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ForumsDiscussion Forum → They should have a death penalty for speeders
They should have a death penalty for speeders
2005-04-05, 10:36 PM #81
I've committed much worse felonies than that
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2005-04-05, 10:37 PM #82
Originally posted by oSiRiS
BTW, we are talking about speeding in a vacant area with no traffic. speeding in a crowded area with other cars in your line of sight is STUPID. VERY STUPID.

I do this in the country where you can see for miles in a straight line and there is absolutely no other traffic.

Except for the unsuspecting cow that happens to cross the road. RIP poor cow.
2005-04-05, 10:43 PM #83
eh, it'd suck worse for you then for the cow, I think. Cause the cow wouldn't know any better.

and yeah, I wouldn't do that in a crowded area... but.. come to think of it, I've had a higher speed to limit ratio before... 96 in a 25. (so that's 71 over) (some out in the boonies country road with a fence along either side, going straight through some kinda crop field, and no one else in sight. that was fun.)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-04-05, 10:46 PM #84
Originally posted by CavEmaN
Except for the unsuspecting cow that happens to cross the road. RIP poor cow.

These are farmed lands, not dairy lands. No cows, only chopped crops that you can see over. It's pretty great because you can see for miles, theres no danger except if the car breaks. Then you just die.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2005-04-05, 10:51 PM #85
Both the cars I've driven a lot (Ford Aerostar in high school and a Ford Escort now) top out at 110 mph. I've driven some cars that can go a lot faster, but they weren't mine.
Pissed Off?
2005-04-05, 11:53 PM #86
Jeez...the poster of this topic really needs to get a grip on real life, if you are serious, and it sounds like you are. In the real world, we don't execute people for driving their cars too fast.

I won't even address all the idiotic "forum drama". If I wanted a soap opera I'd watch Days of our lives...or no, Passions. That one with the magic witch and her little midget boy friend...yeah.
2005-04-06, 12:02 AM #87
I'm pretty partial to Dallas.
2005-04-06, 12:19 AM #88
As per the latest in-thread topic: 100 in a 75, so 25 over (flow of traffic was around 90, so I decided to hit 100 for the hell of it once I cleared the pack)
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-04-06, 12:19 AM #89
It's all about Dynasty!
Pissed Off?
2005-04-06, 12:31 AM #90
Originally posted by Avenger
It's all about Dynasty!


Afterall, WHO SHOT JR? WELL?
2005-04-06, 12:33 AM #91
Good call right there, but the "Bobby dying but it really being a dream" really turned me off. :p
Pissed Off?
2005-04-06, 12:34 AM #92
Originally posted by Rob

Afterall, WHO SHOT JR? WELL?

I did.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-04-06, 1:41 AM #93
Originally posted by Rob

Afterall, WHO SHOT JR? WELL?

I think he was actually knocked over by a speeding motorist.

Most I've gone over the speed limit? I've managed to get our car up to 90mph on a motorway (speed limit 70mph).


With a following wind.

We need a new car :(
2005-04-06, 3:55 AM #94
Originally posted by oSiRiS
How many miles per hour over the speed limit have you gone?

105 in a 50 zone, got caught too. I lost my license for 3 months, and had to pay a $345 fine.
2005-04-06, 4:43 AM #95
I tested my dad's car in a 50 mph zone (a straight and empty country road in daylight I remind you), I went up to 115 mph
So that's 65 over the speed limit.
Yeah, you stay here and take life seriously. I'll go and have some fun.
2005-04-06, 6:31 AM #96
Most I've done is 100 in a 70, but that's because I typically use other cars to gauge how fast I'm going, and there were no cars around.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-06, 8:34 AM #97
Originally posted by oSiRiS

How many miles per hour over the speed limit have you gone?

Lets see... I've gone 55 mph in a 40 mph zone, and I've gone 85 on the freeway. (the latter one was when it was late at night and there was no one around.)
2005-04-06, 9:14 AM #98
i propose the death penalty for manipulative frigid girlsl

:confused: :eek:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-04-06, 9:45 AM #99
meh. i don't mind speeders. What should get the death penalty is people that have their high beams on while tailgating. that is SO distracting!!!!!
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2005-04-06, 12:09 PM #100
heh i got an older car anyway i managed to get that sucker to max out at 120-125 mph on an 55 mph old highway/blacktop in iowa.

anyway often back home in colorado, i will often gun the engine and see how fast i can go before the car start to lose control.

ive managed to get my old lincolin connectional '87 town car up to 110 mph, and for that old piece of crap that's pretty damn good.

then got my newer chrysler '87 new yorker up to 120 mph.

so *shungs*

hell i even drove 100 mph entire way from council bluff iowa, to rochester new york, cutting down an 1,000 mile trip from 16 some hours down to 10 hours.
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2005-04-06, 12:34 PM #101
Originally posted by GrndAdmThrawn
hell i even drove 100 mph entire way from council bluff iowa, to rochester new york, cutting down an 1,000 mile trip from 16 some hours down to 10 hours.

