterly fail to see how what page said dishonors MaDa in any way.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-04-05, 6:26 PM #44
If anything he wants to achieve the same honor and respect that MaDa got with a level pack. ;)
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2005-04-05, 6:26 PM #45
On death row? No way man! That is way to costly in legislative procedures, and there are worse criminals that must be put to death first anyway.

Just give speeders bigger tickets! Instead of $200 for speeding, how bout $2000? That would stick it to 'em.

I drive and I always drive between speed limit and (speed limit + 10). I guess I would be skirting death at all times?
2005-04-05, 6:27 PM #46
It doesn't dishonor MaDa. It spits on a selfless attempt to make a tribute to someone who died. I'm really surprised you're not able to see this, Freelancer. Are you so uncompassionate that you're unable to understand this?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-05, 6:28 PM #47
I think you guys bickering and fighting over that tiny phrase he made is rather biting - do you think he would have done that?

I cried for the first time in years when I found out Adam died, but by golly, there is no need to get as pissed as you all just did.
2005-04-05, 6:29 PM #48
I have plenty of compassion. I loved MaDa, respected the level pack, and I thought Page's joke was funny.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-04-05, 6:29 PM #49
Originally posted by Jedi Legend
LonelyDagger drives often on one of the craziest highways in Kansas: K10. The flow of traffic on K10 IS 10 miles over the speed limit. It's hard not to speed and be safe.

naw its perfectly normal, here on interstate 70 here back home the average speed is 5-15 mph over, and speed limit is 75 mph here so yeah its around 80 to 95 mph out here....
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2005-04-05, 6:36 PM #50
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
Then act like it, and don't joke on his death.

I wasn't. I was merely wondering if i would get a level pack if that ever happened to me. From the sound of it, some people here would want to throw a victory party instead.
2005-04-05, 6:39 PM #51
Originally posted by Darkjedibob
It might, you'd be surprised at the number of accidents cause by slow people rather than speeders.

Well, if those people were going at the speed limit rather than 10MPH above, they wouldn't have to worry about me going 'slow' just because I want to drive at the proper speed limit.
Visit: the Alcoholic Encyclopedia

The user formerly known as EL3CTRO.
2005-04-05, 6:40 PM #52
I edited my post only because I made it under the influence of anger, and that I don't want to be banned from this community.

That changes nothing for what kind of a human being you, or anyone else who believes themselves to be so high and mighty that they can directly offend the laws that protect human beings.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-04-05, 6:42 PM #53
Originally posted by EL3CTRO
Well, if those people were going at the speed limit rather than 10MPH above, they wouldn't have to worry about me going 'slow' just because I want to drive at the proper speed limit.

I think he means people that are actually going below the speed limit.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-04-05, 6:43 PM #54
Originally posted by Darkjedibob
It might, you'd be surprised at the number of accidents cause by slow people rather than speeders.

And I'm sure it's 1000 times more than people who drive faster. Give me a break.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-04-05, 6:45 PM #55
I have a tendency to speed a bit...( car doesn't go faster than 90 bc its a peice of ****,but....I tend to go around 60/70 no matter what the speed limit is...and once I get a nice car, I'll prolly be worse in the driving safely dept. ) So I don't think speeding is that big of a deal, unless ur going (poor example) like 120 in a 25 zone where u could kill munchins playing in the street, or old ppl....but they don't have long anyway-so mainly the little kids :p
Lower than grass My light began, Into the Heavens Soon it ran: Here between Earth And space I shine, My fallen dust The twin to thine-Star that I was, Star that I am, Star I shall be My name is human.
2005-04-05, 6:52 PM #56
2005-04-05, 7:01 PM #57
This thread is a textbook case of the immaturity here. First of all, no one thought to say anything to Kirby for wishing quite publicly that Page die in a gruesome death, after Page did nothing to incite it?

Kirby, the story you told is tragic, but just because you've had something bad happen in your life doesn't give you a right to go around wishing death on people randomly. You have no idea how responsible or irresponsible page is, and even if you did, it's not your place to be an *** to him. And, newsflash for you Kirb. The speed laws don't exist to protect people. They exist as a profit builder for the city/county/state whatever. If our lawmakers were so concerned about the safety of drivers, then they'd make laws restricting how fast vehicles are able to go, not how fast we're allowed to drive them.

Page, for once I'm with you on this one.

Everyone else, get over it. Yeah, MaDa died. And Yeah, we all miss him, but dying is a part of life. And if we can joke about other things, we can joke about this. Someone mentioned what he would be thinking if he could read this thread. Well he'd probably have laughed at Page's joke and be wishing that the rest of you would grow up and treat death for what it is.

Anyway, I'm gonna leave it at that, as I don't want to be drawn into this, but seriously, your guys' reactions sicken me (with the exception of Page's and Freelancer's, though I can't believe I'm admitting that right now. go figure).
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-04-05, 7:07 PM #58
So wait, you want to "Leave it at that" when I solved the situation? Sounds like you wanted to get a word in, a final word, and let it stand at that. Butt out.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-04-05, 7:25 PM #59
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
From the sound of it, some people here would want to throw a victory party instead.

