See, I always thought that the Protestants and Catholics worshipped the same god, with the main disagreements on the form of the eucharist (transubstantiation vs consubstantiation) and also a little to do with accusations of icon worship. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but those are matters of interpretation and faith are they not?
To cut a long story short, in the 16th Century, lots of folk independently across Europe figured that maybe they didnt want to believe that bread and wine literally turned into the body and blood of Christ, but realised the teachings of his church were a fab n groovy thing, so chose to believe that the words of the Eucharist implied a representation in the eucharist. All good so far? Everyone is still getting the same message, doing all the good things (ignoring the rampant and now fairly irrelevant corruption in the Catholic Church at this point in history) and being fab n groovy to each other?
Right then. Where does everybody start getting all silly about contraception? CadetLee, you quote 'until this century' - I'm guessing this means around the turn of the last century. So effectively, the Protestant Church, and all those others not Catholic effectively have supported the 'modern' forms of contrapection, well, from their conception if you'll pardon the pun.
I just wonder how one part of the Church (OK, so I'll admit, the first and possibly largest, I don't pretend to know the numbers) has decided that contraception is evil, and the others are perfectly happy with it? It just seems rather odd to me. Messing about with the doctrine of your religion I can understand, but making judgements on technology that god has allowed to be developed is just, well, wierd in my opinion.
I don't see what the big deal about it is, it's a lovely disease stopping tool (well, condoms are anyway).
Bleh, that was waaay longer than I thought it would be. Oops.