Oh ho ho ho, you are a funny one. What I said was far from meaningless, and has been expressed by others as well. Both parties have become bloated and inept, and neither party in general, I feel, would lead the country in a "good" direction. What the hell is "meaningless" about that. Screw "strictly defining terms". I can do a LIFE of research on that, I'm not gonna post every nuance of policy here. Nice job about running away, but sorry, you lose.
Edit: I brought up well known scandals BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR EVIDENCE OF DEMOCRATIC CORRUPTION. And you got it! And there is more! You asked to show that democrats had a similar amount of "corruption" (you yourself using what can be said to be a vauge term) to the republicans. Moving goal posts nothing. However, when one has a baseless argument, they tend to use word games "Oh no, you haven't defined all the possible subsets in this dimension and the next; therefore your argument is null". Screw continuing this, you are trying to make me work on a level you never even touched.