You'll Never Take Me Alive!
Posts: 50
Ahhh, how I've missed this place...
If i may be allowed to throw in some Aquinas (not the be all and end all of Catholic doctrine, but always a good place to start) sex is given to mankind for 3 reasons:
- Procreation
- An expression of love
- For the enjoyment (yes, the Church follows Aquinas in acknowledging sex is fun! Part of the accidents of the act, perhaps.)
Biologically, sex is fun to encourage reproduction among animals too stupid to realise it is in their own good to have little cubs that will grow up to bring home kills when mama is too old.
So both biologically and theologically, the highest purpose of sex is reproduction: hence sex that deliberately denies the possibility of reproduction violates the whole purpose of sex, whether from the view of (the Catholic) God or nature, and the Church teaches it is a sin.
O, and condoms don't work.
Anyways, thats one view on what the Church teaches. You don't have to agree.
As for biblically, man and wife become one flesh - Gen 2:24. (Not man and, well, anyone other than his wife - the Hebrew says, "his woman" but wife is clearly implied, as it is the woman he leaves his parents house to go make a home with). With respect to the issue of procreation, the Bible, at the other end to Genesis, says,
"the Lord is witness between you and the wife of your youth,
with whom you have broken faith though she is your companion, your betrothed.
Did he not make one being, with flesh and spirit?
And what does that one require, but godly offspring? - Malachi 2:13.
The purpose of biblical marrriage is thus godly offspring... or at least that is the basis of this passage, which is actually a prophecy for the nation (hence there are other ways of interpreting it).
Hope that helps somehow. Viva Papa Benedicio!!!
PS The condoms crack was a JOKE for those here with long memories, please take it as such!!!