I'd mourn your death, just the same. And I'd find it equally offensive if someone made the same remark about anything done as an honest tribute to you.

[ Edit/Addition ] I by no means wish you dead, PageWizard, despite the stark differences between many issues. [ /Edit/Addition ]
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-05, 7:32 PM #60
How has this thread managed to stay open? - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2005-04-05, 7:40 PM #61
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2005-04-05, 7:41 PM #62
Because some of us can stand the water when it gets the slightest bit rough. :P Why should every thread close just because the slightest disturbance is caused?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-04-05, 7:43 PM #63
__________________________ This is where we were...


__________________________ This is where we are now

Seriously, some of these comments in here are perhaps the worst I have ever seen on this forum, ever...
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-04-05, 7:55 PM #64
This thread sucks.... *does a drive-by on this thread at 10 over the speed limit*
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-04-05, 8:06 PM #65
Originally posted by Spork
This thread sucks.... *does a drive-by on this thread at 10 over the speed limit*

What is the speed limit on massassi?
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2005-04-05, 8:22 PM #66
Thank God the ban list isn't there anymore, we'd be missing a couple of you for the next week or two.
2005-04-05, 8:23 PM #67
Originally posted by Shintock
Thank God the ban list isn't there anymore, we'd be missing a couple of you for the next week or two.

Get on MSN/AIM, now.

In other news--the speed limit is 1337

*Gebs it*
2005-04-05, 8:25 PM #68
Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast
What is the speed limit on massassi?

1 post/30 seconds ;)
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-04-05, 8:25 PM #69
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
So wait, you want to "Leave it at that" when I solved the situation? Sounds like you wanted to get a word in, a final word, and let it stand at that. Butt out.

You hadn't solved the situation, but I hope it can be left at "that" now. Whatever "that" is.

I say we all ponder the speed limit of Massassi. Would it be relative based on your processor speed, amount of RAM, and internet connection? I think it just might.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-04-05, 9:10 PM #70
Spork, you are just brilliant man. :)

There is no speed limit if you're an Admin or Mod though. ;)

As for speeding, propsoing the death penalty for people who speed is, possibly, the dumbest thing I've ever hear. It's just not feasible in any way, at all.

The psoted speed limit for most freeways here in the Bay Area is 65 MPH (there are a few still at 55 MPH), but the flow of traffic ranges from 65 in the slow lane to 75-80 (and faster in some places) in the fast lane. It is far safer to drive with the flow of traffic than drive below the flow, espcially in the faster lane. Also, you can't equate going fast in a lane of traffic to weaving wrecklessly in and out of all lanes fo traffic. The police here are not going to pull someone over for going 75-80 unless they are driving wrecklessly.
Pissed Off?
2005-04-05, 9:24 PM #71
eh. be glad you don't live in WA.

Speed limit on interstate: 70 (sometimes 60 or 65). If you're about 5 or more over, expect to be pulled over. I have literally been pulled over at least once the last 6 or 7 times I've driven across the state (either on my way to or coming back from visiting my gf). About half of those times, I was not even speeding. The cop just wanted to be a jerk, I guess. They like to come up with crap reasons to pull you over, and if you're not speeding they will literally drive along beside you examining your car, and the interior until they find something. Then, after they pull you over and explain that you're being pulled over because you don't have a garbage bag within arms reach, they'll, just before they head back for their cruisers, advise you to watch your speed because, "I didn't get a chance to get a radar on you, but it seemed like you might have been going a bit fast." This is rediculous, especially, when you've got the cruise on at the exact limit (and I know my speedometer is accurate, cause I've had it tested), and they've been driving right beside you for 3 minutes before pulling you over.

That's what most of the cops are like here in WA, and Brian will confirm if he posts here, I'm sure.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-04-05, 9:33 PM #72
Its been m experience that it all matters on how you present yourself. Since I'm young and drive a 2 door coupe, I will not go more than 5mph over (I set the cruise a lot), and once you do get pulled over, dont give the officer any sh__, just be honest. I have yet to get a ticket!
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2005-04-05, 9:40 PM #73
I just watch the road, and don't stay at excessive speeds for very long, unless it's flow of traffic (yes, flow has hit 95 before)
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-04-05, 10:23 PM #74

How many miles per hour over the speed limit have you gone?

My personal best is 128 in a 55, or 73 over.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2005-04-05, 10:26 PM #75
none. Always within the speed limit.
2005-04-05, 10:27 PM #76
uhh... 110 in a 60... Couldn't go faster. car had governor. :(

50 over.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-04-05, 10:28 PM #77
50 in a 20, or 30 over.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-04-05, 10:28 PM #78
Originally posted by Hebedee
By golly, there is no need to get as pissed as you all just did.

Quoted for truth. If you guys cant handle yourselves maturely, there will be repricussions. You guys are taking this way too personally. If I see another insult/flame on this thread, the poster will be banned.
2005-04-05, 10:29 PM #79 in other words most of you are self admitted felons.
2005-04-05, 10:35 PM #80
BTW, we are talking about speeding in a vacant area with no traffic. speeding in a crowded area with other cars in your line of sight is STUPID. VERY STUPID.

I do this in the country where you can see for miles in a straight line and there is absolutely no other traffic.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[

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