Impressive! But how was your gas mileage?
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-04-06, 12:42 PM #102
In built up areas I try not to speed.
Open roads/carrageways/motorways I usually go about 10 over (80mph instead of 70mph).

The most I've ever done was 140mph in a 70mph zone (3 lane motorlane during a quite time) (6 hours late going to an assignment due to car trouble) AND A CAR OVERTOOK ME AS IF I WAS STANDING!!!

I was once driving on a country road doing 50-60 (speed limit 60 but lots of hills and corners). Started going round some gentle turns and almost ran into the back of a car doing 40! There was no other traffic about, his car was more powerful than mine and you could have taken the corner at 70 (I usually do :D )

The drivers I hate the most are those that drive at one speed i.e. 45 in all zones (30, 40 and 60)

Originally posted by GrndAdmThrawn
anyway often back home in colorado, i will often gun the engine and see how fast i can go before the car start to lose control.

Let me know if you ever drive in Britain, I don't want to be anywhere near YOU.
2005-04-06, 2:41 PM #103
I think the fastest I've gone is somewhere between 80-90 in a 30 zone. I routinely go 55-60 on this particular road. For some reason, the speed limit stays 30 even once you've left city limits. Which makes no sense. Especially on a low-traffic road with few houses.

I see cops speeding all the time, too. Today, I was going 35 in a 30 zone, some cop was apparently going 40-45 because he was passing me by (I made sure to stay back so he couldn't radar me. :o )

I guess it's OK for cops to ignore traffic laws. :rolleyes:

I REALLY hate it when cops think they're above the law. In fact, cops can do LOTS of things that other people would get arrested or ticketed for. That's just BS.

*slaps a random cop*
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-04-06, 10:30 PM #104
One thing the cops have that other people don't is a lot of training behind the wheel of a car, especially at high speeds. They also have those souped up cop cars that can haul ***! :p
Pissed Off?
2005-04-07, 9:07 AM #105
Yeah, the FHP back home have the new chase cars. You don't outrun those suckers :p
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-04-07, 1:53 PM #106
Originally posted by JediGandalf
Impressive! But how was your gas mileage?

its pure ****, i'm driving an '87 chrysler, and i'm always surprised by how good its gas mileage is as compared to most of the SUV, truck, cars that people drive here at RIT.

i usualy get from 15 in town, to up to 25-30ish on wide open road, but then again my engine is just an inline 4 cylinder, but i also have turbine on it for that extra power when i need it to pass or stuff.

anyway i noticed around 65-80ish it get allright gas mileage but over 75+ it starts to go to hell, around 90 mph or above it drop to 15 or so miles per gallon.

Let me know if you ever drive in Britain, I don't want to be anywhere near YOU.

lol don't worry, think about it for a min, wide open plains, its flat here, you can see for 2 to 5+ miles without problem, its wide open straigh road, with almost no traffice, sometime i can go up to 100 miles without seeing another soul on the road, so if i was you, i wouldn't worry about that one too much. beside its my own damn fault/problem if i lose control anyway.

One thing the cops have that other people don't is a lot of training behind the wheel of a car, especially at high speeds. They also have those souped up cop cars that can haul ***!

lol i know they seriouly haul ***, my younger sister has an sold off police car, and goddamn, its too powerful to control, it keeps on spinning out or keep on fishtailing and sweveling because of the sheer amount of power that is sent to the back wheel and its tough to keep that sucker on the road :)

it also got extra heavy duty suspesion, heavy duty everything, alternator and what so ever, so its really an sweet car :)

one time i borrowed it from her and slammed the gas on the blacktop, boom off i went, got the sucker to hit well over 120 mph before it started to shake a bit, but then i backed off because i was starting to get into hilly tetories plus my dad was with me and he wasn't overly happy with me *shungs*

heh i guess it just runs in the men side of the family, my dad has lost his lincease onice or twice, to illegal street racing, he used to soup up car, and one of his story that he loves to tell the family is.

"I'll put this 50 dollar bill on the dashboard then tell my friends if you can reach and grab it, its yours. None ever did."

so yeah it does sort of run in the family :)
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2005-04-07, 2:00 PM #107
My '89 Cavalier gets about 35 miles per gallon high way, and about 22 city.
2005-04-07, 2:04 PM #108
Originally posted by Shintock
My '89 Cavalier gets about 35 miles per gallon high way, and about 22 city.

that's nice :)

my mpg is probably just lower because my car is almost always fully loaded with people and the trunk is full of mantainance ****, i got spare rim, an spare tires, full 2-3 foot by 2-3 foot box full of tools, oil, funnels, filters, what so ever, almost everything you need to strip and rebuild a car on the spot.

so yeah if i unload all of that **** my mpg might be tad better :)
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2005-04-07, 2:59 PM #109
That turbo is what's killing it. A turbo will eat up gas just like a big V8.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-04-07, 7:21 PM #110
Originally posted by Crimson
That turbo is what's killing it. A turbo will eat up gas just like a big V8.

i know, i noticed that, at lower speed to normal speed it dosen't eat that much gas about 25-30 mpg average on open road, but with alots of stop and going and stop, it eats the gas in city.

noticed that the gas eatage aint too bad untill i hit around 75 then bam it skyrocket
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2005-04-07, 9:06 PM #111
Back on topic, people. This thread was supposed to be about whether or not Page should die.

2005-04-07, 9:09 PM #112
Originally posted by Crimson
That turbo is what's killing it. A turbo will eat up gas just like a big V8.

A turbo shouldn't affect the gas milage too negatiely. It injects more air to get a more efficient burn of the gas.
Pissed Off?
2005-04-07, 10:06 PM #113
It's not really speeders who annoy me, nor is it people going under the speed limit (though there is a limit I will tolerate). No, what really irks me is when traffic can't pick a speed and stay with it. I can never use cruise control, because whatever speed I set it at, I'll always end up slowing down because some jerk made a bad merge and the person behind him had to slow down. And then speed up again.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-04-08, 6:25 AM #114
Don't forget when diesels play leap frog.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-08, 8:52 AM #115
Originally posted by Avenger
A turbo shouldn't affect the gas milage too negatiely. It injects more air to get a more efficient burn of the gas.

for lower speed it shouldn't but at higher speed, it does, i have noticed this myself.
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2005-04-08, 9:09 AM #116
Ok, so this is the wierdest thread ever...

First off, someone said that slow drivers, not fast ones cause traffic jams and accidents.

Not true.

Drivers who do not leave a significant gap between themselves and the car in front do that.

Also, for those who were demanding death to those going ten over, in the UK, you are actaully by law allowed to drive at the speed limit + 10% + 1mph.

For example, motorway speed = 70mph.

Allowed speed is therefore 70 + 7 + 1 = 78mph.

Which is ever so nearly 80 mph which is close to lynching speed on massassi. Woah.

Speed doesn't kill on the motorways, bad roadcraft does: people who stay in the outside lane when people are going faster than them may well be thinking 'I'm doing 70, nobody SHOULD be passing me'. They are both WRONG and DANGEROUS. They should be out of the fast lane as soon as it is safe to do so. Even if you are speeding, (I tend to drive at about 80, unless traffic is tight then I kerb it a little) there will always be someone going faster than you, even if it is the emergency services.

People who undertake, and drive without keeping a hawk's eye in their mirrors, and those who taligate cause accidents.

Ok, driving lesson over, I've only ever got 97mph out of a car because my cars are small and cheap, so don't go very fast :D But at least I owned them all.
2005-04-08, 10:58 AM #117
I think we're all focusing on the wrong issue here...

the death penalty is wrong and hasnt been proven as a deterrence for people to not commit crimes.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-04-08, 11:08 AM #118
I generally drive 30 to 40+ over the limit... I drive 80 through my residential neighborhood. Granted, I usually leave for work before there is any traffic and come home after it's all gone, but still. On the highways here the limit is 70... I usually drive 95 - 105. *shrug*
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2005-04-08, 11:59 AM #119 do 80[/b] in residential areas?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-04-08, 12:05 PM #120
it's all straight roads with no stops...
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On

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